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I Think I Have Writers Block..........

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I've been reading a lot of threads on the forum recently. Usually I feel that I have a great deal to add. But lately, I find myself just reading without commenting.I'm sure that will all change soon. I'm still active as a mod, but I haven't been writing as much. Hope everyone is still doing well.......lots of new faces these days.

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Steve, if you're looking for somewhere to contribute, theStud forum could use some insights. Kinda quiet in there. Lol.
..and the NLHE strat section is near-devoid of any decent posters. They seem to have vanished. Some of the advice that I see given--and then agreed with-- would leave one absolutely felted at even the softest 5/5 game.
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I've had the same thing recently.Ever since the forum change, I just can't seem to be as involved in everything as before. Which maybe isn't such a bad thing, but still, kinda wierd.

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Steve, post some high stakes hands (live) you've played in the strat section. That'll get the ball rollin'. Nothing easier than copying down something thats probably imprinted in your brain. I know I can't get some hands I've played to leave my brain, even when I try to forget them!! :D Writers block..... cured. :club:

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