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Awesome Movie Sequences

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Did you know that Harrison Ford came up with that idea so he wouldn't have to perform the long scripted fight scene in the middle of a bout with the stomach flu? Works much better his way.
I think I've heard that before, I didn't know he was sick, but I think I remember hearing that was improv.
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The prison break sequence in "Natural Born Killers".As for a non-action scene, Phoebe Cates coming out of the pool in Judge Reinhold's fantasy in "Fasttimes at Ridgemount High" is pretty sweet.

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I think I've heard that before, I didn't know he was sick, but I think I remember hearing that was improv.
Apparently, everyone but Steven Spielberg had been sampling the local cuisine in Tunisia and developed the African form of Montezuma's revenge. (Speilberg was only eating canned food he brought with him).It's on the "making of" DVD in the set.
The first fight scene in Pig Sty Alley from Kung Fu Hustle
I liked the second one better. And the one in the casino with the Beast:"I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker!"
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Alec Baldwin's speech in Glengarry Glenross."As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired." Listen for yourself.http://www.moviewavs.com/Movies/Glengarry_Glen_Ross.shtmlPlenty of other great movie wavs also.
BEST. SCENE. EVER.I have a friend who can recite the entire 7 minute speech, verbatim, off the top of his head.
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I have a friend who can recite the entire boot camp scene (all 1 hour plus of it) from Full Metal Jacket from memory...verbatim. It's amazing, but difficult to get him to stop once he gets going.

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I have a friend who can recite the entire boot camp scene (all 1 hour plus of it) from Full Metal Jacket from memory...verbatim. It's amazing, but difficult to get him to stop once he gets going.
Hahaha that's the same problem I have.When you've heard it a couple of times, it gets old. So after three minutes or so, you have to interject and be like "Dude, we get it. Shut the **** up now, I'm trying to watch Iron Chef."
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Bullettooth Tony's speech at the end of Snatch"....and the fact that you've got replica written down the side of your gun...."
Excellent speech, but the best sequence in that movie has to be the opening credits. Most original credits I've ever seen. I love that movie.
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Excellent speech, but the best sequence in that movie has to be the opening credits. Most original credits I've ever seen. I love that movie.
So many great lines too.."WHY THE **** WOULD I WANT A CARAVAN THAT'S GO NO ****IN WHEELS?!"
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The battle for Zion in Matrix Revolutions

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The Robot Mime battle in EuroTrip. Just thinking about it cracks me up!"Common Cooper, he's just trying to feed his robot family."Of course, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy brought some of the most awesome scenes ever...FOTR: The Mines of MoriaTT: Helm's DeepROTK: The Fields of the Pelennor

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Most of the battle scenes from Kingdom of Heaven

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Somebody really needs to put a contract out on Madonna so Guy Ritchie can start making good movies again...
Agreed. Snatch was brilliant. I saw it for the first time a couple of months ago.
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Agreed. Snatch was brilliant. I saw it for the first time a couple of months ago.
My friend's cousin has a local hardcore band called "Down in the Fourth" and the cover of their first cd was the shot of Mickey getting laid out by that big ass dude in the last match
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My friend's cousin has a local hardcore band called "Down in the Fourth" and the cover of their first cd was the shot of Mickey getting laid out by that big ass dude in the last match
NICE!My friend is in a band too, but the cover of their first CD doesn't have anything to do with a movie. However, the bass player of said band (also a friend of mine) was the first person that I ever watched Snatch with.So that's how I tied that into the topic.Oh, and another badass movie sequence, to avoid hijacking...Pacino's speech at the Gambler's Anonymous meeting in "Two For The Money." Instant classic.
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