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Why Is Matusow Grinding The 10/20 On Full Tilt

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I'll say it again. It has nothing to do with Mike not believing he can't beat the 50/100 game--it's that the 50/100 game doesn't happen very often. And when it does, it's usually HU or 3 to 4 handed and doesn't last long. I'm quite certain that someone with Mike's compulsive and rotting personality would love to play for 500/1000 NL if the game was running and would stay running.

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I saw Mike play a couple hands yesterday... one hand was pretty funny.Play is 5 handed. Mike is on the button. 2 limpers. Pot is $70. Mike moves in for around 3.5K. One of the limpers calls off his stack of about $300 with a suited connector. Mike types in "Miss Click" and shows two black aces.Is that how Matusow is getting maximum value from his hands these days? :club:

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You people are prototypical internet junkies I swear. You might as well be working for one of the supermarket tabloids. Or maybe you all just have subscriptions.....buncha 93 year old ladies. :club: I realize that Mike is a celebrity of some note, but that does not give you or anyone else the right to pry into his private life or air dirty laundry that you make up out of thin air.And people wonder why the pros don't post in the forums anymore. The FT forum has been all but devoid of them forever it seems.How would you like it if someone started posting rumors about YOUR personal lives? My god people....get a life!!!P.S. Very cute MM. :D
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You people are prototypical internet junkies I swear. You might as well be working for one of the supermarket tabloids. Or maybe you all just have subscriptions.....buncha 93 year old ladies. :club: I realize that Mike is a celebrity of some note, but that does not give you or anyone else the right to pry into his private life or air dirty laundry that you make up out of thin air.And people wonder why the pros don't post in the forums anymore. The FT forum has been all but devoid of them forever it seems.How would you like it if someone started posting rumors about YOUR personal lives? My god people....get a life!!!P.S. Very cute MM. :D
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Not being privy to all of the cutsie little internet anagrams, can you enlighten me to what this actually says in English??
Something on the order of "If you don't like it, don't read it". Random speculation comes with the territory around here, you aren't going to change FCP.
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mike has worked his way down to 5 /10 nl
there's 1 game going of 10/20 NL game at the moment, and that's headsup vs a good player, so i wouldn't say much about him playing that. Huck Seed was playing that earlier this morning, he must be broke too right.
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Ya'll must be really stupid or something, and I just can't understand it...10-20 is a high limit and it isn't chicken feed, playing at that limit...That is a pretty high limit, and if Mike Wanted to go broke in a hurry, he would do thing's like 80-160, 100-200, or maybe even 30-60??????????????????????Why do you question what a professonal does??????????????????????????????That's what doesn't make any sence you silly (fool) (person)You don't even have enough money to play the 10-20 game yourself, yet you complain that Mike is playing 10-20 on full tilt?????????????????????????????This doens't make any sense at all to me...It's probably because you just started playing poker and you haven't been playing as long as the pro's like Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, and the other pro's like Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, ect...Haven't you ever seen Mr. Negreanu play 30-60 on Poker Stars??????????He has a bigger bankroll probably than any pro out there, with all of the big tournament win's he's had, and the fact that he play's, everyday high limit poker at places like, The Bellagio, and Wynn Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Think about that dude, and don't question what a professional like Micheal Madistow, on what limit he wan't to play you stupid _______...?????????????Why do I have to keep flaming you people for your stupid perspective's and post's it's just rediculous...I get tired of it really...So don't quetion what pro's like, Phil Hellmut, Mike Madistow, and other pro's like, me or, Daniel Negreanu do to build (my) their bankrolls, dumbass... Take it easy for once in your short pathetic life, and don't question what pro's like Mike, Daniel, or myself will do to build their bankrolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BBBBEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yours Truely,Johnny Cab. Sac...a.k.a. Jonathan Jacob Kerr The IstLater's.......................................................................................................P.S.Don't question the pro's like Mike Madistow, and pro's like, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, and other pro's like, (Me) Annie Duke, Howard Lederer, Men Ngyuen, Scotty Ngyuen, Greg Raymer, "The guy who won the world serises of poker this year" & C. Moneymaker, C.Money800 on Poker Stars, where the star's come to play lol.Peace...Johnny Sac / Johnny Cab...Jonathan Jacob Kerr The Ist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ya'll must be really stupid or something, and I just can't understand it...10-20 is a high limit and it isn't chicken feed, playing at that limit...That is a pretty high limit, and if Mike Wanted to go broke in a hurry, he would do thing's like 80-160, 100-200, or maybe even 30-60??????????????????????Why do you question what a professonal does??????????????????????????????That's what doesn't make any sence you silly (fool) (person)You don't even have enough money to play the 10-20 game yourself, yet you complain that Mike is playing 10-20 on full tilt?????????????????????????????This doens't make any sense at all to me...It's probably because you just started playing poker and you haven't been playing as long as the pro's like Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, and the other pro's like Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, ect...Haven't you ever seen Mr. Negreanu play 30-60 on Poker Stars??????????He has a bigger bankroll probably than any pro out there, with all of the big tournament win's he's had, and the fact that he play's, everyday high limit poker at places like, The Bellagio, and Wynn Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Think about that dude, and don't question what a professional like Micheal Madistow, on what limit he wan't to play you stupid _______...?????????????Why do I have to keep flaming you people for your stupid perspective's and post's it's just rediculous...I get tired of it really...So don't quetion what pro's like, Phil Hellmut, Mike Madistow, and other pro's like, me or, Daniel Negreanu do to build (my) their bankrolls, dumbass... Take it easy for once in your short pathetic life, and don't question what pro's like Mike, Daniel, or myself will do to build their bankrolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BBBBEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yours Truely,Johnny Cab. Sac...a.k.a. Jonathan Jacob Kerr The IstLater's.......................................................................................................P.S.Don't question the pro's like Mike Madistow, and pro's like, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, and other pro's like, (Me) Annie Duke, Howard Lederer, Men Ngyuen, Scotty Ngyuen, Greg Raymer, "The guy who won the world serises of poker this year" & C. Moneymaker, C.Money800 on Poker Stars, where the star's come to play lol.Peace...Johnny Sac / Johnny Cab...Jonathan Jacob Kerr The Ist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Insert worthless drivel
Can a poster be banned for being completely worthless?Cause here would be a good place to start...
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Can a poster be banned for being completely worthless?Cause here would be a good place to start...
he hasn't done anything wrong..................yet
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he hasn't done anything wrong..................yet
where exactly is the smily for "keeping your fingers crossed"?
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..And as for grinding it out, well, KrisQueen, Nestegg, Juanda, Erick Lindgren, Hoyt Corkins, Allen Cunningham and so on have all grinded it out on the 10/20 tables in the past.Ever think maybe Mike just didn't feel like going out today? Maybe he was a bit under the weather?Or I suppose all those other dudes are broke, too?/quote]Mike and Allen were at the same 10/20 table last night. Allen had been there for a while when Mike sat down with $2,000 and within 45 minutes to an hour was near $8,000. I've been watching just about every night this week and haven't seen a losing session yet. If he was broke, WAS is the operative word I think.
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