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Did I Play This Alright?

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http://www.pokerhand.org/?253559Keep in mind I am still learning Omaha.I have a tendancy to be very aggressive when I play hold'em. At 9-handed omaha tables, I feel like someone has the nuts every single hand, I don't see how there's really any play left when this happens. Should I be tweaking my game at all or not? Anyway, here is a situation where I have a ton of straight draws, and I play back over the top of my opponent. What do you guys think?
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http://www.pokerhand.org/?253559Keep in mind I am still learning Omaha.I have a tendancy to be very aggressive when I play hold'em. At 9-handed omaha tables, I feel like someone has the nuts every single hand, I don't see how there's really any play left when this happens. Should I be tweaking my game at all or not? Anyway, here is a situation where I have a ton of straight draws, and I play back over the top of my opponent. What do you guys think?
No problem that I saw - on all streets it was basically a coinflip.
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I'm still learning the game myself, and I wouldn't have played the hand like that at all. I've read a lot of Slotboom's work lately, and if memory serves he advocates not playing a hand like that (where the gap is just below the highest card, as most of yuor straight outs will not be the nuts). As well, you will be out of position throughout the hand, so even though you are getting a good discount I don't think you should play the hand at all.One other thing - IMO, you will not be able to get anyone at these levels to lay down ANY trips...Look at decisions, not results. :club:

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