chrozzo 19 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 Zeejustin doesnt have what we call....the social skillz. Link to post Share on other sites
HangukMiguk 8 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 Zeejustin doesnt have what we call....the social skillz. "Pokah is the DEBBUL!Of course party is corrupt as hell, but how does that make him any less guilty of being a ****ing cheat? not only that, but he calls everyone else a cheater too..... I dont understand how getting rakeback qualifies as cheating.If I read his post correctly, he didn't call everyone else a cheat. I believe what was said was that other players are just as guilty as he is because they too have broken Party's TOS by using multiple accounts for bonus clearing, or rakeback (which is, in fact, against Party's TOS).That depends on where his lines are drawn for the differing degrees of guilt IMO. Because, getting rakeback from someone that offers it, and knowingly giving yourself an edge over players in a MTT are two different beasts altogether in my book, and most likely, any other rational person's book. Link to post Share on other sites
PrtyPSux 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 If I read his post correctly, he didn't call everyone else a cheat.yes he did.If I’m a cheater, so are you. Link to post Share on other sites
theredpill99 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 hi Link to post Share on other sites
Wingmaster05 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 hellocome to the most popular topic for a reason? Link to post Share on other sites
HangukMiguk 8 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 yes he did.he's officially an asshat who needs to get spanked with a hepatitus infected rope. is that even possible? Link to post Share on other sites
PrtyPSux 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 he's officially an asshat who needs to get spanked with a hepatitus infected rope. is that even possible?If it is Im sure someone on this forum knows where to find one.Heh, I used to really respect this Justin guy. Link to post Share on other sites
Wingmaster05 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 ask him, he might know himself. Link to post Share on other sites
aucu 3 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 This thing is going to dog him for years.The hounds have a new Dutch Boyd to kick around. Link to post Share on other sites
TS Clark 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 I just slogged my way through a bit of the 2+2 thread, though I mostly just read ZeeJustin's defense.Pathetic.The "defense" seems to be...1) Sorry I did it.2) Everyone does it.3) You're being naive if you don't think so.4) You're a cheater, too. Really. You are.5) Party Poker is to blame here. They're evil. They're the Bush Adminstration with Indian accents.6) If they do it to me, they're coming for you, too.My "defense" of his "defense" would go something like this...1) Good. It's good to be sorry when you do wrong.2) No. But I guess if it makes you feel better to think so...3) Maybe. That doesn't make you any less guilty of being a cheating weasel.4) You don't know that at all. What we DO know is that YOU are a... (see #3 above for appropriate name).5) Maybe. But no one is forced to play there. And doing the "eye for an eye" reasoning doesn't justify you -- it just leaves everyone blind.6) This is tantamount to a guy who is caught with kiddie porn in a government computer sting warning other netizens that "this means you're not safe either." Thanks for that info. But I really do believe I'll sleep a bit better than you, since I can't recall downloading any pics of Girl Scouts and farm animals.I don't know why someone with this much talent (and ZeeJustin is obviously a monster online tourney player) needs to cheat. It seems sometimes in the poker community (or, to be fair, any endeavor where considerable money is involved), anything can be justified in the name of Maximizing EV. What a sad statement that is. Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 This thing is going to dog him for years.The hounds have a new Dutch Boyd to kick around.When he applies for a job at McDonalds or wherever in 15 years...they'll be like...ha arent you that llittle asswipe who multiaccounted PP a few eyars back? Wham, would you like fries with that? Link to post Share on other sites
kevin2536 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 When he applies for a job at McDonalds or wherever in 15 years...they'll be like...ha arent you that llittle asswipe who multiaccounted PP a few eyars back? Wham, would you like fries with that? Link to post Share on other sites
danlux 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 I think what this comes down to is that Zee Justin is mature beyond his years in playing poker, but doesn't have a clue in what to do in terms of being an adult. Any mature man wouldn't come up with incredibly stupid excuses on how "he wasn't cheating". Him saying that we are all cheaters too is just a lame, cop-out, immature thing that a high school kid says when he gets caught for drinking. He just doesn't get it, perhaps because he is too young, or perhaps because he's too stupid. Either way, everything that happens to him is justified. Since the U.S. law doesn't really protect or prosectute him, he's in the hands of the company he signed a user agreement with. He has absolutely no power here, and if he wants to take on Party Poker-GOOD LUCK. In the words of Borat, they will crush him. Link to post Share on other sites
Uppie_ 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 it is strange i was listening to Mike matasow, and emptyseat88 the other day on an old The Circut from card and fischman was telling mike that he needed to create a new or change his screen name because everyone new who he was and had tons of notes on him while he was learning the same player over sometimes and losing money because of it.Well then mike goes onto say something like I wish all the sites would make you use your real name so we knew who we were playing against.Granted this doesn't stop my buddy from playing my account and so on, but i do think mike is on the right track with with all the recent cheaters being caught. I don't fully know how you can make someone use there own name, my thoughts are you have to provide you name in order to get paid, atleast on your netellar or firepay account. So maybe if there is some way to match the names on those accounts with your poker account and make you play under that name i don't have a problem with it. I know there are holes in this but there are people a whole lot smarter then me out there that can figure this out and hopefully slow it down if not stop it.I think this is going to be an ever increasing problem in the next couple of years as major cites start having wide spread wi-fi connections and one person could be on many computers doint this same thing and it would be extremly hard to catch. Things like this are what are or could kill the poker boom which has been so good to a lot of us and i think we need to step up matters in some way to prevent this from going on. I know the web sites are working hard to prevent this, and i hate to say it but maybe some form of regulation wouldn't be terrible either. Link to post Share on other sites
canateian 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 He also doesn't donate time and money to charity. "Feed him to tha pigs Harold"Love the Snatch reference, great movie Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 The worst part is that they took away his cruise. That's just depressing. Link to post Share on other sites
jooka 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 Hi folks -We did our own review of ZeeJustin and unfortunately, found that he'd been playing multiple accounts in several tournaments at PokerStars.* We confiscated the money that he won illicitly.* We closed his accounts and banned him from PokerStars.* We are returning the money he won illicitly to players who were harmed by his actions in those same tournaments.Obviously, we don't like doing this, but the evidence was incontrovertible. We will do whatever it takes to keep our games and tournaments clean.Best regards,Lee JonesPokerStars Poker Room Manager Link to post Share on other sites
Theraflu 1,035 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 where was that quoted from? Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 where was that quoted from? Link to post Share on other sites
Fl_Fight_Fan 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 The Lee Jones quote is from the 2 + 2 forums. Link to post Share on other sites
SunDrop 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 I wish all the sites would make you use your real name so we knew who we were playing against.I agree. Link to post Share on other sites
jooka 0 Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 2+2 Link to post Share on other sites
mosley 0 Posted February 27, 2006 Share Posted February 27, 2006 i do think we need more security on the poker websites but i can't see them making everybody show their real name. As in b&m casinos, there are no cameras allowed for a reason, many people, including some of their best customers, do not wish to be identified,as it may be harmful to their image/career to be seen gambling, and would not return if they are forced to identify themselves.i have read that some people think the confiscated money that cannot be properly distributed should go towards security. this is money that belongs to poker players and it should be returned to them. a company that makes five hundred million dollars a year from us, should damn well make sure that it provides a secure environment.i know that many accounts are frozen, during minor investigations, and may be unfrozen when any misunderstandings are cleared up. these cases should remain discrete. in cases, however, where there has been confirmed cheating going on, the website should provide a list of these accounts, the method of deception used, the action taken against them, and the plan for is one thing to bring down a couple of big name players, and word has certainly spread through the community, but it is quite another to assure everyone that this will not continue. they have the software to detect this, why are they not acting until they get a complaint (besides collecting multiple entry fees). both ZeeJustin and JJProdigy claim that in their circles of friends, this is a common practice (multi-accounting in MTTs). who are these cheaters? PartyPoker knows who they are, they have a staff of hundreds just for investigating these types of things, let alone auto-pilot software to inform these investigators of suspicious activity. how long will they allow these cheaters to continue to cheat, or withdraw their dirty money from the website before they straighten this issue out.this is a moment of truth and a grand opportunity for online poker sites to make good. it will look really bad in the short term to close so many (hundreds?) accounts but it is necessary for the long term success and stability of online poker. i hope that at least the public shareholders of PartyPokerare putting managements butts to the fire on this one. Lay out a set of rules and enforce them. is PokerTracker okay or not? is it okay to create multiple accounts that never play at the same time (for anonimity) or not? these are rules that Party has made but has not enforced. allowing people to break some rules creates a lack of respect towards other rules. it must be black and white, wrong or right. and wrong must be punished. finally, this must be transparent and easily accessible before poker online can continue to thrive as it has been over the last few all online poker sites..... we're waiting! Link to post Share on other sites
Smasharoo 0 Posted February 27, 2006 Share Posted February 27, 2006 i do think we need more security on the poker websites but i can't see them making everybody show their real name. As in b&m casinos, there are no cameras allowed for a reason, many people, including some of their best customers, do not wish to be identified,as it may be harmful to their image/career to be seen gambling, and would not return if they are forced to identify themselves.i have read that some people think the confiscated money that cannot be properly distributed should go towards security. this is money that belongs to poker players and it should be returned to them. a company that makes five hundred million dollars a year from us, should damn well make sure that it provides a secure environment.i know that many accounts are frozen, during minor investigations, and may be unfrozen when any misunderstandings are cleared up. these cases should remain discrete. in cases, however, where there has been confirmed cheating going on, the website should provide a list of these accounts, the method of deception used, the action taken against them, and the plan for is one thing to bring down a couple of big name players, and word has certainly spread through the community, but it is quite another to assure everyone that this will not continue. they have the software to detect this, why are they not acting until they get a complaint (besides collecting multiple entry fees). both ZeeJustin and JJProdigy claim that in their circles of friends, this is a common practice (multi-accounting in MTTs). who are these cheaters? PartyPoker knows who they are, they have a staff of hundreds just for investigating these types of things, let alone auto-pilot software to inform these investigators of suspicious activity. how long will they allow these cheaters to continue to cheat, or withdraw their dirty money from the website before they straighten this issue out.this is a moment of truth and a grand opportunity for online poker sites to make good. it will look really bad in the short term to close so many (hundreds?) accounts but it is necessary for the long term success and stability of online poker. i hope that at least the public shareholders of PartyPokerare putting managements butts to the fire on this one. Lay out a set of rules and enforce them. is PokerTracker okay or not? is it okay to create multiple accounts that never play at the same time (for anonimity) or not? these are rules that Party has made but has not enforced. allowing people to break some rules creates a lack of respect towards other rules. it must be black and white, wrong or right. and wrong must be punished. finally, this must be transparent and easily accessible before poker online can continue to thrive as it has been over the last few all online poker sites..... we're waiting!Players don't care. Shareholders don't care. It's imposible to stop cheating online. These guys were guilty of cheating, but mainly they were guilty of hubris. Anyone who wants to cheat online and spends 8 seconds thinking about not getting caught can. If it worries you just play heads up. Poker sites could care less. It's just a PR issue for them. They're far, far, far more concerned with getting players money more quickly by raising rake and offering blackjack or what have you. Another decade or so and undetectable bots will be able to beat most games online and be widely available. That's life.Get better or find a new hobby. Or learn to cheat, I suppose. I'm so shockingly good i don't have to, but that's just me.good luck. Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierAlum 0 Posted February 27, 2006 Share Posted February 27, 2006 Players don't care. Shareholders don't care. It's imposible to stop cheating online. These guys were guilty of cheating, but mainly they were guilty of hubris. Anyone who wants to cheat online and spends 8 seconds thinking about not getting caught can. If it worries you just play heads up. Poker sites could care less. It's just a PR issue for them. They're far, far, far more concerned with getting players money more quickly by raising rake and offering blackjack or what have you. Another decade or so and undetectable bots will be able to beat most games online and be widely available. That's life.Get better or find a new hobby. Or learn to cheat, I suppose. I'm so shockingly good i don't have to, but that's just me.good luck.Do you think online poker will be around in 10 years? Link to post Share on other sites
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