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I think I could have gotten more out of this hand if i had jut smooth called. I didnt want my opponent to hit a higher set if he had an over pair though. Your thoughts?PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (8 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxCO ($16.40)Button ($11.40)SB ($12.55)BB ($9.75)UTG ($28.95)UTG+1 ($27.55)chrozzo ($26.35)MP2 ($52.30)Preflop: chrozzo is MP1 with Q:heart:, Q:spade:. UTG calls $0.25, 1 fold, UTG folds, chrozzo calls $1.75.Flop: ($6.60) 6:diamond:, 7:club:, Q:club: (2 players)chrozzo checks, MP2 bets $3.5, MP2 folds.Final Pot: $17.10

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i think the check-min raise is giving away too much info about the strength of your hand. even if he does have an over pair, you can't be worrying about him hitting his 2 outer. a smooth call here probably would have been the best play and then check it to him to see what he does on the turn.

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I actually think the min-raise was good...he may have thought you were making a play and if he has an overpair he's going to re-raise or at worst call.I'd say the guy had 10,10 or JJ or AK. If he had either of those and he was half way decent, your smooth call would be fishy so the only way you get more is if he hits an A or K on the turn.I think you played it fine.

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I smooth call. His bet on the flop screams "continuation bet". If he makes a pot-sized bet, I'd put him on something that he can call a raise with such as an over-pair. However, with his bet on the flop roughly the same as his bet pre-flop, I've got to think that he's got AK or JJ. I'd smooth call and then check-raise the turn. Also, I'm not too worried about the flush hitting. If he's got A :club: K :D , he's actually the favorite here (in his mind assuming he doesn't KNOW that you have a set) so I see him betting a little more on the flop if not pushing. Clearly with his re-raise the 6-7 isn't a threat to you at all. With his weak bet on the flop, I'm waiting for the turn to make my move. Hopefully, he'll catch and A or a K on the turn and I'll really get paid off.

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Aggression with top set is NEVER a bad idea. Sure, you have to mix it up to keep opponents off guard, but don't cost yourself money. You know how you get people to pay off your big hands? Looking at different ways to play this hand;1. Small raise: If he's continuation betting, he folds unless he feels like peeling with AK--A10. If he has a hand, he either calls looking to call you down or trap you, or he raises, any of which is good for you. If he has a draw, however, you've priced him in, which is bad.2. Big raise: He folds anything but a good hand or a good draw. He may call with the draw or a hand like JJ. He may raise with the draw, and he'll almost certainly reraise with AA, KK, or a lower set. All of these options are good for you. 3. Smooth call: If he's continuation betting, he may lead the turn or check it, either way you're raising the turn unless you fill up, so you're still looking at a small pot if he has nothing. If he has AK and hits, you get a big pot, if he had a hand to begin with, little has changed, and you get a big pot. The biggest problem here is you're giving the free card hit all those draws. I think raising is definitely the best option here. Unless you read the villain for EXACTLY AK, calling here should only be used as a variation play.

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