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ready for more tables

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I currently 4 table with an overlap and have become quite comfortable with it. I think I'm ready for 6, then eventually 8 tables. I plan on getting a second monitor and I'd like no overlap on it. I have a Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop. I see there is a port on the back that looks like its for a second monitor. Is it? Any suggestions on what I should get and where to get it??Do I need to purchase anything else besides the monitor (vid cards, software) or can I just plug it in and have at it?Will my computer slow down a lot if I'm playing 4 tables on 2 different sites? Can I do something to counteract that if it does?I'm pretty dense with computers, feel free to dumb down your explanations or laugh at my lack of computer knowledge.Thanks.

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I have a toshiba laptop with the monitor plug-in on the back like I assume your laptop does. I have a big 21 inch CRT that I connect to it and usually run an extended desktop so I can have both screens available to me. By no means is my laptop a powerhouse as I only have a 64 mb vid card and 256 mb of RAM, but it usually runs pretty fast with winamp, IE, pokertracker, and pokerace HUD all running simultaneously with 10 or so party tables. I am guessing your machine is probably as good as or better than mine, so you should be fine.

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How much did the 21" CRT cost?What do you mean by extended desktop? Will I need to do anything special to run an extended desktop?Thanks for your help Entropy.

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I am not sure how much a 21 inch CRT runs nowadays - I bought mine for $120 about 2 years ago when circuit city had a nice rebate going on it. If you check out craigslist you could probably pick up a bulky CRT for under $100.About the extended desktop - if you right-click anywhere on your desktop, a menu should pop up. There should be an option for "Graphics options." Click on it and another menu will pop up. You should see "Output to" here. Under this it gives you options on where to display, including "extended desktop". All you need is another monitor plugged into your laptop to use extended desktop. Hope this helps.

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Thanks, it was a big help.
no problem - let me know if I can be of anymore help.
I was just looking online and saw some 19" monitors with something like 1280 x 1024 resolution. They were LCD flatscreens.Is that good enough to fit 4 tables with no overlap? Or do I need something better?I only feel I can 8 table if one of my monitors has no overlap.
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Thanks, it was a big help.
no problem - let me know if I can be of anymore help.
I was just looking online and saw some 19" monitors with something like 1280 x 1024 resolution. They were LCD flatscreens.Is that good enough to fit 4 tables with no overlap? Or do I need something better?I only feel I can 8 table if one of my monitors has no overlap.
No, you need 1600x1200 to get no overlap
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In the mean time.. maybe consider playing on BoDog. They have that 3 in one window thing. Throw that in one corner.. along w/ 3 from your normal sites in the other corners.I run 3 BoDogs and 3 Empires (to clear the bonus).. cheap effective way of doing it until you get set up with the other monitor.

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In the mean time.. maybe consider playing on BoDog. They have that 3 in one window thing. Throw that in one corner.. along w/ 3 from your normal sites in the other corners.I run 3 BoDogs and 3 Empires (to clear the bonus).. cheap effective way of doing it until you get set up with the other monitor.
the new party software actually allows you fit multiple tables on your screen for any resolution
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the new party software actually allows you fit multiple tables on your screen for any resolution
party are way ahead of the game in this respect. I cant believe other sites dont provide this feature.I currently run a 19" tft with a 17" crt, but cant seem to play well by playing on both screens. I just use the crt for pokertracker display, lobby and msn convos.p.s. this is my 100th post.
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I currently run a 19" tft with a 17" crt, but cant seem to play well by playing on both screens. I just use the crt for pokertracker display, lobby and msn convos. I plan to play 4 on one screen and eventually 4 on the new monitor.Why do you think you don't play well using both screens?

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having no overlap is the key. i used to 4-6 table party with overlap and found it to hectic.with the new party s/w im actually 9 tabling with no major overlap and find it much easier than 6 tabling with overlap.

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I plan to play 4 on one screen and eventually 4 on the new monitor.Why do you think you don't play well using both screens?
I think multimonitors is only really affective if they're the same monitor. The resolution etc has to be the same. The crt just doesnt cut it, so I use it to handle the other stuff going on whilst i just play on one.
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i just purchased a GeForce 6200 OC a couple of days ago and i'm very happy with the purchase. it was only $160 and you could probably find it even cheaper online. it allows you to run dual monitors and even have different resolutions on each monitor if you choose. i pretty much did the same thing you did and started with 2 tables, moved to 4, then to 5, and then made the jump to 8. at first 8 may seem a little hectic and hard to keep track of it but give it a night and you'll get used to it. i've more than doubled my hourly profit by 8 tabling and now online poker is looking more and more like a huge money tree waiting for me to hack the limbs off with a chainsaw. good luck and i hope that info helped.

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Hi Guys;First off: forgive my ignorance on this subject.I, too, am ready to move from 4 to 8 tables and, to that end, I've been following this thread. Purchasing another ViewSonic 21" is not a problem. However, I'm still fundamentally confused: if you're running two monitors, are you not simply seeing the exact same screen/image/desktop on both monitors? Aren't you simply duplicating the original image?Clearly, I don't understand how I would put 4 tables on one monitor and the other 4 on the other.Thanks in advance for any insight you might offer.

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Aren't you simply duplicating the original image?Clearly, I don't understand how I would put 4 tables on one monitor and the other 4 on the other.
You need to check if you have an 'extended desktop' feature - this will allow you to use dual monitors, each independent of the other. In one of my posts above I detailed how you can determine if this is available.
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