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new party software

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Let me be the first to say, as I was the first to say about the new FCP, it will take some time, maybe a few days, to get used to the new "layout" of PP. However, I think eventually everyone will find that the new features make up for their affinity to the graphics of the old software. We all hate change, but it has to happen. I don't hear people complaining in every other thread anymore about how the new FCP sucks, is unnavigable, strange, etc. compared to the previous design. Just like we got used to the new FCP and the new layout ESPN.com has every year, PP users will all get used to the new design and even come to appreciate it. I love that we can resize the tables now, so I don't have to make my screen resolution miniscule. For multi-tablers, this feature is great. Custom, I agree with you completely that their MTT tournament is much worse than it used to be, but I am certain they will change that within the next few weeks because of the uproar it will undoubtedly cause by the players.On the other hand, the SNG structure is as much better. The old structure had the levels changing every ten hands, this time it is ten minutes I believe. This means MUCCHHHH slower SNGs. From what I've seen playing one myself and seeing what other's had to say, the length of the tournament is much longer now. What used to be a 35-50 minutes SNG tournament will now probably average around an hour. While it may be an all-in fest at the MTT touraments, it is no longer an all-in fest in the SNGs, and I'll even make a bet that they will eventually change the MTT structure if it is causing this much of an uproar and all-in fest as you say.BTW, can somebody please tell me what folder I have to point PT towards to import my Party hand histories with this new software. Thanks- 00

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I'm probably in the minority, but I liked the old structure for S&G's. It was a good and easy way to grind up a bankroll.
i personally felt the old ones would lead to too much push and pray towards the end. Lack of skill needed. IMHO
Most S&G's aren't going to have much play near the end anyways, but the reason I liked the old structure is you could play 10 of them at a time if you want. It didn't require me to use all that much thinking which allows you to play a lot of tables without sacrificing your best game. I used a structured system to play them and found it to be profitable and it's a good way to build a bankroll for those starting out.I never really played them much, but from what I've seen I think it'd be easier to build a roll playing $20 S&G's than playing 2/4.
Jay-B, you're right about how easy and systematic the low buy-in SNGs used to be. If people made a living playing 8 $20+2 buy-in tournaments at once, I do feel bad for them. But there is definitely more skill involved in these new and longer SNG's, so instead of playing 5 $20 SNGs, you can safely play in a $100 stngo and not think that you're just waisting your money to a tight table that becomes an all-in fest with five or more people left.
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Wow, just downloaded the new party poker and it's horrible. The lobby is even worse now with the 40 billion different areas so you can't see everything. I also didn't think it was possible, but the MTT structure is actually worse. I signed up for the 10/1 that starts at 5:35 which gets around 2500 players normally. Today there are 1400. The stacks start at 1000 with 20/40 blinds but at least 15 minute rounds. If this doesn't get changed I won't be playing at Party for long.ZaraP.S. Grrrr, had JJ and the idiot calls all in on the turn with A rag high and spikes the A on the river
I agree, the new software is terrible. The lobby is hard to read and unorganized. And I still can't play any 1 table SNGs becausse none will load.
They're loaded now, lol. Dont have to get so impatient after a few hours, but I know how the SNG fiends are, as I am a recovering one.
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I think it blows ...I'm ready to cash and find a new home...especially if I can't get Poker Ace to even work when I'm sitting at a table...Is it just me, or is the moderation at this site random?There are like six online threads in General, and they move this one?I don' t get it.

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I think it blows ...I'm ready to cash and find a new home...especially if I can't get Poker Ace to even work when I'm sitting at a table...Is it just me, or is the moderation at this site random?There are like six online threads in General, and they move this one?I don' t get it.
Yeah I have no idea why they decided to move this one.As for pokerace, to get it working you need to change the main directory of PP to Pokergaming --> PartypokerIt's under preferences --> party and skins
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guess I better give pp a few days for their tournies..played in a $10 nl earlier with 10 min levels (glitch) and only 130 people cashed for a 2000 person tourney (glitch)then i play an omaha tourney and it wouldn't let you bet (glitch) and wouldn't show cards (glitch) wasted about 20 min before they cancelled tourney.Come on pp...test it a little

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Ok, I just started playing on Party tonight.At first I was EXTREMELY excited and seriously thinking of changing my name. I just browsed around for a while, 2k in sngs! 3k in tourneys!! 10 tables on 1 screen!!!anyway, I ran my first trial and played 10 tables on one screen. I thought it was OK for the first 5 minutes, then out of nowhere the raise/call/fold buttons dissapeared, 30 seconds after that the party software froze. I reboot, re-open my tables and start playing again. 4 minutes into it, the same thing happens. I just quit playing 10 tables and stuck to playing one. Once I saw the tourneys gave you 3k in starting chips and 5k for the big tourneys, I almost pissed my pants. Then I read here that the tourney structure was worse and my hatred towards party reemerged (so typical of party to come up with some fcking gimmic and then screw you), but apparantly they still have 15 minute levels (now if they only started w/ 10/20 blinds, it would be the nuts). I guess I'll have to play these and judge for myself. All i'm going to say, is that if party gets a better structure than the rest of the online sites, it will be BY FAR the best site around, combining their horrible players with their incredible prizepools and a good structure would be SICK.Im not using my PT right now, so I guess Ill have to wait and see what happens with that, the no Datamining thing sucks though. Anyway, I'll let the dust settle in the next few days and hopefully the change will be a good one.also PS the rebuy thing is ridiculous, theyd get a buck for every rebuy? bullchit.

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I just noticed I didn't receive any Player's club points for wednesday, the 15th which was the last day before the new party software. Anybody else not get any points that day? I emailed them about it, but didn't get a response yet but I want those damn bonus pts for earning pts everyday o the week.

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I just noticed I didn't receive any Player's club points for wednesday, the 15th which was the last day before the new party software. Anybody else not get any points that day? I emailed them about it, but didn't get a response yet but I want those damn bonus pts for earning pts everyday o the week.
I didnt either.On another note, I am still have trouble getting the hands into PokerTracker. Ive downloaded the new patch, but I cant seem to find the PartyGaming.exe file. Ive even re-installed the Party software and I still cant F'ing get it to work. Im very frustrated.
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I just noticed I didn't receive any Player's club points for wednesday, the 15th which was the last day before the new party software. Anybody else not get any points that day? I emailed them about it, but didn't get a response yet but I want those damn bonus pts for earning pts everyday o the week.
I didnt either.On another note, I am still have trouble getting the hands into PokerTracker. Ive downloaded the new patch, but I cant seem to find the PartyGaming.exe file. Ive even re-installed the Party software and I still cant F'ing get it to work. Im very frustrated.
once you download and instal the patch you shouldnt have to manually change anything on poker tracker, it should work. thats how it was for me.
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Another thing that sucks about Party is they no longer have Omaha Hi/lo cash games, and they have no PLO shorthanded cash games at 25 and 50. And anyone else notice that all their PLO tournies and sit n gos are always hi/lo and never just hi. Those are just a few things that urk me about Party and makes me like Stars more.

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Another thing that sucks about Party is they no longer have Omaha Hi/lo cash games, and they have no PLO shorthanded cash games at 25 and 50. And anyone else notice that all their PLO tournies and sit n gos are always hi/lo and never just hi. Those are just a few things that urk me about Party and makes me like Stars more.

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Another thing that sucks about Party is they no longer have Omaha Hi/lo cash games, and they have no PLO shorthanded cash games at 25 and 50. And anyone else notice that all their PLO tournies and sit n gos are always hi/lo and never just hi. Those are just a few things that urk me about Party and makes me like Stars more.
Yes they still have O8 cash games, you just arent looking hard enough. They are listed under the Omaha tab.
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I just noticed I didn't receive any Player's club points for wednesday, the 15th which was the last day before the new party software.  Anybody else not get any points that day?  I emailed them about it, but didn't get a response yet but I want those damn bonus pts for earning pts everyday o the week.
I didnt either.On another note, I am still have trouble getting the hands into PokerTracker. Ive downloaded the new patch, but I cant seem to find the PartyGaming.exe file. Ive even re-installed the Party software and I still cant F'ing get it to work. Im very frustrated.
once you download and instal the patch you shouldnt have to manually change anything on poker tracker, it should work. thats how it was for me.
Well I guess Im not downloading the patch right. Very possible because Im computer retarded. So I went to the Pokertracker site, downloaded the file. Then I unzipped it into my Program File/PokerTracker folder. Thats all I have to do right? Any help is much appreciated.
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holly crap...I've played at party poker ever since they started 5 years ago, and have done very well, but i got to tell you this tourney structure just is not working for me. I know it's supposed to benifit the better player (so guess i suck) but it has been a complete donk fest. Luck is outperforming 9 times out of 10...it seems you have to play marginal hands to build any kind of workable stack.In the last 2 days I've lost about every way possible. always seem to have my chips in with the best of it.just lost AK on the button...have 2 callers in front of me ...blinds $100/200 I raise to $700...Sb goes all-in for about $500 moreone person calls in front and I just call (mistake, but these people would call down anyway)board comes 10-K-2guy in front goes all-in...I think maybe set of 10's but this donk played hands like k2 j3 so i call all-inhe has 10-5 and spikes a 10 on the riverWTF...I have about 5 or more just like this over the last 2 days...party has always been a donkfest, but it sure seems overboard now and it's hard to wait them out when the chip leaders are at 30k or more chips by 1st break.

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I finally got the players club pts from the 15th that never got put into my account. Looks like party was a little slow registering all the pts with their new software change.

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I just noticed I didn't receive any Player's club points for wednesday, the 15th which was the last day before the new party software. Anybody else not get any points that day? I emailed them about it, but didn't get a response yet but I want those damn bonus pts for earning pts everyday o the week.
I didnt either.On another note, I am still have trouble getting the hands into PokerTracker. Ive downloaded the new patch, but I cant seem to find the PartyGaming.exe file. Ive even re-installed the Party software and I still cant F'ing get it to work. Im very frustrated.
once you download and instal the patch you shouldnt have to manually change anything on poker tracker, it should work. thats how it was for me.
Well I guess Im not downloading the patch right. Very possible because Im computer retarded. So I went to the Pokertracker site, downloaded the file. Then I unzipped it into my Program File/PokerTracker folder. Thats all I have to do right? Any help is much appreciated.
How did you unzip a .exe? :club: Make sure you're downloading this file..http://pokertracker.com/patch21102b.exesave it to your desktop for easy finding, double click it, follow the intstructions (make sure you dont have PT open) and it will upgrade just fine.
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I find it interesting that several people seem to be blaming the new software for thier most recent bad beats.I also find it interesting that the most players I'd ever seen online was around 54k. At the moment, there's around 73k. New software bringing in more fish?

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I find it interesting that several people seem to be blaming the new software for thier most recent bad beats.I also find it interesting that the most players I'd ever seen online was around 54k. At the moment, there's around 73k. New software bringing in more fish?
lol...you say interesting people complaining about the software on the recent bad beats and then say about all the new fish coming to play...hence the reason for the bad beats...they both are linked together.not blaming the software, but it is a different style for my play and i have to adapt or go somewhere else. when people are getting 50k in chips within 60 hands, things are crazy...
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I find it interesting that several people seem to be blaming the new software for thier most recent bad beats.I also find it interesting that the most players I'd ever seen online was around 54k. At the moment, there's around 73k. New software bringing in more fish?
Highest Ive seen was about 75k before the update.
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