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good bluff or just lucky?

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Ultimate Bet No-Limit Hold'em, $.25 BB (6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxRealbignuts ($23.95)CO ($31.65)Button ($48.95)SB ($23.50)BB ($16.15)UTG ($26.15)Preflop: Realbignuts is MP with [9c], [Ad]. UTG raises to $0.85.Flop: ($2.05) [2s], [6h], [8h] (2 players)UTG bets $0.85, Realbignuts calls $0.85.Turn: ($3.75) [Qh] (2 players)UTG bets $1.75, UTG calls $7.25.River: ($21.75) [9s] (2 players)UTG checks, Realbignuts bets $13.25 (All-In), UTG folds.Final Pot: $35Edit: he showed pocked 66

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I thought I'd add some content:Pre-flop: Don't make a habit of calling an UTG raise with Ax. If you want to make a play at someone, I would suggest doing so with a hand that has more visibility and is less likely to be dominated.Flop: If you plan on making a move at someone, it is nice to just call. Since you are in position, it gives you the availability to chomp at weakness with the added possibility of improving to the best hand. Not better than just folding though.Turn: About the only street I like. Representing the flush is ok and you probably have a ton of fold equity. Once the villain calls though, I would plan on being done with the hand.River: Check behind. UTG made an absolutely awful fold, but I hope that doesn't bias you to play this way in the future. Once he calls the turn he is getting like 3:1 to call and whatever hand he had on the turn is almost always going to call the river. In bizarre cases, you may catch him trying to redraw to a one card ace or king high flush on the turn, but you beat those hands now on the river (at least most of them) to the point where a bet has little in terms of value, as only better hands are calling, and your fold equity is almost non-existent, so there's no real reason to bet.This hand is also very open to interpretation if you include reads. Otherwise, assuming unknown, it's best to just play standard, which in this case would involve putting absolutely no money in the pot at any interval.

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First of all I posted this in the short-handed forum becuase I thought I would get replies from some players who have experience playing nl/sh. A9 is a good hand in this game when in position. The raise was a very small raise considering this was on UB and the "bet the pot" feature is used almost exclusivly. When the flop came and he bet the min, I immediatly senced weakness and decided to wait until the turn and let him bet again and make a move there, trying to pick up a bit more. Once I make the raise on the turn and he doesnt move all in I am almost positive that he is on a draw with a big heart and possibly pocked AA or KK. He obviously thought I had made the flush or he would have just moved all in. I was correct in the fact that he thought he needed to improve to win the pot.My read was incorrect but I actually feel like I played the hand very well.

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A9 is a good hand in this game when in position. The raise was a very small raise considering this was on UB and the "bet the pot" feature is used almost exclusivly.
just because a pot-sized bet is the standard opening raise doesn't make it smalli think you're well behind any reasonable UTG opening range and you can't make many big hand that will get paid off by a competent player
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I play some SH/NL. In position, I can see calling with an A9o. I can see why you would call the flop bet since you can mistaken it for a continuation or a probe bet (but I would be suspicious why it was so little). You try represent the flush on the turn. Not sure why he called the turn and not the river. I think you got lucky. Once he made the turn call (meaning he doesn't believe your flush), I think he's pretty much committed to the river call. He made a bad play and bailed you out.

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First of all I posted this in the short-handed forum becuase I thought I would get replies from some players who have experience playing nl/sh.
This is a relatively new forum and most of the frequenters/poster in this area are FL players.Chill the **** out.
My read was incorrect but I actually feel like I played the hand very well.
It's called results-oriented bias. Pre-flop is sketchy at best. Flop and turn are o.k. (though I wouldn't call them optimal) given your plan. River is just absolutely straight up awful. If you fail to see why then that is your problem.The fact that this is a micro NL also should severely discourage you from pulling moves like this. These games tend to have call-happy anti-bluff stations' date=' and most of the time you are just going to out-think yourself and give someone all your chips when they called down with TPNK.FPS is for suckers. That's not my line, but it's a good one to follow.[/quote']
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ok, i play these limits and beat it, so this is my take.A9o is not playable to a raise preflop, unless you have a good knowledge of the player and his range. Its even worse if theres a caller in front of you. You also have to have seen at least one continuation bet go wrong. however if it is folded to you, a raise of the pot (if thats standard) is a no brainer(my biggest problem with UB is the stupid bet the pot button. if i wanted to do that everytime, i'd play PLHE ffs)Based soley on your chipstack it doesn't look like you will have been there long enough for this information.On the flop calling the cont bet is fine, just to keep him honest. He can easily have AK-A10. I think he should bet more 3/4pot-pot here though, for protection (knowing his hand). I do like your raise on the turn, but his call would really make me think.I would think that the river allin is the only way to win the pot, but to be honest i dont like it. Hitting your 9 on the end actually makes checking a better option.you can now beat AK, AJ hands which the river move would have worked against.If a Q/k came off, I would consider the all in. If a 4th flush card came, i'm looking to bet something that looks like a value bet (no matter whether i have it or not)You've been very lucky to have met a player whos got either fps or a player who's very goohad and s pegged you as a donk who will play any two suited cards.I really cant believe it was right for him to fold that river, because you could have a range of hands that you'd make that bet with.All in all well done for successfully making the move, however i dont think its the right percentage play given the information, and certainly not a good preflop call.

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ok, i play these limits and beat it, so this is my take.A9o is not playable to a raise preflop, unless you have a good knowledge of the player and his range. Its even worse if theres a caller in front of you. You also have to have seen at least one continuation bet go wrong. however if it is folded to you, a raise of the pot (if thats standard) is a no brainer(my biggest problem with UB is the stupid bet the pot button. if i wanted to do that everytime, i'd play PLHE ffs)Based soley on your chipstack it doesn't look like you will have been there long enough for this information.On the flop calling the cont bet is fine, just to keep him honest. He can easily have AK-A10. I think he should bet more 3/4pot-pot here though, for protection (knowing his hand). I do like your raise on the turn, but his call would really make me think.I would think that the river allin is the only way to win the pot, but to be honest i dont like it. Hitting your 9 on the end actually makes checking a better option.you can now beat AK, AJ hands which the river move would have worked against.If a Q/k came off, I would consider the all in. If a 4th flush card came, i'm looking to bet something that looks like a value bet (no matter whether i have it or not)You've been very lucky to have met a player whos got either fps or a player who's very goohad and s pegged you as a donk who will play any two suited cards.I really cant believe it was right for him to fold that river, because you could have a range of hands that you'd make that bet with.All in all well done for successfully making the move, however i dont think its the right percentage play given the information, and certainly not a good preflop call.
wow, before i checkd your edit and saw he folded a set...i was gonna ask you if you realized you were "bluffing with the best hand".that being said. you're lucky that flush card came on the turn cause he obviously gave you credit for the flush.this 'opinion' you have is results based. if he mucks without showing you are going to think you had the best hand anyways with your rivered pairs of 9s.Unless you put your man on a specific hand like...KQ (which could be a hand he folds, not a set)...or something, the real "advanced" play is checking this river cause you have a chance to win this pot over a lot of his hands he could have raised preflop, LIKE:AJ AK KJ KT, 3s, 4s, 5s, and the suchyou check this river cause you dont see value in betting cause you should onlny be called by a better hand..like a flush, or set...rarely will just a weak top pair call you etc...this was a lucky fold on the river for you.
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