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pokertracker question

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HI, Ive moved from playing the sng's to some limit holdem just cuz im getting bored. After a day of playing i tried to request hands from pokerstars and they only sent me my last 200 hands. I was wondering if there was a way to have my hands automatically saved into my saved hands folder. If someone could walk me through it i would greatly appreciate it.

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HI, Ive moved from playing the sng's to some limit holdem just cuz im getting bored. After a day of playing i tried to request hands from pokerstars and they only sent me my last 200 hands. I was wondering if there was a way to have my hands automatically saved into my saved hands folder. If someone could walk me through it i would greatly appreciate it.
I would appreciate it also
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HI, Ive moved from playing the sng's to some limit holdem just cuz im getting bored. After a day of playing i tried to request hands from pokerstars and they only sent me my last 200 hands. I was wondering if there was a way to have my hands automatically saved into my saved hands folder. If someone could walk me through it i would greatly appreciate it.
I would appreciate it also
I'm not at home right now but i know ps is easy to set up. just click the the ps icon on pt and set it up. there should be step by step in the help menu.
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