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team america vs team canada

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No not to see who’s better at poker we all know who would win that its not even close.No not to see who’s has better sports team and sports fans that’s way to easy.I’m talking about the first ever Stupid Post Flaming Championships of North America The rules are simple there are no rules the contest will be judged in three categories 1.Total number of posts from different posters from there respected country 2.The best picture inserted into a post will earn extra points for there county 3.The funniest, meanest, and most evil post will earn extra points for there county [/size]Since I am from a galaxy far far away I will be the judge. This post should be plenty stupid to get you all started after that you may flame any post in this thread Good luck and may the force be with you

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STFU Noob. Try starting a thread that actually matters to anyone, rather than starting one that will either get moved or deleted in 5,4,3,2....This flame presented to you by ajs510, for Team America.

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No not to see who’s better at poker we all know who would win that its not even close.No not to see who’s has better sports team and sports fans that’s way to easy.I’m talking about the first ever Stupid Post Flaming Championships of North America The rules are simple there are no rules the contest will be judged in three categories 1.Total number of posts from different posters from there respected country 2.The best picture inserted into a post will earn extra points for there county 3.The funniest' date=' meanest, and most evil post will earn extra points for there county [/size']Since I am from a galaxy far far away I will be the judge. This post should be plenty stupid to get you all started after that you may flame any post in this thread Good luck and may the force be with you I hope you get hit by a drunk driver you damn newbiepost-48-1067546687.jpgPS i really didnt mean that..........just tryin to be mean for the post
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No not to see who’s better at poker we all know who would win that its not even close.No not to see who’s has better sports team and sports fans that’s way to easy.I’m talking about the first ever Stupid Post Flaming Championships of North America The rules are simple there are no rules the contest will be judged in three categories 1.Total number of posts from different posters from there respected country 2.The best picture inserted into a post will earn extra points for there county 3.The funniest' date=' meanest, and most evil post will earn extra points for there county [/size']Since I am from a galaxy far far away I will be the judge. This post should be plenty stupid to get you all started after that you may flame any post in this thread Good luck and may the force be with you I hope you get hit by a drunk driver you damn newbiepost-48-1067546687.jpgPS i really didnt mean that..........just tryin to be mean for the post
Nice pic when I wrestled we called that going for the water
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Although I'm from America, I have to give Canada credit for inspiring the creation of these two individuals.strange_brew_mckenzie.jpgtake off, ya hoser

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No not to see who’s better at poker we all know who would win that its not even close.No not to see who’s has better sports team and sports fans that’s way to easy.I’m talking about the first ever Stupid Post Flaming Championships of North America The rules are simple there are no rules the contest will be judged in three categories 1.Total number of posts from different posters from there respected country 2.The best picture inserted into a post will earn extra points for there county 3.The funniest' date=' meanest, and most evil post will earn extra points for there county [/size']Since I am from a galaxy far far away I will be the judge. This post should be plenty stupid to get you all started after that you may flame any post in this thread Good luck and may the force be with you Between GK, doublemeup, 76, pckt10s, and myself.. the US will be taking categories 1 & 2 by a landslide
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No not to see who’s better at poker we all know who would win that its not even close.No not to see who’s has better sports team and sports fans that’s way to easy.I’m talking about the first ever Stupid Post Flaming Championships of North America The rules are simple there are no rules the contest will be judged in three categories 1.Total number of posts from different posters from there respected country 2.The best picture inserted into a post will earn extra points for there county 3.The funniest' date=' meanest, and most evil post will earn extra points for there county [/size']Since I am from a galaxy far far away I will be the judge. This post should be plenty stupid to get you all started after that you may flame any post in this thread Good luck and may the force be with you Between GK, doublemeup, 76, pckt10s, and myself.. the US will be taking categories 1 & 2 by a landslide
Categoris 1&2 are no contest. The Hideout regulars easily win those.
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Why are only the U.S. and Canada eligible in the North American championship? What about Mexico? Maybe you should try learning about the continent in which you are visiting before declaring yourself as some sort of all knowing judge of all things North American. It's called a map, use it sometime. Also, you typed "county" instead of "country" in rules 2 and 3. If it had been only once then I could've written it off to just being a typo, but since you did it twice you obviously don't know the difference between counties and countries. The level of intelligence you have shown makes it clear that you are just some snot-nosed 14-year old kid and not who you claim to be. Furthermore, "their," not "there" is the correct usage when indicating a possessive nature. Get back on the short bus and go back to school because you need to learn more, post less. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read your post. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.(How was that?)

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