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turning the corner

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This post may sound a little lame and not like other posts, but I'm just gonna express some thoughts.For 3 years I have played poker. Most of that time was spent being terrible at it. Then I buckled down and studied the game, studied my mistakes, studied anything I could. I asked a lot of questions on this forum. And I played and played. Now I believe I have turned the corner into a better player. In the last 2 months I am ahead roughly 4,000 dollars and consistently cash in online mtt's, live mtt's and cash games. Yeah I still lose at times, but the winning has passed the losing. Anyways, yeah I'm not bragging AT ALL as I have a long long way to go, but am just somewhat proud of myself that I worked to become a better player instead of a conistent fish. I just want to thank members of this frorum for their priceless advice and hopefully you will help me go even farther with that outstanding advice. Anyways, sorry if this is a lame, sappy post but I just wanted to express my gratitude to this forum for helping me improve my game.

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Anyways, sorry if this is a lame, sappy post but I just wanted to express my gratitude to this forum for helping me improve my game.
10% commision would say thank you best.Good job
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