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1-2 nl - how do i play under these house rules?

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Hi All,A local club has a 1-2 NL game going every night. The play is totally loose and the game attracts guys who are just there for a night out and who don't seem to mind dropping two or three hundred bucks on a regular basis. I've played 5 times now and am up a net $1635 in 28 hours of play.The problem is the game has some funky house rules. Three of a kind still beats two pair though :club: The rule I am having trouble with is they limit pre-flop raises to ten dollars. The game plays with 8 players and raising $10 will make only 1 or 2 people fold preflop. Reraises of up to $10 are allowed but the majority of players are content to call. Family pots with 6 players and $63 in the pot before the flop are commonplace.Post flop the play reverts to standard NL rules and pots of $200+ are the norm.So far I have had success with my strategy of raising premium hands $10 pre flop and limping for $2 where possible with suited connectors and small pairs then betting aggressively post flop when I do hit a hand. I know a lot of the experts here will laugh at the game but a $58/hr win rate (admittely over a small sample) is nice rate of return and quite frankly the atmosphere is good and the waitresses are incredibly cute and friendly.If anyone has any tips on how to best play under these rules it would be appreciated.Cheers,Silicon

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Well I guess the adjustment is to play more hands that have implied odds like small pairs and suited connectors. Obviously play your premium hands too, but you need to be able to laydown an overpair sometimes in a game like this or you'll get crushed. Pretty much just stick to the same strategy you've been doing, your current winrate is not sustainable, but you can probably still make some nice coin in this game.

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I would widen my starting hand selection to anything that I could stomach putting $10 in with. Suited connectors, most any pair, broadway cards of any rank...I would use the flop to define my hand and not get overly excited about anything preflop.

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On the flip side, big hands like high pocket pairs will need to be played more cautiously.  After the flop, you'll have to protect more against draws when you hit top pair.  Be aware of flops with 2 pair possibilities.
in a game like this, wouldn't that be any flop except a 3-of-a-kind flop?
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I have adjusted my normal game to suit these rules and so far it seems to be working (running tab is in my blog)My main issue - besides donking off my stack once I accumulate it - has been trying to avoid becoming too predictable. The way I am getting around this is simply to decide to make my only raise $10 regardless of position or starting cards. I have found that the post flop play in this game is much more important than preflop play - which makes sense as this game is essentially LHE preflop switching to NLHE post flop. I have little to gain by varying my preflop raise other than telegraphing the strength of my hole cards. Post flop I bet aggressively when I hit TPTK or better and just have to be prepared for some pretty big swings in the game. Bluffing has no place among theses calling stations.So far so good and hey - the waitresses are still cute and the beer is still cold.Silicon

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I have adjusted my normal game to suit these rules and so far it seems to be working (running tab is in my blog)My main issue - besides donking off my stack once I accumulate it - has been trying to avoid becoming too predictable. The way I am getting around this is simply to decide to make my only raise $10 regardless of position or starting cards. I have found that the post flop play in this game is much more important than preflop play - which makes sense as this game is essentially LHE preflop switching to NLHE post flop. I have little to gain by varying my preflop raise other than telegraphing the strength of my hole cards. Post flop I bet aggressively when I hit TPTK or better and just have to be prepared for some pretty big swings in the game. Bluffing has no place among theses calling stations.So far so good and hey - the waitresses are still cute and the beer is still cold.Silicon

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Can I play in this game? Is there a max buyin? So I can raise to $10 with 7-8suited from MP, get 6 callers, nobody can reraise me off the hand, and when I hit my big hands I'm going to get paid off. I REALLY want to play in this game.Loosen up preflop (that does NOT mean limp more), tighten up postflop, and you'll be fine.

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It really is a great game - I'm planning on going tonight!There are couple of other rules I haven't mentioned. First the preflop raises are max $10 and there are a maximum of 3 raises preflop regardless of the size of the raise. That is if UTG raises $2, MP+1 raises $4 and the CO raises another $4 then that is it for the bets preflop. This rarely happens though. Mostly it is one raise and a bunch of callers.The other issue is the buy in. You are only allowed to buy in for $20 when you first sit down. I don't know where this rule came from but hey - it's not my game and sometimes in life you have to adjust to the circumstances. If you lose your $20 you can rebuy for $20 more; if you lose that you can rebuy for $40 and if you lose that you can buy in for $60 which is the max you can bring in for. You can rebuy for $60 anytime you have less than $10 in front of you. As there generally ends up being $1500 to $2000 in chips on the table by the end of the night for the 8 players I don't really see the point in capping the buy in the way they do but after thinking about it I have come to realize that this rule really benefits the better players who are able to adjust their game as the night progresses. At first, when everyone is essentially on a shortstack, you play super tight aggressive. Either fold or raise $10 then go all in if you catch even a small piece of the flop. Then, when you have built a bit of a stack, you can start to loosen up the preflop play a bit, see a lot of flops, and start maneuvering post flop. Hopefully tonight will be fun.Silicon

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Hi All,A local club has a 1-2 NL game going every night. The play is totally loose and the game attracts guys who are just there for a night out and who don't seem to mind dropping two or three hundred bucks on a regular basis. I've played 5 times now and am up a net $1635 in 28 hours of play.The problem is the game has some funky house rules. Three of a kind still beats two pair though :club: The rule I am having trouble with is they limit pre-flop raises to ten dollars. The game plays with 8 players and raising $10 will make only 1 or 2 people fold preflop. Reraises of up to $10 are allowed but the majority of players are content to call. Family pots with 6 players and $63 in the pot before the flop are commonplace.Post flop the play reverts to standard NL rules and pots of $200+ are the norm.So far I have had success with my strategy of raising premium hands $10 pre flop and limping for $2 where possible with suited connectors and small pairs then betting aggressively post flop when I do hit a hand. I know a lot of the experts here will laugh at the game but a $58/hr win rate (admittely over a small sample) is nice rate of return and quite frankly the atmosphere is good and the waitresses are incredibly cute and friendly.If anyone has any tips on how to best play under these rules it would be appreciated.Cheers,Silicon
Wierd.. but i wouldn;t like it.....
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We had a pretty good turnout at the game last night. The bank ended up being a shade over $2100. I played by my strategy - raise aggressively preflop with a much wider range of hands than normal, then play very TAG post flop except when I get good reads in which case I'm just playing their cards not mine.I was stuck for the first few hours and found myself down $260 but ended the night +$410 net of drinks and tips.Thanks for the advice everyone.Silicon

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