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this will make you a better poker player

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You are going to need to have some time on your hands, but I bet you will be a better player for it. I don't post on here as much as some, and more than others, so my word doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot. You can search my posts, or read my blog to find that I am serious about poker. I don't flame people, I don't make immature statements, I am a grown man that loves talk about and play poker. I have been a regular poster/lurker at every major poker forum on the net, for a good while. I like FCP, mostly because of all the good people here. There seems to be a good number of really smart, eager players here. Ok on to how to be a better player right away. Many of you may already be members of the 2 + 2 forums, if so you may have already checked a lot of this stuff out. I have been reading the posts by Darrell Dicken aka Gigabet, for about 2 days on and off. I really don't think I have ever read such interesting, sophisticated information about poker before. So that is my suggestion to everyone, go to 2 + 2, put Gigabet in the search portion (under the Username search), and get to reading. I started reading his latest post then worked backwards. I would recommend doing it the other way around. Find his very first post, and go from there. He only has about 350, so while it will take some time, it won't take forever. There is no hurry, the post will always be there. If your a newbie to poker, you will get an idea of how a genius thinks about poker. If your already a winning player, you will benefit more so. Just to give you a taste on what you will find, he really spells out in great detail of how to be a LAG player. There just isn't very much literature on this style, so some of the concepts are very advanced, very complicated. He has a post on how to categorize players, I found this to be something I could use right away. The guy is on a different level, his stream of conscienceness is just sick. His post are as if he is teaching the game, not in a cocky arrogant way, but like a true teacher.

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sorry for not giving the linkhttp://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/myhome.php?Cat=0this is basically the home page, click on search, which is to the right of main index and the left of classified ads.that will take you to the search function for the archives. There is a box that says Username search. Type in Gigabet (with a capital G). Then go down below and put in how many on a page do you want to see, for how long back you care to goThe forum there is not as user friendly as it is here.

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just wow. this guy is a monster. i have never really seen anyone breakdown poker like he did in those few posts. thanks again. i really need to stop posting here and actually read some more materialteneight

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here is a link to an entire tournament that he played in....step 5 for 100kthe hand histories are in two different posts, this link will take you thereYou will see the first 4 levels then scroll down 3 posts and you will see the rest of the tournament. http://archiveserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...an=&page=1&vc=1Once you check them out, I would put all the hands into a replayer. It is much easier to follow that way. Here is a link to a replayerhttp://www.tightpoker.com/replayer.html#

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can anyone suggest a strategy for finding and reading these posts? I did a search, but it comes up with random posts in random threads and only 31 of them, kinda hard to sift through. I've never done a user search like this as ive never been overly interesting in one single persons posts.

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can anyone suggest a strategy for finding and reading these posts? I did a search, but it comes up with random posts in random threads and only 31 of them, kinda hard to sift through. I've never done a user search like this as ive never been overly interesting in one single persons posts.
I am going to find the few that i find the most relevant and paste them here.
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Thank You OP... Man this guy is pretty deep... not to mention smart... I dont know what made me click and search for it... but I do know that I am reading 189 posts today... and as much as it hurts... this guy makes a lot of sense... this one i really liked...take ADVIL prior to reading...http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthre...rue#Post1825403

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Got to read this....its sooooooo deep...it was in Cardplayer sometime ago, honestly I read it thinking, why is Scott letting some internet donkey write an article.silly mehttp://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthre...rue#Post1825403
I remember reading this a while ago. Some really trippy stuff in there. I like the way he thinks about the game.
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http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthre...rue#Post2610396http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthre...rue#Post4524424http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthre...rue#Post4423239http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat...&an=&page=&vc=1There is a few, its much easier if you just type in Gigabet in the Username search function at the site (the site has a horrible format compared to this one). Then you just start looking around, have it pull up as many as you want, and for as far back as you want.
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Very cool excerpt:"Use your bets to pull information from your opponent, and then when you know what he has, trust your judgement 100%. If you think he is on second pair, but will not fold unless you bet your whole stack, then bet your whole stack (unless of course you have a better hand than second pair, which is unlikely since players like us can rarely beat bottom pair), even if it means your tournament is over if you are wrong."

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redpill even managed to counter Gigabets wisdom with his own...theredpill5 old hand Reged: 02/02/05 Posts: 1059 Re: Gigabet's HH and our SnG Strategy 05/17/05 05:40 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply Gigabet,If you can afford a $15000 buy-in tourney, why are you even playing poker ? Do you just do it for fun ? I'm guess that your bankroll is around $1 million ? Sorry if this is inappropriate... but sometimes you cant make the funny stuff up....really

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