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full tilt $5 sng ak on button

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All 9 players remain. No one is substantially big or short stack.I have 1325 on the button, the blinds are 20/40.UTG+1 raises to 120, and 3 people call it by the time it gets to me.I have As Kc. What should I do. Why?

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I would most likely reraise unless i had a strong read that UTG+1 was very tight. I would think to raise to somewhere in the range of 400-500 By reraising you'll hopefully pick up a lot of dead money and you will probably see a flop as a large favorite or at worst 50/50. If you raise and someone comes over top then you have a tough decision to make here there is a good chance they are on AA or KK in which case you'll have to fold but there is and equally good chance that they are on QQ JJ TT. At this level players are generally really bad and they will play pretty much anything.Disclaimer. Im not an expert in tournament strategy. Most of my thougts are based on my experinces playing in the SnGs. Wait for our resident tournament genius Copernicus to give an opinion he would know much better than I would what the proper play is and he'll have the theory to back it up.

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Stop with the "resident genius" stuff...unless youre a single F under 40, in which case you arent worthy and I will take you under my wing. :twisted: I would reraise also, although 400-500 might be a little steep. Its over 30% of your stack, and since each individual player has only committed 40 except the raiser, a raise to 300 should do. (A min-raise would also knock most out, but it looks weak and might get played back at by a weaker raiser).The other alternative is to push. The problem is you are only going to get called when you are way behind or a coin flip behind and its too early to commit all your chips if you dont have to.You have position so reraise to get the garbage out and see the flop. If you get pushed back and have no read you still may have to call because the pot odds are probably better than the 57:43 you need against the vast majority of hands.

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I've tried asking in a couple different threads with still no answer, so I'm going to try here. For the Deepstack tournies on FullTilt, I know you start with 3000 chips, but are the levels also longer than 10 minutes? If someone could answer me, it would be greatly appreciated.

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As for the hand, I dont think you have enough in your stack to plain reraise w/o going all in. The 3 cold callers demonstrates the looseness of the table, and if you raise to 500 I bet more than just UTG calls. If you plan on calling UTGs all in (and without reads you probably should) then i would go all in here and get that extra fold equity we want.

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make your own topic; lots of people read the first post and then check something else.
I would, but it just didn't seem like a question worth creating a new topic for. For anyone who plays on FullTilt, I'd figure it'd be a reasonably easy one to answer.
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make your own topic; lots of people read the first post and then check something else.
I would, but it just didn't seem like a question worth creating a new topic for. For anyone who plays on FullTilt, I'd figure it'd be a reasonably easy one to answer.
10 minute levels. I don't play at FT, but I know all :-)
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i think you have to call.. someone said make it 500.. but i think thats a death trap.. cause one person will call you.. they will most likely have a pocket pair.. putting your AK at a huge disadvantage to the flop.. but its not worth it to risk going all in cause theres no sense in taking a coin flop.. just call and see a flop.. that simply..

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I concur with copernicus. I say raise to 300 and stick with that. If you are called, play the flop based on that, but if you are reraised I would throw it away. No reason to commit a lot of chips this early to what would likely be a coinflip. Also, stick with the theory that you always raise with big slick, but never call.

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I would reraise also, although 400-500 might be a little steep. Its over 30% of your stack, and since each individual player has only committed 40 except the raiser, a raise to 300 should do. (A min-raise would also knock most out, but it looks weak and might get played back at by a weaker raiser).
I wish I had seen these replies sooner, so I'm going to bump this since it seems the action in the hand was read incorrectly. Early position guy raises, 3 cold callers for 120, action is to me. All 4 people have 120 in the pot already.
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In a $5 SnG, you should definitely go all-in. You could easily get called by AQ, AJ, or worse, and if everyone folds, it's a plenty healthy pot to take down. Even if you do get called as a coin-flip, you're going to be betting 1300 to win 3000. In a higher-limit SnG where you have to fear the opening raise a little, and where you know that hands like AJ will almost certainly be folding, just calling the raise would be a better option, but in a $5 SnG, I'd definitely jam.Oh, and reraising without going all-in is a terrible idea. It commits a huge portion of your stack in a situation where you might only see three cards. My rule of thumb when raising preflop is "if I'd have to call an all-in with any hand in my raising range were I reraised, I just go all-in myself".

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I would reraise also, although 400-500 might be a little steep. Its over 30% of your stack, and since each individual player has only committed 40 except the raiser, a raise to 300 should do. (A min-raise would also knock most out, but it looks weak and might get played back at by a weaker raiser).
I wish I had seen these replies sooner, so I'm going to bump this since it seems the action in the hand was read incorrectly. Early position guy raises, 3 cold callers for 120, action is to me. All 4 people have 120 in the pot already.
Hmmm....sorry if I misled with my misread.This is a more interesting situation with a standard raiser and 3 callers. Pushing could be fatal imo. You are bound to be behind at least one pair, maybe one of the big ones, and if not then your A and/or K are likely to be duplicated. If you could guarantee all 4 call then it is probably a 0 EV situation. Unfortunately its the better hands that are going to call, which push you negative.On the other hand youre getting great odds here and folding looks too weak to me. I would just call, hope the blinds dont push, and see the flop. (With AK in the blinds I would fold. This would be a nearly impossible hand to play OOP). With position you have some hope of figuring out whats going on by the time it gets to you, but you have to play very cautiously with anything less than trip As or Ks.I think my ideal flop here would be KQJ or KQT rainbow, since it gives me TPTK, a straight draw, and has to slow down the betting from the rest of the track team. If it doesnt, they have a set or made straight and you can get out.
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In a $5 SnG, you should definitely go all-in. You could easily get called by AQ, AJ, or worse, and if everyone folds, it's a plenty healthy pot to take down. Even if you do get called as a coin-flip, you're going to be betting 1300 to win 3000. In a higher-limit SnG where you have to fear the opening raise a little, and where you know that hands like AJ will almost certainly be folding, just calling the raise would be a better option, but in a $5 SnG, I'd definitely jam.Oh, and reraising without going all-in is a terrible idea. It commits a huge portion of your stack in a situation where you might only see three cards. My rule of thumb when raising preflop is "if I'd have to call an all-in with any hand in my raising range were I reraised, I just go all-in myself".
I couldn't have said it better myself. It's pretty scary how you said exactly what I would, in almost the same way that I would have. :club:
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It feels like I'm way easily trapped if i'm flopping top pair and someone else hits trips, afterall there are 4 other people in this hand! I don't know, I don't even like calling either, but we can't fold or make a non all in raise...

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It feels like I'm way easily trapped if i'm flopping top pair and someone else hits trips, afterall there are 4 other people in this hand! I don't know, I don't even like calling either, but we can't fold or make a non all in raise...
True, but if you hit a pair and all 4 of them have pockets you are still 45% to win the hand.
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It feels like I'm way easily trapped if i'm flopping top pair and someone else hits trips, afterall there are 4 other people in this hand! I don't know, I don't even like calling either, but we can't fold or make a non all in raise...
That's why i would go all in. I dont think pocket pairs are calling this all in, even they know most of the time they are either 4to 1 behind or a coinflip. This still feels like a pretty simple all in.
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