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fcp money added tourney to share in daniel's success

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We thought we would let the FCP poker players share in Daniel's success in Tunica and also have a rooting interest in how well Daniel does so we're going to have a $10 + $1 MTT on Sat Feb 4th in the Evening EST. We'll decide on the exact start time in the next day or so. The twist in this tournament is that the better Daniel does the more money that FCP will be adding to the tournament. 9th $1000 8th $1250 7th $1500 6th $1750 5th $2000 4th $2250 3rd $2500 2nd $3000 1st $5000 So if Daniel wins on Friday FCP will be adding $5,000 to the prize pool. This tournament will only be able to be played through Full Contact Poker and will present a great value to all of the real money FCP players or those looking for an excuse to make their first deposit and play at FCP. Also, we'd like to hear some suggestions on what we should call this tournament. Remember to keep the suggestions on the tournament name short as there are limits on how long we can make it in the description. If we choose your suggestion for the tournament name we'll send you an FCP hat possibly autographed by Daniel. Good luck everybody and be creative and polite with the name suggestions.

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Daniel's Aggressive Rise Tournament = D.A.R.T.Since the general idea is that Daniel will 'throw some cash' into FCP tournaments as he 'rises' in various poker events he is in, I think the name should reflect that.So this would be the TUNICA D.A.R.T. so we can tell them apart.If ever you have a 'live tournament' of all the D.A.R.T. winners, just imaging the fun someone will have designing T shirts with the motif of a bullseye, darts in the shape of fish, ... it is a rich promotional idea.The winners can 'DART' to the final table ... pardon the pun

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Any chance of moving the date of this tourney as some of us from here will be in Vegas partying/playing with DN on the 4th. Just a suggestion.
Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too . :wink:
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