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$200 buyin heads up nl

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I'm picking up the homo in you coming out, maybe you should dig deeper and address this issue in your blog. Anyway, thanks for $43 bux, let me know when you'll donate again. :twisted: If you didn't want to play don't sit down. Furthermore watch who you threaten little boy.....not everyone is a punk as sed crybaby moma's boy like you.

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Shut up man. I told you I didn't want to play you. Thus, I left and went to another table. So why did you want to play tough competition? Go find a donkey.  I'm not a donkey. Go suck some dick.
Apparently he feels that you are.Not sure why you posted this hand.I mean, the flop bet was too small, but oh well. And he probably would've been right to move in. And you would be right to call. And you'd curse about him being a donkey when the flush hit, and let out a stupid grin when you would've filled up. When you hit your set on the turn, there should be no way for you to fold the hand given how big the stacks were unless you tried to do something completely stupid and slow play.The hand plays itself.If this is a difficult decision for you, i can only imagine how much trouble you have in marginal situations.
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Wisky, you are an idiot. I never threatened you anyway. Don't know where you are getting this. You obviously wanted a fight. You came in this thread looking for a fight. I'm not here to make enemies but apparently you are. 25 BB is nothing anyway. This forum isn't here to pick fights with people. I didn't post the hand to make enemies. It was supposed to be about fun. Not about "Stalking me" yeah, you stalked me on pokerroom you *******. I left your table because I didn't want to play you and f'ing stalked me. Leave me alone you retard and I'll call you a retard all day long because that is what you are.

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"wisky, you censored liar. Wisky is f'ing liar. He said he was bad at poker. Dude, I would seriously jump you on the way to your car if you pulled something like that in a casino."so what was this crybaby ? is this your twisted way of being nice ?reload dood, I'm sure the cards will go cold for me.

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What's Wisky's name? Is this on FCP/Pokerroom?Will mark it down for future reference...I know you're trying to mess with him, but just let it go man. Red, Still showing a profit thus far. Take a break and cool off, wisky is under you're skin. You'll thank me later. Go get some breakfast or something...

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wiskyvi or wisky_VII needed entertaining and not only did I get entertained I got paid as well.Ok, onto bigger and better things......with a smile on my face ! :club:

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Oh yeah, I'm up almost $200 tonight. It would $300 if I hadn't played USC. I just don't like playing good players because they frustrate me. Thanks Rhinestone.
I wouldn't believe anyone if they told me they suck... Good luck to you, and keep us updated on you're blog.A suggestion, you should try to keep some solid statistics on you're bankroll to see if your making $$ or losing it.
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He left immediately after the hand. I guess he was shocked. I guess I would be too if I had the nuts and lost.
Hilarious, RedPill Is this on FCP? Do i need to bring in my army of Regulators. Cause i can.Warren G is on my left, Nate Dogg is on my right We can take a couple shots of WhiskeyAnd get paid all night.
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Yeah, I wish you guys luck. There's a reason I haven't gone broke yet. I'm a decent player and if wisky wasn't lucky, I would have taken his money because he was down to about $30 at one point. I'm very patient so you guys will be waiting a long long time. I might be on there tomorrow or I might wait a month. I'm getting better all the time, too. I'll break you guys just like Negreanu breaks his competition.

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Yeah, I wish you guys luck. There's a reason I haven't gone broke yet. I'm a decent player and if wisky wasn't lucky, I would have taken his money because he was down to about $30 at one point. I'm very patient so you guys will be waiting a long long time. I might be on there tomorrow or I might wait a month. I'm getting better all the time, too. I'll break you guys just like Negreanu breaks his competition.
Dear Pill, I was actually joking around about playing with Whiskey not you. The thread was in your defense. But if we must...
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dress code ?
i'll be the guy in body armor wearing chaps with spurs, a sword riding a elephant with a gatling gun mounted in the snout fired by rubbing his ears. Im also going commando. For the ladies.
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