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Hand #10102008-15161 at Oswego ($1/$2 Hold'em)Powered by UltimateBetStarted at 26/Jan/06 04:42:43       darion1 is at seat 1 with $18.     pschnarr is at seat 2 with $24.50.     da_leak is at seat 3 with $90.50.     lisaandray is at seat 4 with $28.25.     The button is at seat 4.           darion1 posts the small blind of $.50.     pschnarr posts the big blind of $1.     darion1:  -- --     pschnarr:  Ac As     da_leak:  -- --     lisaandray:  -- --Pre-flop:            da_leak folds.   lisaandray calls.   darion1 calls.            pschnarr raises to $2.   lisaandray calls.   darion1          calls.    Flop (board: 6s Ts 3c):            darion1 bets $1.   pschnarr raises to $2.   lisaandray          re-raises to $3.   darion1 calls.   pschnarr re-raises          to $4.   lisaandray calls.   darion1 calls.    Turn (board: 6s Ts 3c 5s):            darion1 bets $2.   pschnarr raises to $4.   lisaandray          re-raises to $6.   darion1 calls.   pschnarr re-raises          to $8.   lisaandray calls.   darion1 calls.    River (board: 6s Ts 3c 5s Qc):            darion1 bets $2.   pschnarr raises to $4.   lisaandray          re-raises to $6.   darion1 goes all-in for $4.            pschnarr re-raises to $8.   lisaandray calls.              Showdown:       pschnarr shows Ac As.     pschnarr has Ac As 6s Ts Qc: a pair of aces.     lisaandray shows Th 6h.     lisaandray has Th 6h 6s Ts Qc: two pair, tens and sixes.     darion1 shows Qd 3d.     darion1 has Qd 3d Ts 3c Qc: two pair, queens and threes.          Hand #10102008-15161 Summary:       $1 is raked from a total pot of $62.               $1 is raked from the main pot of $54.               $0 is raked from side pot #1 of $8.     darion1 wins the main pot $53 with two pair, queens and threes.     lisaandray wins the side pot $8 with two pair, tens and sixes.----------------------------------------------------------------i got the perverbial variance nutpunch tonihgt, after 5 straight nights of +50, i went down the poopshoot and lost the 100 i had on. at least i cashed out 150.Good night.
hahahh, seriously you played this hand like censored, how long have you been playing? capped it all the way through, what a horrible hand by every player, this is why im learning limit, to punish no limit nubs
if you are going to try and insult someone...you should try and make sense with the punch line."to punish no limit nubs"that makes no sense. You are learning limit to beat NL players? Why dont you learn limit to beat stupid limit players?I guess it's popular on this forum to talk "down" towards NL players still a bit, but you really just show how ignorant you are when you do so.Meh, and dont take it personally long shanks...i have no problem with you...really, i just don't get it.- Jordan
you are right, I dident clarify that, i meant to punish no limit nubs who play limit, like the OP, thanks for not flaming
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That's why I love LHE and this hand beats yours........... :PParty Poker 0.50/1 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: bulldog999 is MP1 with A:heart:' date=' A:spade:. 2 folds, CO calls, BB calls.Flop: (12.50 SB) 4:heart:, 7:spade:, A:club: (3 players)BB checks, bulldog999 checks, CO bets, CO calls, BB calls.Turn: (12.25 BB) 8:heart: (3 players)BB bets, CO calls, BB calls.River: (24.25 BB) T:spade: (3 players)BB bets, bulldog999 calls, CO calls.Final Pot: 27.25 BBResults in white below: BB has 5c 6c (straight, eight high). bulldog999 has Ah As (three of a kind, aces). CO has Jc Js (one pair, jacks). Outcome: BB wins 27.25 BB. at least you played the river right
Capping second nuts on the turn might be read-dependent, but the rest is pretty unfuckwithable.
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You generally have both players drawing nearly, if not dead. In those cases you win almost 2 complete big bets of equity.The times that one person does have a straight, you only lose a small fraction of a bet in equity.Capping isn't read dependent.

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It's difficult to figure out which of the three players involved in the hand played it the worst.I'd say it's a tie.
lisaandray cold-called with T6s, but it was shorthanded, a button raise, and all she did after was push with a significant edge.i think she played it the least bad.
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MyPlayIsRAB,time for a name changeI suggestMyPlayIsHorribleMyWhiningIsComicalMyPlayIsDonktasticMyPlayIsLoosingMe$100/WeekandThat'sAllIMakeAtTheOrangeJuliuscertainly not RAB.
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I have a much better hand where my AA lost to 10 6Here is button with AA6 max, 5-102 folds Co calls, Hero raises, SB folds, BB 3 bets, Co calls, Hero Caps, BB calls, Co calls.Flop Ah 3h 4cBB bets, CO calls, Hero raises, BB calls, CO calls.Turn 2sBB bets, CO calls, Hero raises, BB folds (I dont know), CO calls.River 5dCo bets, Hero calls.This is why I love limit holdem.

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I was expecting you to get cracked by a flush, but I suppose any two pair would do it.  The thing about limit is, you have to be able to fold KK and AA sometimes.  In fact, sometimes folding the best hand after the flop or turn isn't the biggest mistake in the world.  The biggest mistake is raising or calling with the third best hand.
In bigger pots in LHE folding is a much bigger mistake than calling.
But capping in this situation is the biggest mistake of all.
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I read something a few days ago about high limit LHE (100/200) being a lot like low limit LHE (1/2), except for in the 100/200 games the players know when to put the breaks on. The OP clearly didn't know when to put the breaks on. I'm not saying that I wouldn't lose a lot of bets in this pot, but I probably slow down on the turn, so I'm just losing 1 bet on the turn and 1 on the river. There's no reason to cap after the flop.

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AA isn't always going to win and you need to learn to recognize when you've been beat. There is a time and place to fold them post flop and at the very least slow down with them - this was one of those times to at least slow down.

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I love the fact that he took it to 4 bets on every street.Man. This hand brings tears to my eyes.I love people who have orgasms when they get big pairs.

MyPlayIsRAB, time for a name change I suggest MyPlayIsHorrible MyWhiningIsComical MyPlayIsDonktastic MyPlayIsLoosingMe$100/WeekandThat'sAllIMakeAtTheOrangeJulius certainly not RAB.
I think RAB works under certain interpretations...http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?...act&Acronym=RABRetarded Animal Babies works particularly well.
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