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crazy hand you might enjoy

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Don't post or read this forum, but I thought I'd post a sick hand for you bad beaters:button+2 (known in the casino as Crazy Bob) is an insane player who won't lay any type of a hand down, even a draw, to any type of bet or raise.Hero is buttonSolid player is BB$3/$5 $150 max bet HoldemFolds around to Crazy Bob. He raises to $25Hero has KK and smooth calls.sb foldsBB is short stacked with $125 left and moves all in.Crazy Bob callsHero reraises the max ($150 more)Crazy Bob calls.Flop QT5 rainbow.Crazy Bob checks, Hero moves all in for another $125.Crazy Bob calls and turns over J6c, showing a backdoor straight and backdoor flush draw.Turn 8River 9Crazy Bob rakes in the pot with a runner runner straight, having invested $300 pre flop with J6. BB ended up having AA as well. Mark

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