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question for those who pay bills via online poker...

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What I really want to know is who is a 4 to 6 short handed limit holdem expert on here.
If you visited strat....ever...you would know.
Actually I visit there and read SOME, just don't post there much. So are you one of them, if so, we need to talk. :-)
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lol. Ouch, bad read. Sry man. I proly read you wrong because online poker is my leak. I started reading this forum again to plug it. Since we're here... how many folks out there could make (are making) a healthy profit live but leak online??

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lol. Ouch, bad read. Sry man. I proly read you wrong because online poker is my leak. I started reading this forum again to plug it. Since we're here... how many folks out there could make (are making) a healthy profit live but leak online??
First off start your own censored thread!!!
Ok, this may be a silly question... Why are you going to school if you do not plan to work for (or with) "the man?"
Second I said i DON'T have a problem working for "the man"Moving along...
1) Play the highest limit that you can dominate. "Dominate" means a steady BB/HR per week. Even if that limit is small. 2) Multi-Table. 3) Spend alot of time on game selection. If you use poker to pay the bills, you will need to spend alot of time scouting out games and players. 4) Do not look down on targeting one bad player at a table to stack him....be patient, and if you must nut peddle to stack the player that is actively giving his money away..so be it. 5) You are playing for money, not for sport. You encounter some "decent" players in a game, and then realize that all the players at the table are "decent"....you picked a bad table. 6) Open up an account in as many pokerrooms as possible. (Action tends to dry up in some places and then pick up in others. 7) Always be watching out for big promotions on different sites...Big promos bring alot of new players and these are the guys you are targeting.
As for Bankroll requirements for Omaha...I play PLO...and I keep at least 10 buyins of each of the limits I play in my "active" bankroll. Been doing that for almost 2 years now....haven't had a problem. On a "work" day... I will play one game of $2-$2 PLO, 1 game of $1-$1 PLO, and maybe multiple .50-.50 PLO games....(or 2/4, 1/2, and .50/1.00) on occasion...if the games are good. I will also try to find higher games that come up soft from time to time....but never higher than 5-10 PLO..... Like I said...I don't play for sport...I actually "need" to win. I play NLHE MTT's for fun though...that is where I get my poker "fun".
Thank you that was all very helpful info :-) I'm curious as to what happens if you have a bad month? were do you get your funds from...is that were the 9 months of (just in case money) comes into play. Or do you take the hit with your inactive BR?What kind of active BR total to do you have...and what do you do with your inactive portion...is it there as back up in case you are down say 2 or 3 buyins in a particular game or what?
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What college are you going to be starting in SD? Have you played at any of the casinos down here in SD?
I'll be going to SDSU and yea i play at all of the local casinos when i'm in town...except barona...not a big fan of the place
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Alf- Do you have a daily schedule for when you play? For instance. Monday through friday 9-5?
yeah, i'm interested in hearing what full time guys hours are.i am EST and find it a lot easier to win at night, then during the day. Does anyone play 9-5? if so how does that work compared to at night?
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Alf- Do you have a daily schedule for when you play? For instance. Monday through friday 9-5?
No Daily schedule...although I hardly ever play on Saturdays and Sundays....I usually play at night from 7 to 2AM somedays....but I always try to play for only 4 hours....sometimes the games are too good to quit and I stay longer....I will however go on a 16 hour session if running very well....I also give myself vacations (one week) after a monster week to prevent burnout...My active bankroll is around 5 to 6k....that is what i have in total at various sites.
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Alf- Do you have a daily schedule for when you play? For instance. Monday through friday 9-5?
No Daily schedule...although I hardly ever play on Saturdays and Sundays....I usually play at night from 7 to 2AM somedays....but I always try to play for only 4 hours....sometimes the games are too good to quit and I stay longer....I will however go on a 16 hour session if running very well....I also give myself vacations (one week) after a monster week to prevent burnout...My active bankroll is around 5 to 6k....that is what i have in total at various sites.
Tfr me some money to play on FT with.FCP Ron MexDon't be scared.
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I also consider MTT's to be a luxury so I Budget $500 a month to play them and will not stray from that quota...(Live and Online). I keep seperate records for Cash Game play and MTT/SNG play. And once I cease to at least break even in MTT's...i will quit them all together...I am barely staying ahead in them and that is de to the occasional final table that replenishes the MTT bankroll.

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Tfr me some money to play on FT with.FCP Ron MexDon't be scared.
Mex....My Pokerroom will be done around the second week of February....I decided to just build it now....and say WTF....fuk the house...It's taking for ever to find anything at a decent price.....When it's done...I'll post pics....Interested in playing?
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Tfr me some money to play on FT with.FCP Ron MexDon't be scared.
Mex....My Pokerroom will be done around the second week of February....I decided to just build it now....and say WTF....fuk the house...It's taking for ever to find anything at a decent price.....When it's done...I'll post pics....Interested in playing?
absolutely. I'll shoot down one night, bring a little cash and let you try to naked wrestle it from me. Or just play cards for it.Although, I just tied myself up on Fri and Sat nights.I'll be working at a latin club in WPB, door and whatnot.The money is going stictly to a big Vegas trip I'm planning in Vegas. I will be playing over my head, limits wise. But hey, wtf.
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When you play online for a living, I don't think you should have a set schedule. Sometimes there are good games at odd times, and the key is to find these good games. You must also make sure that you have accounts at many of the different poker rooms. Scouting games/game selection is one of the key components to becoming a successful pro.A while ago I decided to try and play from a set schedule. (11am-7pm) After only a few weeks I found that I was leaving too much money on the table. The games are significantly better in the evening and late-night. Typically I put in about 40-70 hours per week. I rarely play on weekends, so my "schedule" looks like this :Monday-Thursday 1 p.m.- 3 a.m. (When playing cash games I rarely play for more than 4 hours without taking a 15-30 minute break. However, if the game is really good, I have the discipline to put in 12-16 hour sessions.)I always manage to put in at least 40 hours/week at the tables somehow. Since this is my "job" , I can't get lazy and have to actually put in the work.When I first started playing for a living, I made a crucial mistake. I would hit a big score in a tourney or I would have a good week in the cash games and I would withdraw a large portion of this money. So the next week I was still playing the same limits, with little increase in my bankroll. If I was smart, I would have kept most of that money in my bankroll and I would be playing even higher than I am now. I would advise you to withdraw what is necessary for bills/spending, but try and keep as much money in your bankroll as possible. Remember, if you continue to grow your bankroll, you can play higher and eventually be making more money than you even expected. (Given the fact that you have the talent)If you are a proven winning player, there is no reason why you can't achieve your goal. The key is discipline and the ability to be honest with yourself. If you're tired, you need to recognize this and take a nap. If you're on tilt, you HAVE TO STOP PLAYING. Also, you need to be constantly improving your game. I know a lot of players who think they play perfectly and never think they play a hand wrong. You cannot have this mindset. You have to be willing to admit you make mistakes, and you have to discuss these mistakes with your peers. Many good players are not profitable because they are never willing to admit they are wrong.There are many traps a winning player can fall into that will eventually deplete his entire bankroll. I know you're in the military, so that tells me there is a good chance you have the discipline to make it work. I wish you the best of luck in your journey as a pro.

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No Daily schedule...although I hardly ever play on Saturdays and Sundays....
This statement jumped out at me. I always assumed the juicyist games were on Friday and Saturday night. When the frat boys are drunk and the moms are blowing off some steam after a long week. Am I wrong? And if not, why wouldn't you play during this time? Roark
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No Daily schedule...although I hardly ever play on Saturdays and Sundays....
This statement jumped out at me. I always assumed the juicyist games were on Friday and Saturday night. When the frat boys are drunk and the moms are blowing off some steam after a long week. Am I wrong? And if not, why wouldn't you play during this time? Roark
This is probably the juiciest time to play. I don't play on weekends because of social/family commitments. I would take a guess and say Alf's reasons are similar.
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No Daily schedule...although I hardly ever play on Saturdays and Sundays....
This statement jumped out at me. I always assumed the juicyist games were on Friday and Saturday night. When the frat boys are drunk and the moms are blowing off some steam after a long week. Am I wrong? And if not, why wouldn't you play during this time? Roark
I would say you are right on this, but having some normal things in life also help your game. I play on weekend/nights some, but it's not part of my main schedule.I probably am giving up some prime games, but to do what I do, I better give some time to the wife and doing things we like as well.Not sure if it's this way for everybody.
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I don't play on Saturday and Sundays for the most part because i need a normal life...take the wife out and my daughter...and so forth....I do play saturday nights very often at a buddy's house...I have noticed alot of fellow vulchers show up in the PLO games on friday night and saturday....if there is a 2 to 1 vulcher to pigeon ratio...it is usually not a good game...It seems that way lately on UB and FT on Fri, and Sat.

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Everything Alf said is great advice. Actually, most of this thread is filled with great advice. Do not move up in limits though unless you can a) afford the variance and B) play there comfortably. I don't know the bankroll limits for Omaha, so I'm not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. Just remember that it's just as harmful to be overbankrolled as it is to be underbankrolled.
Hi Custom....I was wondering what could be wrong with being overbankrolled ? I'm not trying to pick a fight/disagree....I'm just not seeing where you are going with that. Obviously I understand not being under bankrolled, but what would be wrong with having too much money ? I can see (someday, I hope !) me having the money to move up in limits, but not feel that I am competitively ready to do it.
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If you have a $2000 bankroll and are playing the .02/.04 NL tables, you're not going to take it as seriously because it's hard to get hurt. Same holds true for people playing 1/2 NL on a $10,000 bankroll, the $200 won't sting so they tend to play looser than they would if it was an amount of money that meant something to them.

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I've been playing midnight ish - 6am or so. It's hard enough to find constant games at this time. It seems like a good amount of the players are there most of the nights as I am. I'm relatively new to omaha, but I basically know when I'm good and when to fold. Being a lot of the same players every day in the limited amount of games b/c of the time, it's certainly cutting my action. I gotta find a new time..

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I've been playing midnight ish - 6am or so. It's hard enough to find constant games at this time. It seems like a good amount of the players are there most of the nights as I am. I'm relatively new to omaha, but I basically know when I'm good and when to fold. Being a lot of the same players every day in the limited amount of games b/c of the time, it's certainly cutting my action. I gotta find a new time..
If youre looking for a 6 hour stretch I would recommend 8pm-2am.
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I been playing for a living for over a year, i average about 14k a month my worst month this year has been plus 7k. Its the best thing thats ever happened to me to play for a living, i dont really feel like im grinding to make payments. I put in alot of hours and never put myself in a bad situation, like playing higher stakes then i should, i gotta admit i have been suprised how easy this year as been

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I been playing for a living for over a year, i average about 14k a month my worst month this year has been plus 7k. Its the best thing thats ever happened to me to play for a living, i dont really feel like im grinding to make payments. I put in alot of hours and never put myself in a bad situation, like playing higher stakes then i should, i gotta admit i have been suprised how easy this year as been
What limits/games do you play?
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I been playing for a living for over a year, i average about 14k a month my worst month this year has been plus 7k. Its the best thing thats ever happened to me to play for a living, i dont really feel like im grinding to make payments. I put in alot of hours and never put myself in a bad situation, like playing higher stakes then i should, i gotta admit i have been suprised how easy this year as been
14K a month? So about $500 a day?You must be playing some pretty high limits.
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