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lag monkey on my left 3/6 live

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LAG monkey is on severe tilt, is berating the older players at the table calling them pussies, and raising EVERY pot, and following through with outrageous bluffs on any and every street, and never getting away with one. The younger players at the table including me begged the floor to let him stay after his 3rd warning. I'm in line for a seat change behind him as soon as possible. He has rebought for $100 4 times and is now spouting racial slurs at everyone but asians (he's asian).CO is new and I don't have reads, but he has folded maybe 70% of the time preflop over like 10 hands?Hero has A:club: K:diamond: in BB.Preflop:LAG Monkey raises, folds to CO who calls, Button and SB fold, Hero 3-bets, LAG Monkey calls, CO calls.Flop: J:diamond: 8:club: 5:spade: Hero Bets, LAG Monkey calls, CO calls.Turn: 4:heart:Hero ?????What's our line?

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You should probably bet. Ideally, you want Lag Monkey to raise and knock out CO. Call if Lag Monkey raises and CO folds, fold if CO raises. I'm not sure what to do if Lag Monkey raises and CO calls...probably call, but I think it's close.The above assumes that CO's 70% PF fold means that he's a good player. If you think he sucks, too, then I'd probably c/c the turn.

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If CO bets or raises I think he has at least middle or top pair or something like 99 or 10s, I don't have much to go on there, but just from the feel I got from him that's what he'd be like. But I also think he just calls the flop with overs, so I'm not sure what he's got at all.

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Check, if lag monkey bets and CO calls, fold. If CO folds, call down with ace high?And fold if CO bets.
That's crazy. CO knows the LAG is tilting. He could call with a wide range of hands you beat, and if you're behind you probably have 5 outs on average.No way you can fold this turn for 1 bet getting 8.5:1.
Bet. You want the LAG raise on a bluff and face the CO with 2
This is what I was thinking.
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I don't want to be paying two BB on the turn with just ace high. Even if it means were sacrifice winning chances by not knocking out CO I think c/c is better. If Monkey has a random hand, then our equity is marginally bad, enough to peel for the river, but I want to do it for as little bets as possible. If we check and it gets two cold back to us then it's an easy fold. Personally, if I was playing against this LAGMonkey, I would wait for a stronger hand before I showed my hand down. This way, we pay two bets to see showdown, no bets when CO raises, getting a cheap chance to catch up on the river.

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I don't want to be paying two BB on the turn with just ace high. Even if it means were sacrifice winning chances by not knocking out CO I think c/c is better.
How do you feel about paying two BB on the turn with the best hand?
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And how do you feel about paying two bets on the turn with best hand with one opponent drawing at six cards to beat you instead of paying one bet on the turn -- or even giving a free card! -- with two opponents drawing at twelve cards to beat you?

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And how do you feel about paying two bets on the turn with best hand with one opponent drawing at six cards to beat you instead of paying one bet on the turn -- or even giving a free card! -- with two opponents drawing at twelve cards to beat you?
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That's crazy.  CO knows the LAG is tilting. He could call with a wide range of hands you beat, and if you're behind you probably have 5 outs on average.  
CO is new to the table. I assume that means he has no reads.
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That's crazy.  CO knows the LAG is tilting. He could call with a wide range of hands you beat, and if you're behind you probably have 5 outs on average.  
CO is new to the table. I assume that means he has no reads.
OP says CO has been around for 10 hands, so he probably has heard the ordeal or whatever the LAG had been pulling. Whether or not that leads him to raise the LAG with a more marginal hand than ours is questionable IMO, assuming we c/c the turn.
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It's not a particularly large pot. I dont see why you want to potentially be putting in 3 bets against a lag here with ace high and no draws (and that's assuming the co doesnt have anything to call two bets with). Just because he's nutty doesnt mean he wont ever have anything.

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It's tough, both sides are bringing up good points, eventually the LAG will have something and the chances aren't that bad that he has something now. The good part is there are not many legit draws. I pussied out and checked the turn, and it checked around. A king came on the river, I bet, LAG folded, and CO called with AK, we split the pot. As I was stacking the chips from half the pot I was thinking if I bet the turn I would have won this pot, but that's hindsight so I wanted to get some responses from you guys. I labeled CO pretty weak after that since he played AK so passive even when he was in position.

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That's crazy. CO knows the LAG is tilting. He could call with a wide range of hands you beat, and if you're behind you probably have 5 outs on average.
CO is new to the table. I assume that means he has no reads.
Ok, so we bet, LAG raises, and now CO throws away a decent hand. Even better.Either way, I like AK in this spot. I figure to be ahead a good portion of the time, and I have outs to catch up if I'm not. I also like the idea of having the LAG help push us into the lead if we're behind by knocking out CO.
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I have to agree with betting the turn. Although we're not sure if we're ahead here, it seems to me that if the LAG is as much of a maniacal tilter as described, he'd probably be raising the flop if he hit anything at all, the fact that he's flat calling smells like pure tilt-chasing to me. We don't have specifics of the hands he's been donking, so we can't be sure from the info provided, but either way, giving a free card to 2 opponents is a mistake imo, especially since the LAG could have anything, and the CO could be playing a much weaker hand than yours, a free card would be dangerous to say the least.

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Giving a free card? We have AK high, against 2 opponents our hand is good less than 50% of the time based on just statistics. The argument for betting hoping for a LAG raise is valid though since CO would probably throw out his hand that actually has something. LAG's raise preflop and flat call on the flop cannot be interpreted for anything. He has raised the flop before with nothing and something, and sometimes flat calls, waits for turn to raise with something or nothing. Can't read into it at all, he was raising an easy 80% of the time preflop, and folding the other 20%. If the pot was a kill, he'd cap preflop if he had the chance with any cards.

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If the pot was bigger, i'd feel better doing it.But i guess if there's absolutely no connection between his raising and the strength of his hand, bleh..Are you leading a blank river too in the hopes of being raised to get the CO to fold a pair? :club:

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I wouldn't lead the river if they both called on the turn and I missed, afterall there are no draws on the board and I'd be surprised if neither had a hand by the river.

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