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river play

Guest Zach6668

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Guest Zach6668

Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (8 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is MP2 with A:club:, 6:club:. 1 fold, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: (5 SB) 9:club:, 8:club:, 9:spade: (5 players)SB checks, BB bets, SB folds, BB calls, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls.Turn: (6.50 BB) A:heart: (4 players)BB checks, UTG+1 checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets, BB calls, UTG+1 folds, MP1 folds.River: (8.50 BB) 4:heart: (2 players)BB checks, Hero ...-------Is this an easy bet? What does he call behind with that we beat? And so on... Zach

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BB likely has an 8, I think this is a pretty solid value bet. However, since I'm not entirely sure what to do if raised, i think I might check behind against an unknown. Against a passive player bet/fold works, and against a very Aggro player bet/call works, but based on the way he played the rest of the hand I'd put him on an 8 or a flush draw and I think a thin value bet may be in order.

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What hands can beat you?Any nine, AA, 88, 44, or AT+. What hand among those is likely to be out there given the action? Pretty much only a nine with a weak kicker -- or a monster like A9 or 98.A lot of players will call with a pair of eights or worse. More than a few players will raise with other pairs.It looks to me like a clear case of bet/call, contingent on your read of the player. (Check into tight-*ss rocks.)

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just making sure you were checking behind on a missed turn. free card plays don't work much worse on paired boards, but there's the tendency to try and then steal it on the turn, which will often result in a CR.i think a decent 9 CRs this turn, but you still must bet with an A, and since there was no CR, your river bet is fine.

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