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probably standard 2/4 6max hand

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UTG = solid for 6 max but hits the bet/raise any button and ends up 3 betting hands he shouldnt and stuff, doesn't really pertain to this hand but yeah. If I had to guess PT stats he would be about a 30/18/3. CO is a loose passive play any two dummy.Ultimate Bet 2/4 Hold'em (6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is SB with K:club:, K:diamond:. UTG raises, UTG calls, CO calls.Flop: (10 SB) 2:heart:, 9:club:, 2:spade: (3 players)Hero bets, UTG calls, CO calls.Turn: (6.50 BB) 4:diamond: (3 players)Hero bets, UTG calls, CO calls.River: (9.50 BB) T:heart: (3 players)Hero bets, CO calls, Hero calls.Final Pot: 15.50 BB

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3 bet river. What are you afraid of? 99? 44? Wouldn't have we heard of him from the flop or turn? 22 seems more possible to me, as the guy saw he had quads and went into "lock down" mode. "I will not raise until the very end, because i have a ****ing monster and dont want to give it away", that type of deal.

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I think the CO calls more than half the time as well, so added incentive.Wouldn't a standard player raise TT at some point in this hand? That is very passive to go into call down mode from the very safe flop.

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Results: UTG shows 9d 2d for a flopped full house. :roll:It was really weird. This guy had never raised anything like that before preflop, what a flop for him against pocket kings eh? If I was one of those online poker is rigged type of guys, which I'm not, this would look incredibly suspicious!CO had 9 5 offsuit.

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Results: UTG shows 9d 2d for a flopped full house. :roll:It was really weird. This guy had never raised anything like that before preflop, what a flop for him against pocket kings eh? If I was one of those online poker is rigged type of guys, which I'm not, this would look incredibly suspicious!CO had 9 5 offsuit.
lol, i had a similar situation. a fairly solid player raised utg and i 3-bet him w/ AA or KK (can't remember) and he capped. flop is 922.he c/c's all the way to the river and then c/r's me. i call and he shows 92 for the flopped fh.never seen him do anything like it since either.weird. 92 must be another forums krablar. :?
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Regardless of the results, I'm likely 3-betting here. I don't think he raises preflop UTG with a 2, and usually a flopped boat will c/r the turn. It just seems he hit a 10, feels you had just a 9, and is raising the river for that reason. I just think you are still ahead enough to make 3-betting profitable.

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and usually a flopped boat will c/r the turn.You're joking, right?Ussually raise their non vulnerable nut hand heads up to give someone leading into them the chance to fold their near drawing dead hand?Um. Ok.good luck.

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Regardless of the results, I'm likely 3-betting here. I don't think he raises preflop UTG with a 2, and usually a flopped boat will c/r the turn. It just seems he hit a 10, feels you had just a 9, and is raising the river for that reason. I just think you are still ahead enough to make 3-betting profitable.
How does anything we did in this hand make him feel that we have only a 9?
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