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2/4 party hand reading excersize

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Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (10 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is BB with 8:heart:, 4:spade:. UTG raises, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, Button calls.Flop: (13 SB) Q:heart:, 7:diamond:, 4:diamond: (5 players)SB bets, SB calls, UTG calls.Turn: (12.50 BB) 7:spade: (4 players)SB bets, UTG+1 calls, SB calls.River: (24.50 BB) 6:spade: (4 players)SB bets, SB calls, UTG calls.Final Pot: 30.50 BBGuess their hands, no reads, new table. Hand range excersize... Like the title says.

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SB has AK diamonds, or some sort of flush draw.UTG1's most likely hands are 77 and QQ allthough the preflop action would seem to imply 77 as unlikely as that is with the two sevens on teh board.Capping this flop without a set is scary bad. UTG has AA.good luck.Oh wait, PARTY 2/4.Sorry. SB has 43o, UTG has J3s, spades, and UTG1 has 22.

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Sorry it took so long for the results, my power went down for 36 hours about an hour after I posted, horrible storms here in California. During the hand, I pegged two of the hands correctly. I put SB on AA and UTG on AQ. I originally had UTG+1 on 77 or 44, and figured 44 was more likely once I saw the turn.The hand I was wrong about was UTG+1, he had, 72 offsuit and won a $119 pot.fckthis was right, amazing. good work.

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