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can i ever fold the turn here?

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Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (7 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is Button with A:club:, A:diamond:. 1 fold, MP1 calls, CO calls.Flop: (13 SB) 8:diamond:, 3:diamond:, 7:heart: (4 players)SB checks, MP1 checks, CO bets, SB calls, MP1 folds, CO calls.Turn: (13.50 BB) K:club: (3 players)SB checks, CO checks, Hero bets, Hero calls, SB calls.River: (19.50 BB) 9:heart: (3 players)SB checks, CO bets, Hero calls, SB calls.Final Pot: 22.50 BBRead on SB is idiot, read on CO is solid aggressive, but don't have much info yet on him. Felt like trips to me on the turn but I didn't have the stomach to lay it down, your thoughts?

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3-betting the turn would be preposterous.

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What two pair combos could he have to let me redraw out on after the way he played PF? None. What hands will he really check raise two people with? I think the only hand i'm ahead of is an overplayed AK which i'm not sure if he would even check/raise that... Is it REALLY that bad to think about folding?

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What two pair combos could he have to let me redraw out on after the way he played PF? None. What hands will he really check raise two people with? I think the only hand i'm ahead of is an overplayed AK which i'm not sure if he would even check/raise that... Is it REALLY that bad to think about folding?
You are getting 17.5 to 1 (18.5 when sb calls) after the turn c/r. There is no way you aren't ahead enough or don't have odds to draw to 2, or possilbly more, outs. So yeah, it is pretty bad.
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I think I 3bet/fold turn.I doubt anyone will agree with this, but CO has come out firing like mad here. If he isn't an idiot who loves to overplay top pair, it seems like an obvious fold.

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Guest Zach6668
I think I 3bet/fold turn.I doubt anyone will agree with this, but CO has come out firing like mad here. If he isn't an idiot who loves to overplay top pair, it seems like an obvious fold.
Umm.. if he's overplaying top pair, then aren't we leading? How are you folding this?
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I think I 3bet/fold turn.I doubt anyone will agree with this, but CO has come out firing like mad here. If he isn't an idiot who loves to overplay top pair, it seems like an obvious fold.
Umm.. if he's overplaying top pair, then aren't we leading? How are you folding this?
I call/raise if he has a tendecency to do this. If he doesnt, then for me, it seems that we're beat and drawing thin. That why I 3 bet turn, if he comes over the top again, from my experience, we're beat.
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Guest Zach6668
I think I 3bet/fold turn.I doubt anyone will agree with this, but CO has come out firing like mad here. If he isn't an idiot who loves to overplay top pair, it seems like an obvious fold.
Umm.. if he's overplaying top pair, then aren't we leading? How are you folding this?
I call/raise if he has a tendecency to do this. If he doesnt, then for me, it seems that we're beat and drawing thin. That why I 3 bet turn, if he comes over the top again, from my experience, we're beat.
And then what, fold to his cap? Call his cap and fold the river UI?This is a terrible line, IMO. If he caps, you are paying 3 bets to see no showdown. If you call, check/call the river, you are paying 2 bets, and seeing a showdown.Zach
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I think I 3bet/fold turn.
I dont think that there are many, if any situations where that line is acceptable. This definitely isn't. There's a good possibility that he's doing this with Kx of diamonds, where X is 9 and up. It's definitely in many people's PF raise range from the CO.
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My read is that he would not check raise two players with AK here, but i'm not discounting that possibility completely. Like I said, it felt like a middle pair that had flopped trips. I suppose call down is still correct since SB/MP1 were such idiots in this hand and made the pot big.

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Guest Zach6668
My read is that he would not check raise two players with AK here, but i'm not discounting that possibility completely. Like I said, it felt like a middle pair that had flopped trips. I suppose call down is still correct since SB/MP1 were such idiots in this hand and made the pot big.
"Reads" don't exactly mean that much in LHE. You can read him for a range of hands, but saying specifically that he has two particular cards is a sure way to fold the winner a lot, and miss out on a ton of value. I don't know how much you play online, but most people are complete retards, and follow no logic. You can easily be WAY ahead here, I would even assume you were way more than the 1 in 20 times you have to be in order for calling to be profitable.You have a very strong hand. You are probably behind, but you need to call it down, unless it's 2 cold to you at any point, etc, then you can think about folding.I bet/call turn, check/call river. You always have at least two outs to improve as well as a back up.Zach.
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My read is that he would not check raise two players with AK here, but i'm not discounting that possibility completely. Like I said, it felt like a middle pair that had flopped trips. I suppose call down is still correct since SB/MP1 were such idiots in this hand and made the pot big.
"Reads" don't exactly mean that much in LHE. You can read him for a range of hands, but saying specifically that he has two particular cards is a sure way to fold the winner a lot, and miss out on a ton of value. I don't know how much you play online, but most people are complete retards, and follow no logic. You can easily be WAY ahead here, I would even assume you were way more than the 1 in 20 times you have to be in order for calling to be profitable.You have a very strong hand. You are probably behind, but you need to call it down, unless it's 2 cold to you at any point, etc, then you can think about folding.I bet/call turn, check/call river. You always have at least two outs to improve as well as a back up.Zach.
But making educated guesses saves you bets here and there, and that adds up in the long run, just like raising for value, etc.
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Guest Zach6668
But making educated guesses saves you bets here and there, and that adds up in the long run, just like raising for value, etc.
Ok, but you only have to be ahead 1 in 20 times to make money by calling the river. You aren't saving a bet, you are missing out on a whole pot.I honestly can't wrap my head around wanting to fold AA on this ragged board. No flushes, no likely straight (except for JT). It just doesn't make sense EV-wise.Zach.
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Bubba:you can't fold turn.You just about (or do) have implied odds to hit your set, the nuts.Both your outs are clean.Also there are two pair outs, maybe, live88 is CO most likely hand from the action and given your read.But people do quirky things sometimes

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I don't think my opponent ever 3 bets AK on the flop. He might 3-bet Ad Kd, but he can't have Ad Kd, since I hold the ace of diamonds. I guess you might be able to make a case for Qd Kd, but I'm not sure this opponent raises this hand preflop.

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Guest Zach6668
I don't think my opponent ever 3 bets AK on the flop.  He might 3-bet Ad Kd, but he can't have Ad Kd, since I hold the ace of diamonds.  I guess you might be able to make a case for Qd Kd, but I'm not sure this opponent raises this hand preflop.
Stop trying to make pro folds. It is a recipe for disaster in limit. Especially low limit.
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As you can see I didn't fold. I still think the way I played it was correct, but that doesn't mean the analysis of the hand should stop there.

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The fact that it's a clear cut call is why discussion shouldn't need to continue.You're getting paid 10:1 effectively. You're definitely good 10% of the time, but definitely not good 66% of the time to warrant a 3bet, since better hands almost always cap (and worse hands within his range basically always call down). Based on the action and information provided, you're not really close to either of those limits.

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