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weird idea? "elimination skins format" sng idea..

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OK - Just for the record, I know who JFarrell is, and I'm not suggesting a change to the rules of Poker. :)It was just an idea I was floating. Nothing serious, just a weird kind of idea. Maybe it's been done before, I don't know. But I thought I'd send up the trial balloon and see what some folks think.Has anyone ever thought about, or conducted an 'elimination skins format' Sit and Go?What I had envisioned was this - all 10 guys start with even chip stacks, and a regular blind schedule commences. People play poker, as normal. But as play continues, and you, with your superior poker abilities, collect more chips, you get the opportunity to eliminate players.For every player that YOU eliminate, you get 1 point. At the end of the tournament, whoever got the most 'elimination points' would win the prize - either the entire prize pool, or a percentage of the prize pool... whatever. Sort of like the "Skins" game in the PGA where you get prizes for winning a hole, not winning the tournament. If at any point someone got 6 points, bang - tournament over.Obviously, you'd have to continue to play 'smart poker' since the bigger chip stack you have, the more likelihood you have of knocking out another player. But it would definitely add another facet to the game.I don't know - has it been tried before? Go ahead and flame away - I'm just shooting out a trial balloon and asking for thoughts.

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No, this idea is definitely not like "open farrelling" but I don't think it's an idea that would catch on that well. I mostly feel this way because people would feel like they were forced to play subpar hands in order to knock out a shortstack, and in some weird way would lend itself to getting a shortstack to control the action, i.e. pushing every hand all in.Although, maybe if you set it up where for every 10 people, one buyin would be set aside, for example, 10 man 5+.50 SNG would have one 5 dollar prize to the side for the one who knocks out the most, kind of like a bounty, then the rest of the prize pool would be split based on site structures... just a thought

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Perhaps another option:If you eliminate a player, you get his buy in. That way, the SnG goes right to the end. Eliminate the guy at the end, get one buy in. Eliminate 3 along the way, get 3 buyins.Just another variation to the prize pool.

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