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all i want for christmas .....

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we just got a poker table at the house, and my buddies girlfriend bought him a picture of dogs playing poker (ugghh) and a blackjack chute.I'm such a snob, I was like, wtf do we need a blackjack chute for? And I will never live in a house that has dogs playin poker in it.I'll stick with my framed Swingers poster, The Usual Suspects, and a framed large photo of Frank, Dean, and Sammy drinkin and smokin.I'm still laughing about the blackjack thing.

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Getting a poker table and hoping ppl stop padding their post counts. Already have the 11.5 oz clap chips.  Oh, and more winning hands and PATIENCE to play donks.
Change starts at home.
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Getting a poker table and hoping ppl stop padding their post counts. Already have the 11.5 oz clap chips.  Oh, and more winning hands and PATIENCE to play donks.
Change starts at home.
Nice.And to Fulldouche7, what would people read if we only chatted when we had something super productive to write.I have never once considered my post count before making a post. Ever.+1
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if your canadian and trying to buy poker books you get bent over !!!chapters charges and arm and a leg for anything, I used to live in Nova scotia until sept of this year and when buying poker books i went to amazon or when i was in boston i would go to borders....i would be happy for a little head for xmas ~ but thats not going to happen so i would be happy with some poker dvd's !!!!

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So out of the blue, my Dad shows up at my and my brother's house tonight with SS1, SS2, HOH1 and HOH2. I had never mentioned that I wanted those books and my father isn't really a big fan of Poker.I am beside myself right now.

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I know how you feel about not finding some of these books in Canada. I've been looking for Ace on the River for a while and can't seem to find it.
Ace On The River should be an April Fools Day Gift, don't buy it. It looks pretty but you'll spend $ 25 hearing about all the different ways a man can go broke for like 80 pages. Granted he has a nice stack now though.
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I want a trip to the Chicago boats on the 26th complete with prearranged child care and a stake from Dave as my bankroll is slim right now.I got him WSOP 2003 on DVD. He already has all the books discussed in this thread and then some. I suppose I should read some of them. I might not need the stake then.I would also like dinner with DN when I am in Vegas. That present would kick ass.I'm getting a weight bench. The kids are getting a fooseball table.

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For Smash to propose with a very big rock...Man, you're allways complaining that it's too big.Oh wait, rock.  NM.Damn dyslexia.
Actually my Christmas Poker wish is for Smash to post more frequently.
Yeah, I miss the good old days.
I want to third this. I'm the terrible limit player that I am today because I lurked every day just to read his posts. Before that I was truly horrendous.I'd also like Kurt to qualify for another huge event and not get sucked out on this time. (I still think pushing that flop was the right play!)
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I know how you feel about not finding some of these books in Canada. I've been looking for Ace on the River for a while and can't seem to find it.
Ace On The River should be an April Fools Day Gift, don't buy it. It looks pretty but you'll spend $ 25 hearing about all the different ways a man can go broke for like 80 pages. Granted he has a nice stack now though.
Wrong. Very good book.
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  • 2 years later...
I want a winning session when I play 10/20 at Resorts.Might actually go today if Hoosier ever wakes up and calls me back. Otherwise, the 26th for sure.
10/20 ORLY?
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Careful on all those HOH books that everyone is wishing for. They are so damn good, they take away all your donkiness. The problem is that they don't take away everyone else's donkiness. Hence you get a TON more bad beats layed upon you. So if you are going to read them, start practicing this mantra "But I got my money in with way the best of it!".Just sayin. Merry Christmas all.

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Ace On The River should be an April Fools Day Gift, don't buy it. It looks pretty but you'll spend $ 25 hearing about all the different ways a man can go broke for like 80 pages. Granted he has a nice stack now though.Wrong. Very good book.
worthless as far as hardcore poker info goes. otherwise it's a good book
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