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bellagio 2/5 nl game

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I've never played the 2/5 nl game at Bellagio and I wanted to know what you guys think about this game. The max. buy-in is $200, so you start as a shortstack.Which casino's have better low blinds nl games?Thanks

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The Bellagio game is 2/5 with 200 buy in. I've played there a few times, and I found the competition to be completely different each time. I think it depends on the table. I would say the average person in that game is tight and not overly aggressive, but that's just what I've seen.If you're looking to make money, I wouldn't play at the Bellagio, there are softer games in Vegas for sure.

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MGM has 1/2 with 100-200 buy in and 2/5 with 200-500 buy in. Nice, loose games with awesome briscitte (sp) sandwiches only a few steps away.That being said, the 2/5 game on Saturday night at Bellagio is the bomb!!! You might be the short stack, but the big stacks are usually big time LAGs. You just have to pick your spot and be prepared to rebuy a couple of times. However, if you get there in the afternoon you may get a new table.Those are the only places I play in Vegas.

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My favourite is MGM during the day, then Bellagio after midnight, all the regulars seem to be done for the day, and all the rich drunk tourists come out ... I have been in some JUICY 2/5 games at the Bellagio ... people giving tells a blind monkey could pick up on.

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On Nov. 11th, I was in LV for a friend's birthday and we had a VIP table at Light at Bellagio... After partying my ass off until the wee hours of the next morning, I regrouped and headed to the poker room and sat at the 2/5 NL game... I was in seat 2 and the guy in seat 1 (European guy)kept showing me his hands and stuff, and asking me how I would have played, etc (between hands of course)... He was pretty gracious for my help after he started picking up a few hands, and he'd order us drinks and pick up the tip, etc... I ran my $200 up to about $650 and decided to take a break to eat... When the cocktail girl told me I couldn't order from her, this Euro guy stands up and snaps his fingers and the Bellagio casino host comes over and the guy goes "Bring Zach some chicken fingers...and some for me too" and flips the dude a $50... So then I was like "okay, this guy is somebody special..." So, 20 minutes later this chef dude rolls up in a white tableclothed cart and has two orders of gourmet chicken strips... He goes "that will be $42" and the seat 1 guy whips out a softball sized wad of $100s and flips the chef one and says "keep the change."So, after we ate, this entourage of bodyguards enters the poker room and in the middle of them is Paris Hilton... she comes over and sits right in Seat 1's lap...It was her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos - the billionaire heir guy (he's only 20!)... I knew he looked sort of familiar... So, he tells her "Paris, this is my new buddy Zach," and she leans over from his lap and says "heeeey cutie" and plants a kiss on my cheek...then proceeds to take sips out of my Corona (sure, go ahead!). I was totally starstruck...but played it sort of cool... She looked amazingly hot, and it was hard to focus on poker with her hand resting on my shoulder... So, she sat down for a little at the table next to us and was hamming it up with the players at that table... Then she comes over to Stavros and very audibly says "Staaaaav, hurry up and finish, I want to F*CK!" I was this close to spitting up my Corona when I heard that...so was the rest of the table... So, being a big timer, Stav goes "I'm playing cards...I'll take care of you when I am done." Sh*t, I wanted to say "ah, can I be of assistance???" After about 20 minutes, he dumped the rest of his money and they took off... The next night was the "infamous" night that they trashed the Palms hotel room and "broke up." I guess I made an impression...haha... Sorry for epic story, but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it...

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On Nov. 11th, I was in LV for a friend's birthday and we had a VIP table at Light at Bellagio... After partying my ass off until the wee hours of the next morning, I regrouped and headed to the poker room and sat at the 2/5 NL game... I was in seat 2 and the guy in seat 1 (European guy)kept showing me his hands and stuff, and asking me how I would have played, etc (between hands of course)... He was pretty gracious for my help after he started picking  up a few hands, and he'd order us drinks and pick up the tip, etc... I ran my $200 up to about $650 and decided to take a break to eat... When the censored girl told me I couldn't order from her, this Euro guy stands up and snaps his fingers and the  Bellagio casino host comes over and the guy goes "Bring Zach some chicken fingers...and some for me too" and flips the dude a $50... So then I was like "okay, this guy is somebody special..."  So, 20 minutes later this chef dude rolls up in a white tableclothed cart and has two orders of gourmet chicken strips... He goes "that will be $42" and the seat 1 guy whips out a softball sized wad of $100s  and flips the chef one and says "keep the change."So, after we ate, this entourage of bodyguards enters the poker room and  in the middle of them is Paris Hilton... she comes over and sits right in Seat 1's lap...It was her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos - the billionaire heir guy (he's only 20!)... I knew he looked sort of familiar... So, he tells her "Paris, this is my new buddy Zach," and she leans over from his lap and says "heeeey cutie" and plants a kiss on my cheek...then proceeds to take sips out of my Corona (sure, go ahead!).  I was totally starstruck...but played it sort of cool... She looked amazingly hot, and it was hard to focus on poker with her hand resting on my shoulder... So, she sat down for a little at the table next to us and was hamming it up with the players at that table... Then she comes over to Stavros and very audibly says "Staaaaav, hurry up and finish, I want to F*CK!"  I was this close to spitting up my Corona when I heard that...so was the rest of the table... So, being a big timer, Stav goes "I'm playing cards...I'll take care of you when I am done."  Sh*t, I wanted to say "ah, can I be of assistance???"  After about 20 minutes, he dumped the rest of his money and they took off... The next night was the "infamous" night that they trashed the Palms hotel room and "broke up."  I guess I made an impression...haha...  Sorry for epic story, but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it...
hmmm ... a little odd he wasn't sitting in a bigger game with all that disposable cash... nice story though
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On Nov. 11th, I was in LV for a friend's birthday and we had a VIP table at Light at Bellagio... After partying my ass off until the wee hours of the next morning, I regrouped and headed to the poker room and sat at the 2/5 NL game... I was in seat 2 and the guy in seat 1 (European guy)kept showing me his hands and stuff, and asking me how I would have played, etc (between hands of course)... He was pretty gracious for my help after he started picking up a few hands, and he'd order us drinks and pick up the tip, etc... I ran my $200 up to about $650 and decided to take a break to eat... When the censored girl told me I couldn't order from her, this Euro guy stands up and snaps his fingers and the Bellagio casino host comes over and the guy goes "Bring Zach some chicken fingers...and some for me too" and flips the dude a $50... So then I was like "okay, this guy is somebody special..." So, 20 minutes later this chef dude rolls up in a white tableclothed cart and has two orders of gourmet chicken strips... He goes "that will be $42" and the seat 1 guy whips out a softball sized wad of $100s and flips the chef one and says "keep the change."So, after we ate, this entourage of bodyguards enters the poker room and in the middle of them is Paris Hilton... she comes over and sits right in Seat 1's lap...It was her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos - the billionaire heir guy (he's only 20!)... I knew he looked sort of familiar... So, he tells her "Paris, this is my new buddy Zach," and she leans over from his lap and says "heeeey cutie" and plants a kiss on my cheek...then proceeds to take sips out of my Corona (sure, go ahead!). I was totally starstruck...but played it sort of cool... She looked amazingly hot, and it was hard to focus on poker with her hand resting on my shoulder... So, she sat down for a little at the table next to us and was hamming it up with the players at that table... Then she comes over to Stavros and very audibly says "Staaaaav, hurry up and finish, I want to F*CK!" I was this close to spitting up my Corona when I heard that...so was the rest of the table... So, being a big timer, Stav goes "I'm playing cards...I'll take care of you when I am done." Sh*t, I wanted to say "ah, can I be of assistance???" After about 20 minutes, he dumped the rest of his money and they took off... The next night was the "infamous" night that they trashed the Palms hotel room and "broke up." I guess I made an impression...haha... Sorry for epic story, but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it...
hmmm ... a little odd he wasn't sitting in a bigger game with all that disposable cash... nice story though
some people play for fun
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