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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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In HS, I would walk over to my buddy's desk, lean on it with some school work, and ask them to help me with it. I would have my ball out of my pants and slowly move the paper closer and closer to my ball until they saw it. A few I let in on it across the room would watch the whole thing and lose it when the victim saw my ball and yelled.I probably did this 10-15 times and never got in trouble for it. Weird...
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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In HS, I would walk over to my buddy's desk, lean on it with some school work, and ask them to help me with it. I would have my ball out of my pants and slowly move the paper closer and closer to my ball until they saw it. A few I let in on it across the room would watch the whole thing and lose it when the victim saw my ball and yelled.I probably did this 10-15 times and never got in trouble for it. Weird...
yup, i've seen that one ball hanging out as you walked down the hallway of a Holiday Inn.
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sooooo bored, I want to go home. I've been sitting here with nothing to do since I walked in because one of our servers is down.
yes I'm quoting myself. Just found out we lost everything from yesterday, not good when we were supposed to start month end close monday morning. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeon a good note Ishould be out of here in a few
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:club: freaky
Not really. If you think she's not enough of an attention whore to still read this after all this time then you're as crazy as she is. You should probably keep trying to rekindle flames with someone who doesn't want anything to do with you, too. You two would have a lot to talk about then.
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Some people think buying a mattress is like buying a car. I hated selling cars.

shut up renae
How does this happen? Do people Google their names constantly just to see if today is the one day out of 300 that their names get mentioned? I don't buy that someone who hasn't been around much in over a year just happened to stop by and see their name. So, how does this happen? You could pretend this is like a Penn and Teller magic trick where they reveal how it's done after the fact.
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How does this happen? Do people Google their names constantly just to see if today is the one day out of 300 that their names get mentioned? I don't buy that someone who hasn't been around much in over a year just happened to stop by and see their name. So, how does this happen? You could pretend this is like a Penn and Teller magic trick where they reveal how it's done after the fact.
My money would be on JoeyJoJo alerting her. She's a fan of his afterall.
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Some people think buying a mattress is like buying a car. I hated selling cars. How does this happen? Do people Google their names constantly just to see if today is the one day out of 300 that their names get mentioned? I don't buy that someone who hasn't been around much in over a year just happened to stop by and see their name. So, how does this happen? You could pretend this is like a Penn and Teller magic trick where they reveal how it's done after the fact.
This is how it happens.. (1 Guests and 2 Anonymous Users)
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So, get this....I went to take Tylenol PMs since I'm still a little sick. Here, Buddy got into the bottle and ate at LEAST 10 of them, but they were the smallest pills. Seems that he likes to pass out fast when sick just like me!I would take him to the vet, but I don't want a visit from PETA.
Hope he's all right, man.I see what you did there.
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I've finally figured why Burgundy got so screwed up as a kid!!!Fryer: Brett, dear, I've got all this tequila here, but it looks like the lock on the liquor cabinet is broken. Whatever should we do?Brett: Oh no, honey, I'm not sure. Maybe we should put it up on the top shelves of the kitchen cabinets.Fryer: No dear, don't be silly. Young Burgundy may scale the cabinets like a nappy headed little monkey and find it and drink it. I've got a better idea.Brett: What's that, honey?Fryer: Let's hide it in the jello and put it in the refrigerator. The Young Burgundy will never look there. Use the red jello, kids especially hate that.Brett: You're brilliant. You never cease to remind me every day just why I fell in love with you.The end.
No anal scene?
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I just would like to see Sharpton and Jackson apologize for dragging the 3 Duke lacrosse players through the mud. But that's never gonna happen
Very unfortunate, but you're right.
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