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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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In this day and age of computer technology, one would think I could do my job without having to handle floppy disks. But alas, one would be wrong.*edit* And having to use Windows 3.1 is kind of a drag as well.....

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In this day and age of computer technology, one would think I could do my job without having to handle floppy disks. But alas, one would be wrong.
We got a company wide email from one of our engineers yesterday. She brought in 200 floppies and left them in the lunch room in an effort to get rid of them. 100 were left as of this morning. I couldn't believe someone(s) took 100 floppy disks.
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We got a company wide email from one of our engineers yesterday. She brought in 200 floppies and left them in the lunch room in an effort to get rid of them. 100 were left as of this morning. I couldn't believe someone(s) took 100 floppy disks.
I bet that same type of person would get excited over a VHS tape sale. js
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I bet that same type of person would get excited over a VHS tape sale. js
Does anyone have AlIn's address? I'm going to go pick him up a present from the lunch room.
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I'm irrationally against that show because it took the spot of Studio 60. I know the show has nothing to do with it, but I still refuse to watch it.
that's what I like to hear
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I've successfully gone the entire work day without a smoke break.Now I'm going home.later.
cool quit that nasty habit.
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i have 8 hours to waste on Friday and I'm debating to either spend it in San Fransisco or San Jose...choices
Not much of a choice, go to San Fran.
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tim, I'm flippin' through Sirius, find the Pens-Sens game, Pens score 3 in 2:30 in the 3rd, overtime is just starting now.sick game.

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Yikes!Okay, I'm not caught up but I promised myself I'd get some sleep tonight. I got a new (to me, from a friend who's moving) couch and chair today. I'm happy. I didn't really like my last one. So I had folks over moving stuff around for a while tonight. Oh and Amy's gf moved here officially so I had to change the locks. It may seem extreme, but I'm feeling overly cautious about the whole thing. Plus I'm pissed about it. Hopefully when they have their next major blow-up, the gf will move. It's Amy's place. Then she'll have a place to be. I see that Raquel may be in Monterey soon, but I don't know why yet. I love Monterey. I really love San Francisco. Oooh, I should hook her up with Matt and Khym. Nightie night all.
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