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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Mourning Fockers.Good Luck today Sharon.I get to make the 6 hour drive to Kentuckyland afterwork today then back on Sunday :club: Some donk is trying to take my #1 bar league spot, he took over D's #2 spot. 3 weeks left in this period.http://tennesseerounders.com/12MONCRAG.htm
I lost my #2 spot aswell, fucker must have won last nite!and they moved tonights game to a different location, so everyone playing there is going to be scoring double points, I'm going to be way behind next week :D
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Because some people can't seem to run a forum I'm a little behind on the girlies:calssg276.jpgTodd Gillis' Sunshine GirlAshley ... Good news for Justin Timberlake disciples: Angelic Ashley is looking for a man who's tall, sweet and bringing sexy back! Although one look at this college cutie with entrepreneurial aspirations and we're pretty sure you'll agree she more than fills the sexy quota all on her own. calssg276.jpgStan Behal's Sunshine GirlBrown hair and brown eyes only begin to describe this lovely 23-year-old part-time model. When she's not posing for the cameras, Emilia is a customer service representative who loves working out, travelling to exotic locales and spending time with her family. calssg276.jpgTodd Gillis' Sunshine GirlDespite how delicious she looks in her summer gear, Nicole is a huge fan of this season because it allows the comely, auburn-eyed lass to indulge in her No. 1 vice -- shopping! And when it comes to her own wish list for what she'd like under the tree, if you're athletic, sexy and sincere, you likely won't be re-gifted this year. calssg276.jpgTodd Gillis' Sunshine GirlSunny, single, Scorpio Channelle doesn't need a man to feel safe and secure. Why would she? The toned, taut and terrific Durham College co-ed is taking classes in law and security. Actually, there is one fella she can't do without -- and that's her son, to whom she's devoted (this just means she puts out).edmsunssg276.jpgBrendon Dlouhy's SUNSHINE GIRLRENEE is a Red Deer lass who loves to ski and never misses the Snow Scene section, which appears in today's paper. Can we say cross-dresser.EDSSG450.jpgDavid Bloom's SUNSHINE GIRLANDREA, a big fan of hot wheels, reminds readers to check out the cool rides in today’s Autonet.ca pullout. ssgtor.jpgPortrait by Stan BehalBrown-eyed Virgo Karhina enjoys cooking and settling down with a good book. Her other favourite pastime is cheering on her beloved Toronto Maple Leafs.

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And we could film it. It'd be like Empire Records in a Bowling Alley. Lance can work there too, and he'll have lost all his money playing poker, K8e will be hungry, and with Ang threatening to start serving stir fry cat for dinner, all Lance can do to save his family is steal money from the safe, take it to the casino, and try to double it and put it back before anyone notices. In his haste, however, rather than play a skill game, and heads right to Roulette to try to doulbe up quick. He puts it all on Black, and as the ball knocks about, and settles into Red 16, Lance's heart crumbles. He returns to the bowling alley and tells his story to Logan and Henry, and now, they've got 24 hours to have a massive bowl-a-thon to get the money back into the safe, and save the lanes and Lance's marriage, since it turns out that the money in the safe was the mortgage payment for the lanes, and if the mortgage isn't paid by midnight, the AMF SuperLanes are going to come in and take over their quaint little alley, and build a giant monstrosity of a bowling center.I think it's got potential.
wow....that's good...one of my friends used to be a manager at a burger king like 8 years ago....he always skimmed like 100 bucks a day from the place and never got caught....one night, he decided to go all the way, so he took the entire day sales, like 13k and go to AC to double up and then come back and deposit the cash into the bank. didn't go quite as planned as he lost that money plus all the money he had in his credit cards/bank cards. he took a bus down and was there for like 3 days. nobody knew where he was. he had no way to get back home, so he thought there was defintely a warrant out for his arrest cuz he was MIA for 3 days and one of the day's deposits were gone. so bein' the "smart" person that he was, he thought he could get a ride back by the cops, and said, "i have a warrant out for my arrest in paterson, so you're gonna have to drive me back up there"....the cop looks at his system and there is no warrant out yet. :club: needless to say, he got in touch w/ one of his buddies from up here, and he drove him home.....yah....he's still payin' restitution....the end
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He actually raised the ball to celebrate the touchdown at the 18 yard line.
That was sick. I loved the overhead view when the LB tried to run after him, like he was gonna catch him.
I remembered that Brett had to charge his wireless mouse the other day, and I couldn't help but wonder...
I have to admit, I wondered this myself. I have a wireless at home and work and I just put new batteries in.
I find that a pitcher of beer in my left hand, and a neon green 13 lb house ball plenty sufficient to suit my game.
I go with the pink ball. Glows better in COSMIC bowling. And chicks dig it.
Is that FUPA developing I see?
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wow....that's good...one of my friends used to be a manager at a burger king like 8 years ago....he always skimmed like 100 bucks a day from the place and never got caught....one night, he decided to go all the way, so he took the entire day sales, like 13k and go to AC to double up and then come back and deposit the cash into the bank. didn't go quite as planned as he lost that money plus all the money he had in his credit cards/bank cards. he took a bus down and was there for like 3 days. nobody knew where he was. he had no way to get back home, so he thought there was defintely a warrant out for his arrest cuz he was MIA for 3 days and one of the day's deposits were gone. so bein' the "smart" person that he was, he thought he could get a ride back by the cops, and said, "i have a warrant out for my arrest in paterson, so you're gonna have to drive me back up there"....the cop looks at his system and there is no warrant out yet. :club: needless to say, he got in touch w/ one of his buddies from up here, and he drove him home.....yah....he's still payin' restitution....the end
At least you guys can go to the same meetings now.Oh, and I should have written you in too. You'll be in the first scene, take a road trip to Sonic, and reemerge in the last scene as everyone's winding down with ketchup and cheese stains on your shirt, and you'll walk back in and say, so, anything cool happen while I was gone? And K8e will say, Fuck are you? [fade to black]
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do you still like to keep score by hand as well? :club:
When I was a kid I would watch the PBA on Saturday every week and keep score by hand.
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they had tv's back then? :club:
In color too!We only had 4 VHF and 2 UHF channels.And you had to get up and walk over to the TV to change the channel and voulume.
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You know what I hate... when I don't throw out old coffee cups and I accidently take a sip from yesterdays....
As long as there are no cigarette buts in it.
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You know what I hate... when I don't throw out old coffee cups and I accidently take a sip from yesterdays....
DONE THAT AT LEAST TWICE. One time was over the weekend and had some nice green fungi in it, mmmm mmmm goood
God I hope not.
You should just have someone bring you coffee everyday.I hear Alan's pretty good at it.
fuck off you punk
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GGGGRRRRRR!Just last night I thought my stress level about Christmas was finally getting under control. I sent out an email to Sharper Image and ABC Distributing today because I haven't received items I ordered from them over 3 weeks ago. ABC Distributing wants prepayment. Okay, fine. I got no problem with that. In fact, I was a little surprised when they allowed me to place an ONLINE order without requesting payment. Catch is, they don't take credit cards. HUH???? They say they sent me a postcard notifying me that they need prepayment in the form of a mailed check or money order. WTF??? It never occurred to you people that if you're going to sell goods ONLINE that you might need some form of ONLINE payment gathering? You sent me a postcard 3 weeks before Christmas and thought that everything could get done before Christmas????? Cancel that order. Add 3 people back to the Christmas shopping list. Stress level increase = 3.5Next, Sharper Image. They say they shipped my item on 12/4 but didn't provide any tracking info. On 12/13, I emailed them asking for tracking info and got an automated reply back that they would research my concern and respond within 24 hours. 72 hours later (ie, this morning) I send another email asking again for tracking information and lambasting them for "possibly the worst customer service I've ever encountered online". Of course that was before I'd dealt with ABC. ABC is obviously the worst but Sharper Image doesn't need to know that. I demanded that Sharper Image reship my item TODAY overnight delivery at their expense. We'll see what they say but I'm probably going to have to cancel that order and add 1 more back to the shopping list too. Stress level increase = 7.I had already planned to try to finish all my shopping this weekend. Now I have to add 4 more to that shopping list. I am not happy.

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