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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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just added it to netflix, thankssynopsis, predictable spoiler in white:New York City filmmaker Andrew (Andrew Gurland, who co-directs with Huck Botko) decides to lens a documentary about boorish Queens doorman Adrian (Adrian Martinez) and his desire to be hooked up with a mail-order wife. Enter Lichi (Eugenia Yuan), Adrian's Burmese bride-to-be, whom he treats more like a domestic servant than a spouse. As the marriage fails, the tables turn, and Lichi seeks solace with … Andrew!
Line just heard from movie: "Did you think we were going to get married, just cause we had sex?"
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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That's as good as money sir, those are IOUs. Go ahead and add it up every cents accounted for. Look, see this that's a car, 275 thou might want to hang on to that one.

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Key matchups I see for next week:Thurs: San Fran vs Seattle - Seattle needs to win to at least get back on track for the playoffs. A win should lock up the division too.Sat: Dallas vs Atlanta - Dallas needs to rebound to keep their 1 game lead in their division. Atlanta could lose the game and still be in the wildcard hunt at 7-7 (pathetic)Sun: Jets @ Vikings - Jets loss takes them out of the wildcardJags @ Titans - Jags win puts them in got spot to take a wildcard. Poor Titans, seems a case of too little too late with their run.Texans @ Pats - Pats win takes the division - look for a masacre after this weeks loss.Broncos @ Arizona - must win for Broncos for any hopes of wildcardEagles @ Giants - whoever wins this game prob gets one of the wildcard spotsChiefs @ Chargers - must win for Chiefs to stay in wildcard hunt, Chargers win puts them one step closer to home field throughout.Mon: Bengals @ Colts. This is my favourite game of the week. One that is going to say a lot about both teams. Colts need to win to keep a bye and homefield for at least one game. Bengals need to win to keep their wildcard spot. It will be interesting to see if the Bengals try to play ball control like the Jags did and just bash it up the Colts guts. I think this game says more about the Bengals (were they just pretending the last few weeks) than it does about the Colts. Either way I'm looking for a close high scoring game. Sidenote: This game will also have a large say in my work FFL with Rudi Johnson and Marvin Harrision being 2 of my starters.Thoughts anyone (except Logan, we already know how you feel)?
har har.So...that was one of the ugliest games ever. While at the time, I thought what I said about the Seahawks was true...they went right ahead and proved me wrong tonight. The offense is dreadfully bad. Kelly Herndon proved why he should never have made any NFL roster. I wouldn't even be surprised if the Hawks don't make the playoffs, and I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see a first round exit if they keep playing like this. On the flip side, Alex Smith and Frank Gore looked oustanding in the second half. I think San Fran is gonna be a really good team for years to come.Work was pretty lame today. We had 270 Boeing employees come in to bowl, filled the house. At one point, we no longer had any men's shoes between sizes 8-15.I bowled while I watched the game, and bowled pretty well. Finished my set with a 256. It was nice to snap out of my funk that I'd been in over the last couple of weeks and shoot a big game.YAY THE FORUM'S BACK!Back to catching up.
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logan...i need a new ball....any recommendations?.....mostly wet lanes.....kinda similar style to walter ray. right now, my most productive ball is the old hammer super flip....thanks

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You know who's lost four games in a row, including 3 in a row at home? The Denver Broncos. Just throwing that out there.
Including a loss to the Seattle Seahawks.And apparently, that's pretty bad.
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logan...i need a new ball....any recommendations?.....mostly wet lanes.....kinda similar style to walter ray. right now, my most productive ball is the old hammer super flip....thanks
Hmm...it's hard to say without having seen you throw the ball, but if you say similar to walter ray, i picture you playing a straighter line, up the outside of the lane. If you're playing on wetter lanes, but like something you can use down and in with a strong backend move, the Storm Paradigm might be a good fit. Most of the stuff I'm throwing right now is older, since I just came back, but I bowl with my pro shop guy and he throws the Paradigm a lot and it gives a nice look. Clean through the heads and a strong move on the back. The Roto-Grip Horizon might be a decent choice too, but the backends need to be pretty clean for it to get into a roll. If you want something with a little more midlane read, the Storm Secret Agent might be a good choice. Solid reactive shell with a strong core, looks like a really good ball. Your best bet would be to have a pro shop guy take a look at your game with the ball you're throwing now, particularly the guy that works in the house you normally bowl in, since he'll probably know a little more about the conditions than most people.Hopefully you've got a half decent proshop guy in your area. There's a lot of really bad proshop guys up here. Luckily I know most of the good ones, and they let me work on my own equipment anyway. I drill and maintain all my own stuff.
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Thank you Brad and Renae and John.Oh god, I should have known better.
I'm only 21, so I'm not much older than her. Plus, I'm a nice boy. Thusly, that means I'm allowed to say that your daughter is pretty hot, and I shouldn't get in any trouble.Soo....your daughter is pretty hot, Allie.
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Hmm...it's hard to say without having seen you throw the ball, but if you say similar to walter ray, i picture you playing a straighter line, up the outside of the lane. If you're playing on wetter lanes, but like something you can use down and in with a strong backend move, the Storm Paradigm might be a good fit. Most of the stuff I'm throwing right now is older, since I just came back, but I bowl with my pro shop guy and he throws the Paradigm a lot and it gives a nice look. Clean through the heads and a strong move on the back. The Roto-Grip Horizon might be a decent choice too, but the backends need to be pretty clean for it to get into a roll. If you want something with a little more midlane read, the Storm Secret Agent might be a good choice. Solid reactive shell with a strong core, looks like a really good ball. Your best bet would be to have a pro shop guy take a look at your game with the ball you're throwing now, particularly the guy that works in the house you normally bowl in, since he'll probably know a little more about the conditions than most people.Hopefully you've got a half decent proshop guy in your area. There's a lot of really bad proshop guys up here. Luckily I know most of the good ones, and they let me work on my own equipment anyway. I drill and maintain all my own stuff.
thanks...the pro shop at the lanes i bowl at right now suck major aish.....i wouldn't trust 'em w/ anything.....
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Squirlynice pics alliegrats on 5K Henry even though you put beer before boobs. I'm totally copping out on christmas shopping this year and going with gift cards. weak, but I don't want to get someone something they don't want or need.I watched Clerks II last night. Exactly when is the live action Transformers movie coming out?
Their website says July 4, 2007. Has a pretty solid cast. I know a lot of people don't like Michael Bay, but I don't really hate him. I'll see it. I'm much more looking forward to the new animated Ninja Turtles flick though.
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thanks...the pro shop at the lanes i bowl at right now suck major aish.....i wouldn't trust 'em w/ anything.....
That sucks. That's the problem with pro shops. There are a few good ones, and a lot of really bad ones, and a lot of people don't know the difference until their hand is fucked up or they've given up bowling because they can't bowl well with a shitty fit.
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We don't have a Christmas party. I think it's because we never close, so some people would always get left out. Plus, management is cheap.Work update looks pretty bleak for me. They handed out our new bid sheets for shifts. A lot of BJ dealers are getting laid off, and for those of us remaining, the schedules pretty much suck. Almost all the good shifts are only available for dealers who deal roulette and a few in craps. I think I may be headed back to graveyard shift or maybe even a temp schedule again. :club: [/end rant]
Weak, dude.The bowling alley is hiring. You'd fit in perfect.
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That sucks. That's the problem with pro shops. There are a few good ones, and a lot of really bad ones, and a lot of people don't know the difference until their hand is fucked up or they've given up bowling because they can't bowl well with a shitty fit.
i've bowled well with a shitty fit for a while, and now i'm waiting to try out my new fit...hopefully soon :club:
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i've bowled well with a shitty fit for a while, and now i'm waiting to try out my new fit...hopefully soon :club:
But your hand got fucked up because of it, yes?I rest my case.On that note, I'm going to watch disc 2 of An Evening With Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder.Night kids.
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Mourning. Surprisingly, I'm already dressed. I was more on the ball this morning. I'm not any more awake than usual, though. I hope the day goes quickly. I have to take Raist to Terre Haute, too so that sucks. Blech. I plan to get all my Christmas mailing packed up this weekend for shipment on Monday. If you haven't pmed me your addy, today would be a good day to do that.

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