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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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All I need is some mobney and an "excuse".Add another Canadian to the party, fockers.
Did Scott just confirm for Vegas?
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Wow, if we got another chance to vote after that performance, Katherine might have actually had a shot at winning this thing.I don't mean to sound like Simon (okay yeah I do) but that was the best vocal performance of this entire competition.

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Does anyone else get the impression that Alan is at least moderately excited about Vegas?
I've been creaming my panties since February!
i will still never understand you fuckers' obsession with the biggest dump in this city, but to each their own
We are cheapassbastards! Well, the Pro is.
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i can completely understand alan....binions is a huge step up from his five star motel 6....but everyone else....the strip rooms are just about as cheap, nicer, and there's actually SHIT TO DO other than play in the three worst cardrooms in this city. js
The strip rooms are nowhere near as cheap as Binions with the poker rate. Besides, I really like to play poker there. I also really like to play at Caesars, but I'm not paying what they're asking.That being said:Part of the reason some of us have money is because we don't splurge on too much stuff.
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I've seen omaha spread there and 10/20 Limit. The 1/2 NL game is fantastic. Dave makes bank at that game. I do okay too!

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Where is my head? Where are my bones?

I've seen omaha spread there and 10/20 Limit. The 1/2 NL game is fantastic. Dave makes bank at that game. I do okay too!
I'd probably be too enamored with that sexy voice to try and check/raise you. Just sayin'.
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Catching up.

HAHAHA yea! Go big or go cheap. No mediocrity for me!Updated:Jeffrey/Melissa - ParisScott/Mary - Imperial PalaceSharon/Malachai - Imperial PalaceGlengary - The PlazaGreg - The PlazaKristen/Dave - BinionsAlan/D - BinionsRenae/Alan - BinionsBrett - BinionsAng/Lance - Their House Norm&Crew - The VenetianSpecbrads - The VenetianDustin - The SaharaJohn - The SaharaRaquel/Jarret - The LuxorSpice/New One - ?Theresa - ?Allie - ?Michael/New Roomie - ?Henry - ?Tommy - ?Jeff - ?Ben - His House
Allie = Plaza
Hi Ho!How bout them Oilers, eh?
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Allie's at the Plaza.
Ooops...beat me to it. :club:
Alan/D - BinionsBrett - Binion'sHenry - Binion'sKristen/Dave - BinionsRenae/Alan - BinionsScott/Mary - Imperial PalaceSharon/Malachai - Imperial PalaceDustin - SaharaBen - SaharaAllie - SaharaJohn - SaharaJeffrey/Melissa - ParisGlengary - PlazaGreg - PlazaNorm&Crew - VenetianSpecbrads - Venetian / RioAng/Lance - Their House Spice/New One - ?Michael/New Roomie - ?Raquel/Jarret - ?Theresa - ?Tommy - ?Jeff - ?
Dear Alan,Is The Plaza spelled the same as Sahara?Love,Allie(ps. if this has already been corrected....sorry :D:D )
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In Vegas there has to be a shelter of some sort were I could get a shower and a warm meal, right?
My room will have a shower. If you are going to use it, I will be equiping it with a video camera.
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17 User(s) are reading this topic (9 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)7 Members: DrawingDeadInDM, mused01, GWCGWC, Nikki_N, ImmyFlow, vvganeshavv, JadakiA lurker speaks?

Hi. My name is Nick and I regularly 6-table the $30+3's SnG's @ Party. Please welcome me with open arms :club:.
Impressive. No.Read page 1.
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I bet that was hot.I should also mention that I once died my hair black also. I should do it again. The first time I tried it, it turned kinda blue/purple. The 2nd time was much more successful. I had facial hair at the time too. I think about growing it back all the time.
Dave hated it. One of his roommates thought he got another gf. I had to wear makeup all the time so I didn't look like a corpse. There is a pic or two around somewhere, but I'd have to scan it in.
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scott or any one else proficient in paint shop pro ....if i want take an image and fade out the right side of it (normal image to white) without fading the entire image how do i do that?

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scott or any one else proficient in paint shop pro ....if i want take an image and fade out the right side of it (normal image to white) without fading the entire image how do i do that?
Set the opacity on the a soft edged(not a clearly defined circle) eraser to say like, 40% around the edge you want to make, and then 100% to clear the area that you want white.
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Why an upper floor?
There are some rooms on one side of the casino that totally suck. They are bad. I won't stay in them. They tried to make me have one in Feb. I complained and was moved. The reservation lady this time told me to request a high floor. They won't promise but it should take care of the prob because the brokeass rooms side has only like 4 floors. Also, don't mention the poker rate until you're checked in. That should also help.
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26 User(s) are reading this topic (16 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)9 Members: DrawingDeadInDM, Allie, Nikki_N, booyaga, dna4ever, mused01, renaedawn, GWCGWC, ImmyFlowInteresting mix in here, tonight.Off to get ready for the bar. Gotta drink some complacency away.

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