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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Ok. I just got back from picking up someone's lunch at the front desk and as i am waiting for the elevator this is the story i overhear some construction guy telling his buddy...i'm going to paraphraseHe was banging this chick..had her on all fours and just as he was ready to finish she whipped around and went for the blow job finish. It was at this point the elevator doors closed. Thought it was interesting. So I guess to the angels...ever done that?
I have but I much prefer to do the oral work first.
don't like to taste yourself?Cliffy, what's up my man?Renae, it was bad enough you didn't draft me (Allie, happy to be apart of your team, the rest of you ladies have no idea what you are missing. Seriously, I'm a pleaser,and a master c0cksman) but now you don't have me write dirty dialogue for you? Doesn't my filth resume speak for itself?
Hey, there ain't no moss growing on this old Canadian cougar chick. I knew EXACTLY what I was doing and what I was getting. It was a clever and cunning recruiting move on my part. :wink: And the tasting thing?....a TOTAL turn on.
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Ok. I just got back from picking up someone's lunch at the front desk and as i am waiting for the elevator this is the story i overhear some construction guy telling his buddy...i'm going to paraphraseHe was banging this chick..had her on all fours and just as he was ready to finish she whipped around and went for the blow job finish. It was at this point the elevator doors closed. Thought it was interesting. So I guess to the angels...ever done that?
I have but I much prefer to do the oral work first.
don't like to taste yourself?Cliffy, what's up my man?Renae, it was bad enough you didn't draft me (Allie, happy to be apart of your team, the rest of you ladies have no idea what you are missing. Seriously, I'm a pleaser,and a master c0cksman) but now you don't have me write dirty dialogue for you? Doesn't my filth resume speak for itself?
Welcome to the team! We may not be the biggest team but we have the most fun! :club:
You got that right baby. :wink:
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i don't know if i'd want to deal blackjack...every time i'v ebeen at a blackjack table' date=' you get like 2-3 bi[b'][/b]tchy people that make life miserable, plus i've almost never seen dealers get tipped.maybe i jsut played at awful tables, i don't know
When I was in Vegas last week, I played some BJ at a $10 min table. There was a guy who wanted to play slow and was betting/tipping the dealer $5 to $25 per hand. He was betting $1-200 per hand. This is suprising because 3rd base was hitting with 13 vs. dealer 4. I wanted to strangle him and I only had $10 out.I also saw a "high-roller" while playing craps. He would nod to the floor guy and get a 5K marker. He did this 4 times while I was there. I backed my bets way down when he rolled cause I figured he was a born loser. He never hit a number and would crap out quickly. I saved some bets.
New avatar. Special significance to this one' date=' again. Anyone? I'll take the easy answer away' date=' yes' date=' I am part Scottish but that is not the reason for the av.[/quote''']I'll give it a shot.It takes a lot of blowing hard and hot air to play the bagpipes? So you're saying you blow and you are full of hot air.Ok, it was a weak attempt, but an attempt just the same.NM
I have a dilema.I planned on sitting home peacefully and recovering and playing the tourney tonight.My roomie just called and said a hot' date=' freaky chick and 8 of her friends have a table at the Hard Rock down south. I can PM a boob shot this girl sent to me phone for my roommate and I to see if anyone wants me to send it to them to help make the decision easier for me.What do you all think?[/quote']I hate you and your freaky chick with her 8 friends. And by HATE I mean jealous as hell.
It just aint worth it. .
just had nice lil dinner with "D" at a local steakhouse' date=' off to watch "Sling Blade"uhhh hmmmm or something like that. Funny haha not funny queer or something.I'll see you all tomorrow' date=' I plan on being in final 4 for DN's superbowl party.Peace out, have good night.I love YOU (that YOU was meant for Cindy)[/quote'']Did you forget that Dancing With The Stars is on tonight? JSUmmmHmmm, biscuits and mustard, UmmmmHmmmm
Why does nobody ever want to see my boobies? Show me yours and I'll show you mine. ;)I think some here will vouch for the fact that they are quite fantastic.
DEAL!!!!!!! This was my first and last catchup post. Unless I find out there is an easier way than to copy/paste and have two screens open. If there isn't an easier way, you catchup posters are the hardcore in the FCPHA
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hey I found a cock shot from over 20 years ago.
Scott is sad that none of the angels cared :cry:
I did care but when I read it it said censored shot so I wasn't sure. I hoped it said cock. However, is it another one of your rooster pics? If not then TPIUWP.
I no speaka that language TPwhat?pm your email if you dare.
Oh come on this is an old one by now. This Post Is Useless Without Pics.renaedawn@yahoo.comWhy does nobody ever want to see my boobies? Show me yours and I'll show you mine. ;)I think some here will vouch for the fact that they are quite fantastic.
Sure. Send me a pic of yours and I 'll send you one of mine. I'm not allowed to show them to the boys anymore, but I think I can make an exception for you.
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is the new avatar in bad taste?:club:
It's so wrong and funny as fuck.Course, you could put your pic up there with the same caption and it wouldn't be half as funny.
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New avatar. Special significance to this one, again. Anyone? I'll take the easy answer away, yes, I am part Scottish but that is not the reason for the av.
It's because you're on Cindy's team now, and you're showing her that you can wear a skirt and not wear underwear?Side note: Jeffrey hates this third person crap with a passion. Jeffrey is annoyed with himself right now. Jeffrey's lucky he's on the first floor, cuz when he throw's himself out the window, it's not really gonna hurt. Jeffrey will take this opportunity to point out that it's REy, for those who have been reversing it (but I'm not naming any bunnys, I mean, names)Side note 2: My boss just got an invitation to the local Porsche dealerships unveiling of the Porsche Cayman. I want one.
Crap...I'm sorry! I'm usually such a good speller too. :club: JeffreyJeffreyJeffreyJeffreyJeffrey
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sigh, as if i wasn't already in dire need of some sex, i'm 99% sur emy roommate is having sex w/ his gf now. they were going to watch a movie, and now they have the radio blaring in there....hmmmmmm

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New avatar. Special significance to this one, again. Anyone? I'll take the easy answer away, yes, I am part Scottish but that is not the reason for the av.
It's because you're on Cindy's team now, and you're showing her that you can wear a skirt and not wear underwear?Side note: Jeffrey hates this third person crap with a passion. Jeffrey is annoyed with himself right now. Jeffrey's lucky he's on the first floor, cuz when he throw's himself out the window, it's not really gonna hurt. Jeffrey will take this opportunity to point out that it's REy, for those who have been reversing it (but I'm not naming any bunnys, I mean, names)Side note 2: My boss just got an invitation to the local Porsche dealerships unveiling of the Porsche Cayman. I want one.
Crap...I'm sorry! I'm usually such a good speller too. :club: JeffreyJeffreyJeffreyJeffreyJeffrey
Hehe, drop and lick me 20
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hey I found a cock shot from over 20 years ago.
Scott is sad that none of the angels cared :cry:
I did care but when I read it it said censored shot so I wasn't sure. I hoped it said cock. However, is it another one of your rooster pics? If not then TPIUWP.
I no speaka that language TPwhat?pm your email if you dare.
Oh come on this is an old one by now. This Post Is Useless Without Pics.renaedawn@yahoo.comWhy does nobody ever want to see my boobies? Show me yours and I'll show you mine. ;)I think some here will vouch for the fact that they are quite fantastic.
Sure. Send me a pic of yours and I 'll send you one of mine. I'm not allowed to show them to the boys anymore, but I think I can make an exception for you.
I'm afraid I'll be depressed afterwards. You're way too pretty. :club:
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sigh, as if i wasn't already in dire need of some sex, i'm 99% sur emy roommate is having sex w/ his gf now. they were going to watch a movie, and now they have the radio blaring in there....hmmmmmm
Roommate? Are you and your wife living in a commune?
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hey I found a cock shot from over 20 years ago.
Scott is sad that none of the angels cared :cry:
I did care but when I read it it said censored shot so I wasn't sure. I hoped it said cock. However, is it another one of your rooster pics? If not then TPIUWP.
I no speaka that language TPwhat?pm your email if you dare.
Oh come on this is an old one by now. This Post Is Useless Without Pics.renaedawn@yahoo.comWhy does nobody ever want to see my boobies? Show me yours and I'll show you mine. ;)I think some here will vouch for the fact that they are quite fantastic.
Sure. Send me a pic of yours and I 'll send you one of mine. I'm not allowed to show them to the boys anymore, but I think I can make an exception for you.
I'm afraid I'll be depressed afterwards. You're way too pretty. :club:
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is the new avatar in bad taste?:club:
I think Pup's amazing wife is gonna be amazingly pissed if she ever sees that.
i think pup's amazing wife is the one that made the amazing avatar :D
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sigh, as if i wasn't already in dire need of some sex, i'm 99% sur emy roommate is having sex w/ his gf now. they were going to watch a movie, and now they have the radio blaring in there....hmmmmmm
Roommate? Are you and your wife living in a commune?
my wife is still in florida. i'm here on my own untli the 28th, when ang and k8e fly in, then we move into an apt on the first of feb
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sigh, as if i wasn't already in dire need of some sex, i'm 99% sur emy roommate is having sex w/ his gf now. they were going to watch a movie, and now they have the radio blaring in there....hmmmmmm
Roommate? Are you and your wife living in a commune?
my wife is still in florida. i'm here on my own untli the 28th, when ang and k8e fly in, then we move into an apt on the first of feb
where at in vegas?
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