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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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Hey Sharon has a question..Sharon has her FCP account.. Young Stud has his FCP Account.. In FCP rules no one in the same household can have more than 1 REAL money account.How would this work? He wants to deposit money.. If there is no way around it.. can he deposit into maybe Pokeroom?What are the rules of this.. and also.. Can Sharon use her Neteller account to add to his account? Sharon knows these are dumb questions but ones Sharon does not know the answer to.. :club:
Thanks for the answer to my question Fucktards!! JS
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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
Does anyone else have a DEVO song running through their head.Don't fuck, don't watch movieswhat do ya do?
Not much of anything outside of working, eating and sleeping.
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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
Dumb and Dumber, put that one pretty high up on your list
Agreed. Also and I'm sure I'm missing a lot but just right off the top of my head:StripesAnimal House Clerks (actually all Kevin Smith movies) seen it..finallyDazed and ConfusedTommy Boy seen itThe Cable Guy
Also Days of Thunder was just on and I caught the end of it. good movie, don't know any lines though.[/b]
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Hey Sharon has a question..Sharon has her FCP account.. Young Stud has his FCP Account.. In FCP rules no one in the same household can have more than 1 REAL money account.How would this work? He wants to deposit money.. If there is no way around it.. can he deposit into maybe Pokeroom?What are the rules of this.. and also.. Can Sharon use her Neteller account to add to his account? Sharon knows these are dumb questions but ones Sharon does not know the answer to.. :club:
Thanks for the answer to my question Fucktards!! JS
I don't have an answer. I'm sorry.
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Ok, for real.  I want the pic to be in my inbox.  Just click on the messenger icon under my name for the addy.
I can't figure how to get it too my email. Maybe Whiskey or PayforUSC can email it too ya.I'm sorry for being an idiot.I mean, we are Phin's fans. I'd never hold out on you.
No prob, USC took care of me. Thanks, by the way, dude.
i'd pass on the freeroll too :club:
Didn't come through on my phone. dickman.jeffrey@qst.com.Little help, please
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Hey Sharon has a question..Sharon has her FCP account.. Young Stud has his FCP Account.. In FCP rules no one in the same household can have more than 1 REAL money account.How would this work? He wants to deposit money.. If there is no way around it.. can he deposit into maybe Pokeroom?What are the rules of this.. and also.. Can Sharon use her Neteller account to add to his account? Sharon knows these are dumb questions but ones Sharon does not know the answer to.. :club:
Thanks for the answer to my question Fucktards!! JS
He can deposit in PokerRoom. It's a different site. I think I don't know if he can have an FCP money account. If he can, you can't use the same Neteller account to deposit in FCP. You could use your Neteller account to deposit for him on PokerRoom, if you don't use a Neteller account there. I think in general, you can't use the same Neteller account to fund more than one account at any site, but Bluff can probably tell you more about this. Don't mean it as a jab, either.
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I want to see the boobies too !!!!!! I feel left out.missidaho@aol.com
send me yours, I'll send you the boobs.
Oh please. Everyone here has already seen mine. PLEASE send me the boobies !!!!!!!!!!!!
Begging will get you everything...but I don't have them to send to you.
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I want to see the boobies too !!!!!! I feel left out.missidaho@aol.com
send me yours, I'll send you the boobs.
Oh please. Everyone here has already seen mine. PLEASE send me the boobies !!!!!!!!!!!!
ahem.... once again, I'm not considered to be part of EVERYONE. Heh.
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I want to see the boobies too !!!!!! I feel left out.missidaho@aol.com
send me yours, I'll send you the boobs.
Oh please. Everyone here has already seen mine. PLEASE send me the boobies !!!!!!!!!!!!
ahem.... once again, I'm not considered to be part of EVERYONE. Heh.
i do however, have that picture
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I want to see the boobies too !!!!!! I feel left out.missidaho@aol.com
send me yours, I'll send you the boobs.
Oh please. Everyone here has already seen mine. PLEASE send me the boobies !!!!!!!!!!!!
ahem.... once again, I'm not considered to be part of EVERYONE. Heh.
i do however, have that picture
Ahem....see e-mail address above. I got permission in the past. just sayin. New John would send it in a heartbeat, too.
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hey I found a cock shot from over 20 years ago.
Scott is sad that none of the angels cared :cry:
I did care but when I read it it said censored shot so I wasn't sure. I hoped it said cock. However, is it another one of your rooster pics? If not then TPIUWP.
I no speaka that language TPwhat?pm your email if you dare.
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I don't have nor have I seen any pictures of Cindy.  jsOkay, work day is done.  It's miller time!
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Scott, you feeling OK?  This post is usless without pictures.  Have no clue what you don't understand about Ivan's post.
My name is Miller and I will not break my prommis to Jerry.pic031230-01011.jpg
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Scott, you feeling OK?  This post is usless without pictures.  Have no clue what you don't understand about Ivan's post.
My name is Miller and I will not break my prommis to Jerry.
Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman. Damn glad to meet you.
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