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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I'm trying to email it to myself now.  If you have a picture phone, pm me the number and it will be sent.And I almost promise I won't drunk dial you.
I don't have a picture phone but can I send you my # anyway in hopes that you might drunk dial me?
anytime.I sent it to Dickman.
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
i'd hit it
Here's where Bluff comes in and makes the 8 year old pelvis joke....Enter stage right..................................
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alright all you numnuts....have a good night. i will be playing the tournament tonight, where i intend to make top 40 and advance to the next round.So until next time....FU all
Later you shit talking SOB.
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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
Does anyone else have a DEVO song running through their head.Don't fuck, don't watch movieswhat do ya do?
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Vick out at Virginia TechSchool prez says QB has been permanently dismissed
That's weak.Laettner's was way more malicious.He may have had his balls pinched on the bottom of a pile.Matter of fact, I don't doubt it.He'll get drafted.
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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
Dumb and Dumber, put that one pretty high up on your list
Agreed. Also and I'm sure I'm missing a lot but just right off the top of my head:StripesAnimal HouseClerks (actually all Kevin Smith movies)Dazed and ConfusedTommy BoyThe Cable Guy
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You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
And I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole, even if its yours.
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I have a dilema.I planned on sitting home peacefully and recovering and playing the tourney tonight.My roomie just called and said a hot, freaky chick and 8 of her friends have a table at the Hard Rock down south.  I can PM a boob shot this girl sent to me phone for my roommate and I to see if anyone wants me to send it to them to help make the decision easier for me.What do you all think?
great excuse..even better pic :shock:
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Ok, for real.  I want the pic to be in my inbox.  Just click on the messenger icon under my name for the addy.
I can't figure how to get it too my email. Maybe Whiskey or PayforUSC can email it too ya.I'm sorry for being an idiot.I mean, we are Phin's fans. I'd never hold out on you.
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Ok, for real.  I want the pic to be in my inbox.  Just click on the messenger icon under my name for the addy.
I can't figure how to get it too my email. Maybe Whiskey or PayforUSC can email it too ya.I'm sorry for being an idiot.I mean, we are Phin's fans. I'd never hold out on you.
Or PM dna for it.
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Ok, for real.  I want the pic to be in my inbox.  Just click on the messenger icon under my name for the addy.
I can't figure how to get it too my email. Maybe Whiskey or PayforUSC can email it too ya.I'm sorry for being an idiot.I mean, we are Phin's fans. I'd never hold out on you.
No prob, USC took care of me. Thanks, by the way, dude.
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Ok, for real.  I want the pic to be in my inbox.  Just click on the messenger icon under my name for the addy.
I can't figure how to get it too my email. Maybe Whiskey or PayforUSC can email it too ya.I'm sorry for being an idiot.I mean, we are Phin's fans. I'd never hold out on you.
No prob, USC took care of me. Thanks, by the way, dude.
i'd pass on the freeroll too :club:
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Posted on July 12th:(See bolded part! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: )

About Tool,  good musicians.  i have played a bunch of there songs in this stupid cover band i played in.  i hate cover bands with censored passion.  but it was lots of bread.  anyway i feel moderately luke warm about them.  that's me being honest. i don't like his voice though.  in fact other than hip hop i don't like anyone 's voice that i hear on the radio or mtv. well i like thom yorke's voice but he doesn't really count.  oh and i like.. umm i thought there was someone else's voice that i like but i can't think of it.  umm this is quickly turning into a rant so i'm going to roll with it.  i don't get alot of censored.  I don't get bad art.  I don't get scotch tape  I don't get bills, actually i do get bills i just don't understand them.  I don't get fax machines.  I don't get pop up ads. see number 4  I don't get being right.  I don't get labor strikes.  I don't get shakey liscense plates.  I don't get idaho. I don't get crushed ice  I don't get the media.  I don't get music.  I do like Jessica Simpsons cover of these boots are made for walking  I don't get towing cars from a church parking lot and saying on a sign "God Tows" does God Tow? i am not a religious man but i don't recall a part of the bible entitled PARKING REGULATIONS. I wish these churches would implode on a good day, on a bad day i wish Al Quaeda was involved.  I don't get driving slow  I don't get old; not me just in general  I don't get to play pinochle and i like it almost as much as poker  I don't get why i sound like a NIKE commercial so i'm gonna change it up.  I hate alot of music  I hate that most everything i hear is only good becasue either a guy or a girl would want to **** it. I am extremely guilty of this.  I do not hate Jay Z, the Wu-Tang Clan, and alot of other MC's  I love Rock and Roll, and i resent the fact that they play it on Bill O' Reilly's show. How can you play songs about drugs and freedoms on a right wing conservative radio show. WTF dude. Rock and Roll is sick and dying.  Peace sucks. Nothing good comes out of peace except war.  i think lewis black said it best,  Kentucky Fried Chicken is to Chicken as MTV is to Music.  Don't get me wrong there are some songs i like. They are poppy and good.  I don't think they are very artistic. I do think that some hip hop is an art.  I should have been black. I'm still a little bitter about that.  I should have been either a lion, a motorcycle, a firetruck, or a bad black ************.  I should not be in this town with nothing to do. I need to move, yet i am, for the current movement, stuck to you like glue.
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Alright seein some boobs is the perfect way to end the day. Oh wait, going to the gym and working out has to the perfect way to end it since that's what I'm doing now.Ugh.Later everyone, I'll be on at some point this weekend. Have a good one.

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