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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :club:
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
Oh sure...for Jersey and AC, you can get 'sick'....For the Vegas Vacation, Work Comes First!
I'm not going to not call a hockey game for anything. I have no problem not going into work. But don't worry it won't happen until March anyways. That's when I'm starting to plan everything....so don't worry.DNA i think i just took the attention off of you and bubba.
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

Happy Fourth of July to those that celebrate. I have a couple of Angus steaks marinating in K.C.Masterpiece Steakhouse blend as I type. That will go with a shrimp cocktail, twice baked potato and corn

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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :club:
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
But not sick enough to go on the Vegas trip? Too much double talk here, Johhy Boy.
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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :D
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
But not sick enough to go on the Vegas trip? Too much double talk here, Johhy Boy.
Hey don't go picking on John now!! Jersey is MUCH closer, cheaper and faster than Vegas for him. I can get to AC all I want.. but don't have the cash to get to Vegas.. It just isnt the same.. Plus I'M here hehe :club:
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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :D
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
But not sick enough to go on the Vegas trip? Too much double talk here, Johhy Boy.
Hey don't go picking on John now!! Jersey is MUCH closer, cheaper and faster than Vegas for him. I can get to AC all I want.. but don't have the cash to get to Vegas.. It just isnt the same.. Plus I'M here hehe :club:
Nah, don't worry about it. I'll be alright. I did this to myself. They make a valid point. But I don't plan on being able to do anything on weekends till the middle of march. During the week..who knows. But whatever happens, happens.Thanks for the defense though.
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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :club:
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
Now John, we all complimented you on your turning over a new leaf. But I must bring up a post you made some time ago:From July 11th: when the idea of a February trip to vegas was being discussed:
I'm in anytime after the new year. I don't have any vacation days until then.
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Finally caught up!!It appears to be back to normal in here now.Whiskey, nice showing in the freeroll last night.I still like mean John.The assistant...uh...I'd hit it...I guess.....even if I didn't see the pic.

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Tournament Registration Confirmed No-Limit Texas Hold'emCharter Weekend at Daniel's #2 Freeroll (Real Money) You have successfully signed up for the tournament, $0.00 has been withdrawn from your account. Tournament Start: January 07, 02:00 PM ESTin : 0 Days 23 Hours 18 Minutes

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I could be in Jersey in under 10 minutes.
Yeah but an hour and a half away from me hehe.. We WILL end up in Atlantic City one day SOON.. or next time Norm comes to visit the Elizabeth relatives.. We can all meet in the middle somewhere :club:
Well I am right by the Walt Whitman bridge and can be in Atlantic City in about an hour.Also unfortunatly, my weekends are booked until after the ACHA National Tournament (hockey).Of course I could always get "sick"
Now John, we all complimented you on your turning over a new leaf. But I must bring up a post you made some time ago:From July 11th: when the idea of a February trip to vegas was being discussed:
I'm in anytime after the new year. I don't have any vacation days until then.
No where did I ever mention anything about a vacation day
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I should be fucking Einstein then. At least as of now.
You should talk to Doug about these feelings.
Doug's not into necrophelia.
are you sure?
Well, since we've never actually discussed necrophelia I can't say 100% for sure that I know but since we have discussed many things and a penchant for having sex with dead people has never come up, I think it's a safe assumption to make.Insert Doug and Blue having sex being close to necrophelia joke here.I would never be that mean to Gramps but I know the rest of you were thinking it.
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Ohh I forgot.. My boss came over to me yesterday.. He says.. do you smoke? I said no.. He said.. Well grab your jacket and come outside with me, we need to talk..I was Like OH SHIT what did I do now??? I thought I was in some deeeeeep Doo Doo for something..Basically they are going to hire a new person to take some of the crap off me!! My other boss has been bugging him like crazy to hire a new person and he wanted to get an idea of my work load from me.. So once I told him all the crap I do all day.. he said OK.. then I agree we do need another person.. I just didn't want to sign off on something you didn't feel we need!!Whew!!
Kick ass. The new person we hired a few months ago is sort of frustrating to me, but it's nice to have the extra help. Earlier today I had to show her how to make rows bigger in Excel.
You know that's cause she wants you to lean over her right?BTW could you come show me how to make columns wider?
Ugghh Please dont tell me thats my situation too :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
Probably is.On a related yet unrelated note: yesterday I asked a coworker if she thought my name was Hewlitt Packard or something.
we're just smarter than the average human, it's not their fault
Yeah and think about this: Think how stupid the average human is. Now think about the fact that 1/2 of the population is more stupid than that.Mind boggling.
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A few years ago my friend contracted grudle-itis. He had to use an antibacterial cream for a month.
And Alan's off to the dictionary again...
I think he knows what contracted means.
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Ohh I forgot.. My boss came over to me yesterday.. He says.. do you smoke? I said no.. He said.. Well grab your jacket and come outside with me, we need to talk..I was Like OH SHIT what did I do now??? I thought I was in some deeeeeep Doo Doo for something..Basically they are going to hire a new person to take some of the crap off me!! My other boss has been bugging him like crazy to hire a new person and he wanted to get an idea of my work load from me.. So once I told him all the crap I do all day.. he said OK.. then I agree we do need another person.. I just didn't want to sign off on something you didn't feel we need!!Whew!!
Kick ass. The new person we hired a few months ago is sort of frustrating to me, but it's nice to have the extra help. Earlier today I had to show her how to make rows bigger in Excel.
You know that's cause she wants you to lean over her right?BTW could you come show me how to make columns wider?
Ok, the only advantage to somebody leaning over is cleavage as far as I can tell. I have no boobs. Also, she's like my mom's age so I'm not really into that whole scene. But if that really is the reason then I'm very uncomfortable now. And there's a "widen your column" joke in there somewhere to be made, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Nope cleavage is not the only reason. There's this neat little thing about your faces being really close together when you're leaning over someone staring at the same computer screen. And you can barely smell his shampoo and the gum he's chewing and you can feel the heat his skin radiates. Then you both look at each other and.....
Why'd you stop? keep going! :club: teaser! haha
We'll start a new segment of this show sometime called "Porn Time with Renae". Who wants to help me write it?Seriously, I had to stop or I was gonna have to go to the bathroom or something. Doodlebug is doing funny things to my brain lately.
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Tournament Registration Confirmed No-Limit Texas Hold'emCharter Weekend at Daniel's #2 Freeroll (Real Money) You have successfully signed up for the tournament, $0.00 has been withdrawn from your account. Tournament Start: January 07, 02:00 PM ESTin : 0 Days 23 Hours 18 Minutes
I'm playing in Saturday's as well.Dickman, hit me up with PM if you make it to West Palm. I'll show you where all the good jerk joints are.
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Also from July 11th:

i'll be in vegas in Feb. Flying in on the 16th, in the evening. Turning 21 at midnight!!
Flight to Vegas: $450. Hotel in Vegas: $400. Food and gambling in Vegas: $600. Watching Spice turn into a woman in Vegas: Priceless.
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Ok. I just got back from picking up someone's lunch at the front desk and as i am waiting for the elevator this is the story i overhear some construction guy telling his buddy...i'm going to paraphraseHe was banging this chick..had her on all fours and just as he was ready to finish she whipped around and went for the blow job finish. It was at this point the elevator doors closed. Thought it was interesting. So I guess to the angels...ever done that?
I have but I much prefer to do the oral work first.
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