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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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I hate math like this.... pisses me off for some reason, saw this on Facebook:This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 .... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111. Try it and see!
Let age = person's ageLet YOB = person's year of birthLet LTD = the last two digits of his year of birthage = 2011-YOBLTD = YOB - 1900LTD + age =?(YOB - 1900) + (2011 - YOB)2011 - 1900 = 111Arithmetic is spookAY
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

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jeff_536: perhaps an oversight by me. But seriously, no polacksbooyaga2 [observer]: but...but...i'm only halfjeff_536: top half, right?booyaga2 [observer]: bottom half is blackbooyaga2 [observer]: BOOM

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Let age = person's ageLet YOB = person's year of birthLet LTD = the last two digits of his year of birthage = 2011-YOBLTD = YOB - 1900LTD + age =?(YOB - 1900) + (2011 - YOB)2011 - 1900 = 111Arithmetic is spookAY
Dave is awesome at deriving equations.
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Do you work this weekend?
I'm off Saturday-Sunday. I'll be quite busy at the bar Sunday for Bears-Packers.Some of us still have our teams in the playoffs. ;)Sidenote: Fucking 30 seconds.
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Army home game HORSE tourny in 45 minutes if anyone's interested. 320 play chips
I still need to get around to signing up for this.Just curious, what exactly is the deal with it? How is it different from before where you could set up a private table with a password? Or did that only used to be for tournies you could do that?Damn, there's some awful grammar there.
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Jeff can set up games of all sorts. Tonight was a three handed HORSE. Jeff, Doug and I played. It was the first time I've played. Jeff will work out the kinks and it should be a fun thing to get going.Now I am going to take Spike out by the tree, see you later all.Cards live, pots monsters.

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I'm off Saturday-Sunday. I'll be quite busy at the bar Sunday for Bears-Packers.Some of us still have our teams in the playoffs. ;)Sidenote: Fucking 30 seconds.
Don't rub it in!
Jeff can set up games of all sorts. Tonight was a three handed HORSE. Jeff, Doug and I played. It was the first time I've played. Jeff will work out the kinks and it should be a fun thing to get going.Now I am going to take Spike out by the tree, see you later all.Cards live, pots monsters.
I wanted to play, but I had to do homework.Quería jugar, pero tuve que hacer tarea.
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Jeff can set up games of all sorts. Tonight was a three handed HORSE. Jeff, Doug and I played. It was the first time I've played. Jeff will work out the kinks and it should be a fun thing to get going.Now I am going to take Spike out by the tree, see you later all.Cards live, pots monsters.
Gotcha. Cool.
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I'm off to Atlanta tomorrow. I overpacked, but I won't be happy with anything I brought to wear, as usual. I always fuss about what to bring and I'm never satisfied. It's hard to get everything I might want in the little suitcase I can carry-on.

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I'm off to Atlanta tomorrow. I overpacked, but I won't be happy with anything I brought to wear, as usual. I always fuss about what to bring and I'm never satisfied. It's hard to get everything I might want in the little suitcase I can carry-on.
Have fun.
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