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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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if you wanna tutor me at my LHE game, i can get you out of a shitload of reading.Think about it.
Post hands either here or in limit strat. (Preferrably on czpoker I guess) If you have quick questions, AIM me, name's the same.
right now it's not specific hands...just suffering through a downswing.as for my background in lhe, i started with $1.10 in a stars freeroll and grinded my way up to about 150 then who.red my way to about 600....And then i had to withdraw most of it and left $50 and grinded it up again.Right now, i'm getting killed by NEGATIVE variance. So my confidence is shot to hell. I know I can play winning poker at $1/$2, but i've dropped back down to .50/1 to weather the storm and build the roll back up.But i might take you up on that offer sometime.
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What is all this 15 30 crap, get back on the full tilt weekend tournies, so freaking easy. i think the competition is getting worse and worse every week. My table in the 30k tonight was god awful, but i just couldn't making anything happen
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can i have ang then?
she does :club: asians.if you get a simba tattoo on your arm, she'll censored you instantly. JS.
what if I just tell her I'll give her anything she wants sexually, Im not too big on getting a tattoo :-)
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Everyone,  I'm going to go get laid--hopefully. At the very least I'm going to be drunk by night's end. Please don't let me come back to 10 pages of complete stupidity and immaturity. Please? It'll ruin my buzz.Thanks,Erik
Git-r-done for jesus!
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there's no way gretzky didn't know.wiretaps of him trying to keep his wife out of harms way are damning.  the fact that assistant coaches who WEREN'T involved with it knew what was going on is damning.  gretzky's a lying POS now, peh?te rose, if you will.
is he claiming he knew nothing about it? There is rule in the NHL about betting on sports, just betting on Hockey is illegal. Roenick was betting on sports and nothing happened to him, to call him a Pete Rose is a little premature
yes, he's claiming he knew nothing about it.
Sorry, you are wrong. He has not said he knew nothing about it; he has said that he has not placed any bets. Here is the text of his statement. I think everyone that is referring to him as a "lying POS" or "Pete Rose" should hold off a little because as far as I know, the knowledge that someone has gambled whether it be your wife, a stranger or your siamese twin is not a crime. It would be similar to claiming that we are all guilty of a crime because we know of people who are gambling while underage.
Monkey, you are right. The knowledge that someone else made a bet may not be a crime....but IF he was aware of what his wife was doing, as I said before...it is extremely poor judgement on his behalf. If he finds out his wife is betting he is supposed to say..."Hunny, I am the most recognizable figure in the game of hockey, and in the entire world. Many consider me to be THE ambassador of hockey. I have a completely clean reputation and am admired by many...including being a hero to many younger minor hockey players. I cannot have my reputation ruined if you are caught placing illegal sports gambling bets. You must stop." And what about the possibility that she made those bets on his behalf? Only a verbal arrangement between them? No proof. Ok hunny....if you get caught, you go down ok? I'll tell them I didn't know. And technically I didn't place any bets. He may not have done anything criminal. But he very well may have done something very unethical. And the reason I brought all this up in the first place, is that I just think it's such a shame. I hate to see a guy with so much respect and so many accomplishments, get taken down by something like this.
I don't see how it reflects on Gretzky. Are you saying that he should control his wife. Perhaps he did have that conversation with Janet, but she still chose to make the bets.Should Daniel be held responsible because FCP has 17 year olds playing poker which he is most likely aware of as it has been mentioned in many posts?
It doesn't reflect on him? I guess that was Janet's theory when she was making the bets....well, if I get caught it won't reflect on Wayne. :shock: Control her? Well I dunno. They are married...."partners in life" as it were. The actions of one affect the other. If he didn't know....then she has put her husband's career in jepardy. How utterly self-serving. If he did know, and asked her not to...that's not controlling her...it is not unreasonable for someone with a very successful and public career and image to ask his wife NOT TO COMMIT A CRIME. I have no moral objections to sports betting in general. But this is about ethics...not morals. And integrity. Does anybody give a sh.it about integrity?????? Doing the right thing??His wife is placing large sports bets with the assistant coach of HIS OWN TEAM, via an illegal likely mob connected gamling ring and you don't see any ethical violations there?Common sense suggests that he knew...and if he knew....it's not too much of a stretch to think that she had his blessing....maybe even placing the bets for him. She does it to take the heat off him. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
I seriously doubt that you would. Seriously, if you are in his position, what is more important, some sports image that can always be repaired or your wife of almost 20 years who is the mother of your children and gave up a decent film career to be with you. This is not even close to a hard decision
1. Depending on the outcome of this, that "some sports image" will very likely be damaged beyond all repair. This isn't some second string bench warmer. He's the most successful and famous hockey player EVER. 2. Decent film career?? That she gave up for him?? I'm almost speechless. A few bit parts and one Police Academy movie...she was barely a B-movie actress. Her life, finances, image, respectiblilty, status...all improved beyond anything she could have dreamed the day she married Wayne Gretsky. Let's flip what you said around. What is more important? Placing a few sports bets, or your husband of 20 years who is the father of your children who's career and reputation is at stake? Who's giving up what?? I'm sorry. I know I'm being a bitch. I've had a fairly shitty day. My mind is just kind of boggled by this.
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have i mentioned how much i love my laptop?wife is on the living room couch watching As Good As It GetsI'm on the living room couch watching As Good As It Gets AND playing on my laptopwhats up with all the cursing turrets shit going on in here this page?jill_halfpenny_sexy_buttocks1.jpg

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can i have ang then?
she does :club: asians.if you get a simba tattoo on your arm, she'll censored you instantly. JS.
what if I just tell her I'll give her anything she wants sexually, Im not too big on getting a tattoo :-)
asians like you are notorious for rice-sized penises, so the tattoo would be your compensation.tough luck funnoog. i get ho and you get no mo.
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Scottyno poll results  Please choose from among the following to the question:  Do you want Scottyno to continue posting in the army thread: A) YES B) NO C) INDIFFERENT  Fryer98  ChuckSty  Jeff_536------NO  DigitalMonkey  Custom36------YES  KDawgCometh  Dolfan - Brett------YES  AllinBluff35  PogueMahone  Nikki_N  MissIdaho------YES  dna4ever------NO  Whiskey16------NO  Tall0n------INDIFFERENT (but threatening)  Goldie79------NO  SAM_Hard8------NO  RonBurgundy------NO  dms26------NO  mulhs82  Velkro------NO  Rocksquid  Vade  CrazyIvan------INDIFFERENT  PokerSpice------NO  Allie------NO  Specbrad  Smacciemac------NO  Pupsamazingwife  Pupsta-----YES  vvganeshavv  Ron Mexico  Zimmer4141------INDIFFERENT  DrawingDeadinDM------INDIFFERENT  BleacherBum3------NOScottyNo------YES  RenaeDawn------INDIFFERENT  TJ_Eckleburg  GWCGWC  Jadak------INDIFFERENTi  Vatche........YESTally  Stop posting - 12Keep posting - 6Indifferent - 6
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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours. I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer. Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon. Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.

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there's no way gretzky didn't know.wiretaps of him trying to keep his wife out of harms way are damning.  the fact that assistant coaches who WEREN'T involved with it knew what was going on is damning.  gretzky's a lying POS now, peh?te rose, if you will.
is he claiming he knew nothing about it? There is rule in the NHL about betting on sports, just betting on Hockey is illegal. Roenick was betting on sports and nothing happened to him, to call him a Pete Rose is a little premature
yes, he's claiming he knew nothing about it.
Sorry, you are wrong. He has not said he knew nothing about it; he has said that he has not placed any bets. Here is the text of his statement. I think everyone that is referring to him as a "lying POS" or "Pete Rose" should hold off a little because as far as I know, the knowledge that someone has gambled whether it be your wife, a stranger or your siamese twin is not a crime. It would be similar to claiming that we are all guilty of a crime because we know of people who are gambling while underage.
Monkey, you are right. The knowledge that someone else made a bet may not be a crime....but IF he was aware of what his wife was doing, as I said before...it is extremely poor judgement on his behalf. If he finds out his wife is betting he is supposed to say..."Hunny, I am the most recognizable figure in the game of hockey, and in the entire world. Many consider me to be THE ambassador of hockey. I have a completely clean reputation and am admired by many...including being a hero to many younger minor hockey players. I cannot have my reputation ruined if you are caught placing illegal sports gambling bets. You must stop." And what about the possibility that she made those bets on his behalf? Only a verbal arrangement between them? No proof. Ok hunny....if you get caught, you go down ok? I'll tell them I didn't know. And technically I didn't place any bets. He may not have done anything criminal. But he very well may have done something very unethical. And the reason I brought all this up in the first place, is that I just think it's such a shame. I hate to see a guy with so much respect and so many accomplishments, get taken down by something like this.
I don't see how it reflects on Gretzky. Are you saying that he should control his wife. Perhaps he did have that conversation with Janet, but she still chose to make the bets.Should Daniel be held responsible because FCP has 17 year olds playing poker which he is most likely aware of as it has been mentioned in many posts?
It doesn't reflect on him? I guess that was Janet's theory when she was making the bets....well, if I get caught it won't reflect on Wayne. :shock: Control her? Well I dunno. They are married...."partners in life" as it were. The actions of one affect the other. If he didn't know....then she has put her husband's career in jepardy. How utterly self-serving. If he did know, and asked her not to...that's not controlling her...it is not unreasonable for someone with a very successful and public career and image to ask his wife NOT TO COMMIT A CRIME. I have no moral objections to sports betting in general. But this is about ethics...not morals. And integrity. Does anybody give a sh.it about integrity?????? Doing the right thing??His wife is placing large sports bets with the assistant coach of HIS OWN TEAM, via an illegal likely mob connected gamling ring and you don't see any ethical violations there?Common sense suggests that he knew...and if he knew....it's not too much of a stretch to think that she had his blessing....maybe even placing the bets for him. She does it to take the heat off him. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
I seriously doubt that you would. Seriously, if you are in his position, what is more important, some sports image that can always be repaired or your wife of almost 20 years who is the mother of your children and gave up a decent film career to be with you. This is not even close to a hard decision
1. Depending on the outcome of this, that "some sports image" will very likely be damaged beyond all repair. This isn't some second string bench warmer. He's the most successful and famous hockey player EVER. 2. Decent film career?? That she gave up for him?? I'm almost speechless. A few bit parts and one Police Academy movie...she was barely a B-movie actress. Her life, finances, image, respectiblilty, status...all improved beyond anything she could have dreamed the day she married Wayne Gretsky. Let's flip what you said around. What is more important? Placing a few sports bets, or your husband of 20 years who is the father of your children who's career and reputation is at stake? Who's giving up what?? I'm sorry. I know I'm being a bitch. I've had a fairly shitty day. My mind is just kind of boggled by this.
Allie = smart and hot! :club:
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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours.  I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer.  Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon.  Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.
Hey ivan, i'm matt
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can i have ang then?
she does :club: asians.if you get a simba tattoo on your arm, she'll censored you instantly. JS.
what if I just tell her I'll give her anything she wants sexually, Im not too big on getting a tattoo :-)
asians like you are notorious for rice-sized penises, so the tattoo would be your compensation.tough luck funnoog. i get ho and you get no mo.
im anatomically unique compared to other asians though :wink:
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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours.  I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer.  Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon.  Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.
Hey ivan, i'm matt
Hi, matt. If I read your posts correctly you are in high school? (don't take offense, just making sure I got who you are?)
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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours.  I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer.  Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon.  Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.
Hey ivan, i'm matt
Hi, matt. If I read your posts correctly you are in high school? (don't take offense, just making sure I got who you are?)
ya, 18 year old high school student
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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours.  I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer.  Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon.  Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.
Hey ivan, i'm matt
Hi, matt. If I read your posts correctly you are in high school? (don't take offense, just making sure I got who you are?)
ya, 18 year old high school student
Cool. I'm the resident old fart. Oldest poster in this thread, I believe. However, gramps (Blue) is actually much older, when you get down to it.
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Scottyno poll results  Please choose from among the following to the question:  Do you want Scottyno to continue posting in the army thread: A) YES B) NO C) INDIFFERENT  Fryer98  ChuckSty  Jeff_536------NO  DigitalMonkey  Custom36------YES  KDawgCometh  Dolfan - Brett------YES  AllinBluff35  PogueMahone  Nikki_N  MissIdaho------YES  dna4ever------NO  Whiskey16------NO  Tall0n------INDIFFERENT (but threatening)  Goldie79------NO  SAM_Hard8------NO  RonBurgundy------NO  dms26------NO  mulhs82  Velkro------NO  Rocksquid  Vade  CrazyIvan------INDIFFERENT  PokerSpice------NO  Allie------NO  Specbrad  Smacciemac------NO  Pupsamazingwife  Pupsta-----YES  vvganeshavv  Ron Mexico  Zimmer4141------INDIFFERENT  DrawingDeadinDM------INDIFFERENT  BleacherBum3------NOScottyNo------YES  RenaeDawn------INDIFFERENT  TJ_Eckleburg  GWCGWC  Jadak------INDIFFERENTi  Tally  Stop posting - 12Keep posting - 5Indifferent - 6
nice try vatche...sorry...LMAO, though, if that's any consolation.
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I went to seaworld today, dolphins............not as playful as they seem on tv. They had a big pool where you could stand on the edge and feed the dolphins fish, so i bought some fish hoping to get the dolphins to come up to me. Well they do but they like rush right up, get an inch away, and just take the fish away from you, and when you try to pet them (seaworld workers say this is ok), they flip out and swim away and splash you. Moral of the story, dolphins who spend their days eating fish from tourists= shitty to play with

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Hey, everyone.I think I'm glad I wasn't here for the last few hours.  I know 4 and 5 year olds that behave much nicer.  Of course, they have nappy time in the afternoon.  Maybe that was the problem.Crack will begin shortly.That is all.
Hey ivan, i'm matt
Hi, matt. If I read your posts correctly you are in high school? (don't take offense, just making sure I got who you are?)
ya, 18 year old high school student
Cool. I'm the resident old fart. Oldest poster in this thread, I believe. However, gramps (Blue) is actually much older, when you get down to it.
I know you're just sweet-talking me so i'll bang you in Vegas.Don't worry sexy, I"M A SURE THING
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I went to seaworld today, dolphins............not as playful as they seem on tv. They had a big pool where you could stand on the edge and feed the dolphins fish, so i bought some fish hoping to get the dolphins to come up to me. Well they do but they like rush right up, get an inch away, and just take the fish away from you, and when you try to pet them (seaworld workers say this is ok), they flip out and swim away and splash you. Moral of the story, dolphins who spend their days eating fish from tourists= shitty to play with
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Scottyno poll results Please choose from among the following to the question: Do you want Scottyno to continue posting in the army thread: A) YES B) NO C) INDIFFERENT Fryer98 ChuckSty Jeff_536------NO DigitalMonkey Custom36------YES KDawgCometh Dolfan - Brett------YES AllinBluff35 PogueMahone Nikki_N MissIdaho------YES dna4ever------NO Whiskey16------NO Tall0n------INDIFFERENT (but threatening) Goldie79------NO SAM_Hard8------NO RonBurgundy------NO dms26------NO mulhs82 Velkro------NO Rocksquid Vade CrazyIvan------INDIFFERENT PokerSpice------NO Allie------NO Specbrad Smacciemac------NO Pupsamazingwife------YESPupsta-----YES vvganeshavv Ron Mexico Zimmer4141------INDIFFERENT DrawingDeadinDM------INDIFFERENT BleacherBum3------NO ScottyNo------YES RenaeDawn------INDIFFERENT TJ_Eckleburg GWCGWC Jadak------INDIFFERENTi Tally Stop posting - 12 Keep posting - 6Indifferent - 6

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