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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
So when you hit your 50BB Upswing will you also be bitching at its variance?
Of course not.What exactly is your point? :club:
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

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Yeah, one event was fun today though, it's just asking a bunch of ridiculous math questions, all in scientific notation, and the answer is the exponent in 4 x 10^?Like:  How many toothpicks would it take to stretch from the south border of Michigan to the Mackinaw Bridge?How many heartbeats occur in a year if you count everyone in the world?How many births were there in 2004 around the world?
sounds like middle school and high school math team, which I did until 9th grade when I quit for chess team which I became captain of, yes I was an uber-geek I know
asians are good at that shit.
very true, my asian friends were much better than me, though they were also less lazy. the ironic thing about this is that my best friends in high school actually were asian
birds of a feather........lol
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Yeah, one event was fun today though, it's just asking a bunch of ridiculous math questions, all in scientific notation, and the answer is the exponent in 4 x 10^?Like:  How many toothpicks would it take to stretch from the south border of Michigan to the Mackinaw Bridge?How many heartbeats occur in a year if you count everyone in the world?How many births were there in 2004 around the world?
sounds like middle school and high school math team, which I did until 9th grade when I quit for chess team which I became captain of, yes I was an uber-geek I know
The correct tense of the very is "am."
nah, i gave up chess for poker, thats like the most non uber-geek thing you can do :-)
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LMAO!  Right now on espn.com's home page.Upper right.They are talking about Michelle Kwan (skater) and have a pic of Michelle Wie (golfer).  For dog's sake she is holding a golf club.Too Funny.
all asians look alike anyway lol
That's what Zim said!
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
Are you sure you weren't just sitting at a table with Bluff?
I wish I had been. I would rather have given that money to Bluff.
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
So when you hit your 50BB Upswing will you also be bitching at its variance?
Shutup, luckbox.
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
So when you hit your 50BB Upswing will you also be bitching at its variance?
Of course not.What exactly is your point? :club:
My point is that people complain about "variance" when the ups are also included in variance. Now if you want to complain about negative variance, then by all means be my guest.
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
You want me to kick 6 max's as!
Yes please. But he's a mean mother fucker so be careful.
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I just got an invitation to an invite only audition for the new production of Phantom of the Opera that is opening up at the Venetian in a couple of months!!!  It's going to be on March 6th......I'm flying on cloud 9 right now.Well...I guess I better start practicing again.  If I get the gig, I'm giving everyone tickets that wants them. wOOt!!!!!!!!!!! :club::D :D :D:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Congrats man, break a leg!
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
So when you hit your 50BB Upswing will you also be bitching at its variance?
Of course not.What exactly is your point? :D
My point is that people complain about "variance" when the ups are also included in variance. Now if you want to complain about negative variance, then by all means be my guest.
I understand your point. Hence the sticking my tongue out at you face. Damn when did you become the army editor? :club:
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Dear 6 max,You and I are off to a bit of a rocky relationship.  Yesterday you loved me.  Today you are throwing bloody tampons at me and screaming about how I hate your mother.  Please get your hormones and variance under control or else I might have to leave you again.Love,Renae
So when you hit your 50BB Upswing will you also be bitching at its variance?
Of course not.What exactly is your point? :D
My point is that people complain about "variance" when the ups are also included in variance. Now if you want to complain about negative variance, then by all means be my guest.
I understand your point. Hence the sticking my tongue out at you face. Damn when did you become the army editor? :club:
Well, since Blue's not around today I figured someone had to step in.So... does that mean I'm his protege now? :shock:
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Yeah, one event was fun today though, it's just asking a bunch of ridiculous math questions, all in scientific notation, and the answer is the exponent in 4 x 10^?Like:  How many toothpicks would it take to stretch from the south border of Michigan to the Mackinaw Bridge?How many heartbeats occur in a year if you count everyone in the world?How many births were there in 2004 around the world?
sounds like middle school and high school math team, which I did until 9th grade when I quit for chess team which I became captain of, yes I was an uber-geek I know
The correct tense of the very is "am."
nah, i gave up chess for poker, thats like the most non uber-geek thing you can do :-)
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
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Hey I'm in the money in the FCP Royal Tournament Just above average stack.
Congrats and good luck. I played too, but my 15x BB raise with KK couldn't get A3 to fold. So when I moved in on a board of 334, I was out.edit: and if you're curious, no, it wasn't even soooooted.
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Hey I'm in the money in the FCP Royal Tournament Just above average stack.
Congrats and good luck. I played too, but my 15x BB raise with KK couldn't get A3 to fold. So when I moved in on a board of 334, I was out.edit: and if you're curious, no, it wasn't even soooooted.
That sucks 178 left I'm still average.
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20mtt. 8 left.bb = me sb = HIM i have about 200 more than HIM!me = AA HIM = QJoHIM all in preflop, me callflop 2, 5, 8turn jAND you guessed it, river, JNext handme = aj him = a10he puts me all in. for 200ishflop 10 j 3 turn 8AND you guessed it, river, 10I was gonna go out. but now i think i'm going to the liquor store, getting a bottle of bourbon and gonna watch the olympics! GOD DAMN IT!ehit: Oh, and figure out a way to burn up the "So Called" FCP Random Generator!
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there's no way gretzky didn't know.wiretaps of him trying to keep his wife out of harms way are damning.  the fact that assistant coaches who WEREN'T involved with it knew what was going on is damning.  gretzky's a lying POS now, peh?te rose, if you will.
of course he knew, but really, who the fuck cares. As long as his wife and Rick Tochett didn't bet on Hockey games that he was involved in, I really don't care what people do in their personal time. People are so ready to judge, but really who cares. If Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays were playing these days, they'd also be considered POS' too from some of the things that they were involved in. People are people, so why on earth should we hold an athlete or person in the public eye to a different standard. The guy was trying to protect his wife. If you were him, would you throw your wife underneath the train, Fuck No
unfortunately in this particular situation, it's called "accomplice". Key words here people, ILLEGAL betting ring. If i know you did something illegal, i'm just as guilty. There are degrees of severity, but depending on how the prosecutor feels, accomlice would be the least they could get him for. Add on Obstruction of justice and implication of himself participating in an ILLEGAL gambling ring.if she/he would have made her bets in AC or Vegas or any other legal place, then you are correct, it's a matter of who cares!but not in this case and hence why it made the news!And believe you me, with that kinda money on the line, there are some "friends" involved and that brings a HUGE amount of attention from some FEDERAL authorities.
Having knowledge of a crime does not make one an accomplice.
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bummer NormI just won s 40 k pot to put me in the top 20.
Sux Norm..Keep it up Scott.Looking good!
Hangin' in. Right at average stack. In the 3rd pay level.
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