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mixing it up with aqs

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Converter is down at the moment.Hopefully I can edit this post once it's back up, but for now...http://www.pokerhand.org/index.php?page=vi...iew&hand=191055My read on opponents was that keefer had something like 77-99, or a weaker ace. He was fairly solid preflop and postflop, so it made sense. Ron is way tight rockish and frankly, a bit passive.What did you guys think?How do you guys feel about the flop play?

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you can always post the hand in the forum layout, cut and paste, its pretty easy. Oh yeah, raise the turn. your whole point of calling the flop is to get him on the expensive street

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I hoped to just get me and that initial better in the hand. But the guy from the BB check raised us both. That was about the first time I'd seen a postflop raise out of him in 100 hands. I felt like I could quite possibly be behind, so I didn't want to raise the turn.And no, my plan was to call and hope BB folds, then just call a turn and river bet UI. That's why I was mixing it up, is it ever good to play hands that passive on such a nice board? Maybe it wasn't the right time with the 3rd player in, but I like experimenting for value when I feel i'm way ahead and my opponent makes bet/fold type bets.

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