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7 8 on the button hand from the england ireland blog

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When daniel made a standard raise with 7 8 on the button and was only raised 2100 more from a shortstack giving daniel abit more then 2,5-1 to call, in my mind that screams a big hand that wants to keep him in and is just massaging the pot so he can stick in on the flop and daniel will have no choice but to call the rest of is chips. Now there was currently 7800 in the middle on the flop, do u guys like daniels re raise all in on the flop, this was not a terribly ugly flop for daniel, he is actually a coin flip against ak or aq. Would folding the re raise pre flop been a bad play giving that he was getting more then 2,5-1, was he trapped into calling and having no choice but to call the rest of this guys chips, just though it was a interesting hand, discuss if there was any other way to play this hand

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this isn't in direct response to your comment, but. . is it just me, or is it everytime i read daniel's blog he's losing alot? is it just that he doesn't tell us about his wins, or is his pocket so deep from all his tourney wins that the losses don't really matter?

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this isn't in direct response to your comment, but. . is it just me, or is it everytime i read daniel's blog he's losing alot? is it just that he doesn't tell us about his wins, or is his pocket so deep from all his tourney wins that the losses don't really matter?
http://fullcontactpoker.com/poker-forums/v...pic.php?t=37466He's doing OK...He did give the guy credit for having a good hand; I believe he mentioned that he thought he could get him off a hand like tens or AK. And he had outs if he was up against a monster. I'd have to re-read the blog because I don't remember the exact details, but I was also wondering about the call of the pre-flop raise when I first read it...
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When daniel made a standard raise with 7 8  on the button and was only raised 2100 more  from a shortstack  giving daniel abit more then 2,5-1 to call, in my mind that screams a big hand that wants to keep him in and is just massaging the pot so he can stick in on the flop and daniel will have no choice but to call the rest of is chips. Now there was currently 7800 in the middle on the flop, do u guys like daniels  re raise all in on the flop, this was not a terribly ugly flop for daniel, he is actually a coin flip against ak or aq. Would folding the re raise pre flop been a bad play giving that he was getting more then 2,5-1, was he trapped into calling and having no choice but to call the rest of this guys chips, just though it was a interesting hand, discuss if there was any other way to play this hand
i know DN's hand of course is better equity-wise against overcards rather than an overpair, and i won't even argue it plays better against the overpair, though i think that argument can be made.but i think the point is with a hand like that, it plays fine against an overpair that calling in position there is not a problem, especially if it is cheap.danielp.s. for anyone who doesn't notice, DN had a double-gutshot straight draw on the flop. i didn't notice at first.
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I post all of my results in the Daniel in 2005 forum.  If you look closely, I'm actually winning!!! :-)
Look up, I already directed him to that thread. These newbs... :roll: sw, of course...Daniel, any additional thoughts on that particular hand?
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