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on-line poker tells....

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Do you think it is a tell when someone buys in for an amount such as 45.50?I think people that are buying in for these amounts have tendency to play a much tighter game? I think they are at the end of there BR's or at least there daily BR.What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?

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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.

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Do you think it is a tell when someone buys in for an amount such as 45.50?I think people that are buying in for these amounts have tendency to play a much tighter game? I think they are at the end of there BR's or at least there daily BR.What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?
i think,Maybe that's their lucky numberno seriously,i think you're reading too much into it. so what if that's all they have. doesn't mean they can't beat you or play. maybe they will be tighter, who knows. just play the cards...
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on a side note,your Avatar rules.. :-)

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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.
Wearing a pink shirt is gay.... just quietly.
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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.
Wearing a pink shirt is gay.... just quietly.
he's just secure with his masculinity....well maybe
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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.
Wearing a pink shirt is gay.... just quietly.
he's just secure with his masculinity....well maybe
He is secure with his lack of masculinity.... HAhahahaha
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I often play 2 tables of $2/$4. I buy in for $100. Sometimes the table breaks down and I'm forced to move to a different table. Instead of buying in for $100 again, I'll buy in for what I left the previous table with. So if I left with $114.03, that's what I buy in for. That way at the end of my session, it's easy to compare what I'm quitting with to $200 and record my results. The only thing this would tell you about me is how I was doing before I got to your table.

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I often play 2 tables of $2/$4. I buy in for $100. Sometimes the table breaks down and I'm forced to move to a different table. Instead of buying in for $100 again, I'll buy in for what I left the previous table with. So if I left with $114.03, that's what I buy in for. That way at the end of my session, it's easy to compare what I'm quitting with to $200 and record my results. The only thing this would tell you about me is how I was doing before I got to your table.
Cool thanks.... I have been playing on-line for a couple of months and I would say that I am still new to On-line poker. I am just trying to understand why people buy-in for these different amounts.
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A lot of times I will buy in for whatever numbers I hit, just so people will think like you. Then they attempt to push me around and Wham! I have the full buyin. Don't think you can really make a judgement by the buy in, watch their play and go by that.

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I would say in general, somebody buying in for $546.78 at a 10/20 table is going there with their entire bankroll most of the time. I don't think they play more tight or passively at all, they're usually much more loose and willing to gamble and hope to get lucky.

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What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?
**********************************I couldn't get past your avatar to comprehend the question so I'll just say this, I am sooooooooooo an ass man!!! :twisted:
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What are everyone else’s thoughts on this?
**********************************I couldn't get past your avatar to comprehend the question so I'll just say this, I am sooooooooooo an ass man!!! :twisted:
Thats where her poop comes from, ya know.
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I usually think the only buy in that matters is those people that buy in for the min. They usually suck.

Either that, or they are complete beginners who have just signed up for the site you are on and "want to try it".Had one of those short stack, minimum buy in guys guy go all-in on me last night on a K high flop at a FT .50/1.00 NLHE table. I had AKo, he had Kd7d, and I won a 48 dollar pot. He then says, "it's my first time playing online". Really, ya think?

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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.
wow, this is horrible advice. Its definitely a tell - you, for instance, clearly do not have a grasp of poker theory. If you did, you would realize that buying in for less than the max a) costs you in terms of EV every time you could have gotten more money in the pot or B) saves you money because you are -EV in the game and therefore shouldnt be there in the first place. people buy in for less than the max all the time in my games (5-10 SH HE) and invariably they are all bad.
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I gotta agree. People who buy in for less than the max, at least in NL/PL type games, are playing with scared money. They are usually playing way above thier roll allows and are looking for a quick preflop all in, not actual play.

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I often play 2 tables of $2/$4. I buy in for $100. Sometimes the table breaks down and I'm forced to move to a different table. Instead of buying in for $100 again, I'll buy in for what I left the previous table with. So if I left with $114.03, that's what I buy in for. That way at the end of my session, it's easy to compare what I'm quitting with to $200 and record my results. The only thing this would tell you about me is how I was doing before I got to your table.
This is what I do as well... I think a lot of people do this. I wouldn't read a lot into how much someone buys in for.
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hhahaha, definately not tard boy. i mean - maybe - in some cases but i often do stuff like that so that i can have an even amount in my account (rounded off to the nearest 50, 75 or 100 depending on how much money people have at the table) just a little OCD of mine. for example today i have $2002.35 in my account, i play $1-1 PLHE ($100 max buy-in) so when i sit down i may choose to sit with either $52.35 or $77.35 depending on how much money other people at the table are sitting with.thats not really a tell now is it ? maybe its a tell that i have weird OCD, but nothing to do with my poker play!i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.
Listen Ellen, You are probably 1 of very very few people who would do something this ridiculous.Infact it is a great observation that when someone sits at a 2/4 game with 56.78 its probably all they have in their account.and also, i just want to finish this with and also
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i guess noone bothered to look at what i had written in my post. too concerned with the fact that i am an immaculately dressed, good-looking guy.i think you should take a look at online betting patterns and see what cards ppl showdown in hands - thats probably a better place to start with tells.... just quietly.hey, if you dont agree with that, then by all means....flame on ....

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