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I mainly play NL and Limit cash games but i'm starting to dabble in tourneys. I'm thinking about entering a tournaments with re-buys and addons. If it says unlimited rebuys before the first break, does that mean u can re-buy before you go broke? Or can u only re-buy once u go broke?

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Typically, I believe you can rebuy once you drop below a certain number of chips (People signing up and immediately rebuying for more chips is incredibly standard). Going broke would obviously be included here.
That's better
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As a mainly trny player, there are several strats for rebuys I use.1.Don't rebuy until you go broke. At that time, you can double rebuy. I generally fold everything but big pairs or AK then race it preflop, as in the rebuy period you'll see many people push their stacks in pf with weak holdings. Once the rebuy period is ending, in the last 5 minutes or so, I assess my stack size. If I'm near double the starting chips, I'll continue a TAG style until the add on period. Always add on. If I'm low, I'm pushing any playable hand pf and trying to double or go broke, so I can double rebuy before the add on period. My goal when employing this strat is to reach the first break with twice the starting chips plus the add on(s), which will normally put you just above average. If I win a few races during the first hour, then I'm large starting the second hour and the freezeout phase.2.Rebuy immediately, start with a double stack, and race as many hands as you comfortably can. If I employ this strat, I generally go in with the mindset that I'm willing to spend up to 10 rebuys if I have to, but the goal is to build a super large stack to start the freezeout phase. Always add on. This strat requires a LAG or maniac mindset, but can be very effective if you're willing to spend the money necessary.In either strat, anytime you go broke during the rebuy period you should double rebuy.These strats apply only to UNLIMITED rebuy trnys. For limited rebuy trnys, I employ a freezeout mentality even during the rebuy period. Again, always add on.

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