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those who wear glasses [poll included]

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So, I know glasses usually have a shape that only allows them to be popped in one way, but are you sure the lense you put back is not upside down or backwards?I wear glasses also.

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I don't think the lense would go in that way. It looked like the frame was bent a little because they had been bent before. I"m feeling better and hopefully I've bent in back into shape. I don't know if it is just my eyes but my eyes always hurt when there are any changes to my glasses or if I buy new ones. It is the most annoying thing in the world. Nothing else matters but the pain in my eyes. I hate that. I think I've solved the problem.

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hardly wear my glasses anymore, although I should. might have been that the lens of your eye needed to readjust to the glass again. had the same problem as a child when lens popped out.

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A) If you take them to one of those mall opticians, chances are very good they'll adjust them for free. Anyone I've ever dropped off my glasses too did so while I waited. I'm not sure why, but it's probably based on the hope you'll come back and buy your glasses there.B) I would bet the frame is now slightly twisted. Your prescription is set to be a finite distance from your eye. If the frame is twisted, it may be closer in some spots and further in others, thus giving you headaches.

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I have an odd shaped head. I'm not a very good looking guy so I have an odd shaped nose and so I had to twist the damn glasses a little so I don't look like a complete idiot. I think I've got it back to where they feel comfortable.BTW, I've nearly broken these glasses 5 times. The 5 times were incidents where I fell asleep with them on and woke up laying on them. Every time I was able to bend them back and pop lenses back in and keep wearing them. They are amazing glasses. They are Polo Ralph Laurens and I recommend them. Usually, by the 3rd time, the glasses are done and I have to get new ones. These are most indestructible glasses I've ever seen.

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I'll be honest, I was going to pick the second choice on the poll since it was most logical (I wear contacts but also have glasses that I wear occasionally), but the last choice on the poll was just too obvious of an answer.

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