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live 3/6 at bay 101 huge pots

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Some players are peeling the flop with hands like A2. They suck. They're folding the turn. This CANNOT be overestimated. The hands these players are in there with are SO. censored. BAD. They're going to see a turn (incorrectly!), but definitely fold to any turn aggression (correctly!).
Good point.I've never met a drunk who's been wrong.But you also have to consider our opponents that have weaker hands then we do now, and opponents that pick up weaker made hands on the turn. If they're peeling with this garbage, their calling the turn if they connect with garbage. They may even call the turn with the same UI garbage they called the flop with.I agree that if we don't think the button will bet again that we have to raise this flop. If we are 100% sure he will bet the turn, we get way more value by waiting for the turn. We simply exploit a larger equity edge with bigger bets and our opponents mistakes get magnified.It's the in-between 0 and 100% that things get fuzzy.
I don't think this happens often enough to make it a justification for waiting until the turn to raise. If someone's got A2, he's not connecting with his ace often enough (even if we grant that he'd call 2 cold) for passing up the extra small bet he'll call on the flop to be profitable.People play worse on flops, because there are 2 cards to come, and the bets are smaller.People play a little better on the turn, when their runner-runner draws are dead.Ice
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I find that pushing on the flop is usually the best way to go. I think cc the flop is horrible, especially since your top pair is a 10. If it were an A or K it would be closer, but I would still cr flop and lead turn. I dont think leading both streets is all that bad. There is not alot you can do strategically to win this hand so I suggest gambling immediately, because immediately is when you have the biggest edge. I say this all the time but gutshots and oesds cannot pay you off when they whiff on the river so push now. You cannot count on co or button to bet on turn, especially in a game like this, also too many freeze cards will come. Ram Jam thank you ma'am and pray Top2 holds up.

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