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hand against a guy who makes moves

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Villain is loose preflop and sometimes tries to outplay his opponent in heads up pots.Ultimate Bet 3/6 Hold'em (10 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is UTG with A:spade:, Q:heart:. Hero raises.Flop: (5.33 SB) J:spade:, Q:club:, 5:spade: (2 players)Hero bets, CO folds.Final Pot: 5.16 BBI felt like an idiot when he folded to my 3-bet. This is generally how I play this hand against most opponents but maybe I could have made more playing it differently? If I do play it differently against a guy who makes moves, how should I play it?

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I bet he felt like a bigger idiot.There's absolutely no reason not to raise here, unless you saw his cards and he has 2d-7d. Then you can wait until the river.Ice

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I guess I felt like against an opponent like this I could get more value by playing it a little less aggressively. He's not folding to a 3 bet on the flop with any flush or straight draw...It seems like everyone thinks I played this fine though. I guess I'm looking for anyone who thinks I should have been looking for more value against a player like this? Anyone out there with different opinions?

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I guess I felt like against an opponent like this I could get more value by playing it a little less aggressively.  He's not folding to a 3 bet on the flop with any flush or straight draw...It seems like everyone thinks I played this fine though.  I guess I'm looking for anyone who thinks I should have been looking for more value against a player like this?  Anyone out there with different opinions?
That's a bad board to let him draw cheaply, 2 spades plus QJ. I would play just like you did, AQ is not a trap hand when you only have TPTK. You'd feel stupid if you let him hit his set of 7's on the turn and jam it drawing dead.
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