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donkey underdog hits 2 outer

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get AA and guy before me raises in a 2/5 NL game to 35 i reraise to 70 since im in early position and would just rather go heads up.he callsflop comes 10104 he pushes all in for 180i callshows our hands AA vs 99No waiting on the turn.....9 :shock:

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lol, pocket aces are just as good as any pocket pair versus a set, kinda sucks for you that he hit one of his 2 outs but it happens.. personally i dont think very highly of rockets, just like having pocket 4's and those are aces with broken legs.. lol

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lol, pocket aces are just as good as any pocket pair versus a set, kinda sucks for you that he hit one of his 2 outs but it happens.. personally i dont think very highly of rockets, just like having pocket 4's and those are aces with broken legs.. lol
You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding.
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LOL! Ouch! I feel your pain, and that does suck. Any pocket pair, vs AA is about a 3-1 underdog....(I think?) But sometimes, they just happen to suckout. I was playing last night in the bar poker thing and this girl happened to take out KK with 10-4, QQ with 7-2.........talk about catching cards. She ended up winning the thing.

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