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pacific 2/4 ringthanksgiving night, super juicy table. blinds are also loose.i have 3 :club: 2 :D in the cutoff seat.four limpers to me, i raise.....aseem

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i've just become seriously addicted to raising any playable hand in position. i can't help think "if a hand is playable, why not exploit my position by raising?" i think i'm applying this logic far too liberally, though.aseem

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i honestly would fold before i raised.
Me too; I don't call 32 a "connector" - it's a worse hand than 52 (they both only make two straights, and 32 has (marginally) less high card strength.If you're playing this, it's for implied odds because you have position on 4 terrible players who will pay you off postflop. I like limping here if the opponents are bad, but you're definitely losing money preflop by calling (since you'll fold the flop probably over 80% of the time, and you'll probably only actually win the hand less than 10% of the time) that you have to make up when you flop big. Raising PF is counterproductive to that purpose.
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This is a bit much.You can only make 2 straights (only 1 of which is the nuts), and you will never win by spiking a pair. I don't think you have an equity edge pf, and it's not like raising here will tie these players to the pot/set up a free flop card if you need it.

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I haven't read responses yet, but your positional edge is wholly demolished by your super crappy cards. Are you raising with 52s here? If not, it's a better hand. If so, GET HELP!Position only EXACERBATES the strength of your cards. It doesn't manufacture strength out of thin air. If someone flops a king, he's taking it to showdown, and you're just losing less. With a minimum of 4 opponents here, you're not making up enough money after the flop (giving up so much before) with a hand this bad.Nice try, AseemIce

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umm, no. Limp and fold before you raise. If you were holding 78s then I say go ahead and raise it up, but you can only make two straights with this hand when using both cards, and your flush draw potential is weak at best. If you are gonna play this hand, its a pretty easy limp

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