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the fcp forum challenge team captains

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justblaze wants to know what the hell is going on.
The answer to your question is revealed in about 25 pages mixed between 3 threads. Happy Reading!if anyone wants to be added in the alt. list it must be in the original thread as I'm leaving and won't cross reference all the threads for new addons. So go there to be added. Thanks guys for working with us on this. And there will be an announcement tomorrow by SFKid about final site location (keep voting for FT :club: ) and some minor changes on deadlines.
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Is there any pre draft coverage or rankings on this? Hey if there is I would say I would be a solid middle rounder. Very dangerous IF I get the right cards. But I guess everyone can say that. I can't wait sounds like a solid time.

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Well, I'm afraid I may have to withdraw if it is held on anywhere but UB.  Because of my trust issues on Stars and my account issues on FullTilt, I will have to play on UB, unless my account issues are cleared up.
Trust issues with stars?? Even if that is the case, it is only 10 bucks, and the only people here getting that money will be us... and I don't think I saw Tritz on the list so we are safe from his software.
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bumping this because it was not on the first page of general, and clicking on the "2" is hard.can someone sticky this thread?or maybe I can just paste the list of captains into one of the many fcp-challenge related threads.

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OK here's the official up-to-date alt. list:theoneBC4JesusMKFiggerajs510fryer98goosebreeze81avsfan10. 0shizzmoneysoup Don GiovanniLongshanksScootterxlchGovernatorInferno Untilted checkymcfoldbigslick20. looshleSupertouch BrabzBluffs2005MaximaSaralynellecavemanalliekid35mcpickl30. leftygolfergobearsvvganeshavvrikyricardomarc-ojack24bauer24loxoBrian67AceJackoffSlollibasecomebsteveb23If you wish to be added please sign up in the original thread. That was the official signup thread for main pool so it's only fair to keep it that way for the alt list. Also it's hard to cross reference all these threads. So if you signed up in this thread or anyother thread then the original I probably don't have it.

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I'm the best player you never heard of....my posts are down because i spend too much time playing...i'm an action junkie. And CrocD99 is a donkey...his real name is Tina....TINA YOU FAT LARD COME GET YOUR DINNER!!! CROCD99 AND HOWMUCHISIT SAY: "FOLD QUEENS PREFLOP ON PARTY!!"

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I've got a question,Does the majority want this to be a live draft? or in private with no knowledge of which players were picked during which rounds?
We might not have a choice in the matter. It depends on how custom sets it up I guess. It will be live for the captains but I don't know if we can get it open to everyone unless we can disable the chat of observers. We'll just have to see
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I got no stats but I've got boobs. Does that get me anything?And I do pretty well in the NegO's occasionally (20th in overall standings as of last week). *disclaimer - the above statement in no way should be construed as a denial of my donkiness.

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I got no stats but I've got boobs. Does that get me anything?And I do pretty well in the NegO's occasionally (20th in overall standings as of last week). *disclaimer - the above statement in no way should be construed as a denial of my donkiness.
I'm sure you had them at boobs.
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